

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Lisa - Enjoy! :D<3<3

    Normal morning, 75 minutes exercise, and editing my book.

    Watching a decluttering video inspired me to put a bag of hair clips, hair decorations, in the donate box. I haven't worn them in 25 years! :o I also threw some old makeup in the trash.
    I took away the big silver balls from the bowl, but kept the lights and the twigs to brighten up January, like Tracey's vases. I like it.

    My word for this year is PEACE. In every aspect of life. Letting go of agitation. Simplifying. Loving the things and people I love. Small epiphanies. Joy.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    Today I bypassed the candy aisle, a win win for me. Bought a roast chicken instead. I did buy a dark chocolate bar though. Also bought cups of mandarin oranges. For some reason I get such a kick out of mixing pink grapefruit segments, and mandarin oranges. Its like sunshine for my taste buds. I put them in containers of four, so I get two weeks worth of citrus fun.😁 I can't have citrus fruits every day because it does a number on my mouth, but twice a week is fine.
    Finally made a dentist appointment for both husband and I, in February. I am embarrassed to admit that the last time I visited a dentist it was 2009. I do floss, and brush twice a day religiously, though that is no excuse. I do have some places in my gums that are sensitive, so hopefully they can put me out or numb me up when cleaning. I have zero pain tolerance.😳
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member

    Welcome new peeps
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 350 Member
    Well here I am again can't find my last post oh well did a lot of reading. Be back tomorrow.
  • monie_is_getting_fit
    monie_is_getting_fit Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 5
    evie1958 wrote: »
    I harvested a raspberry today!! lol the pen is to give a size reference. I only have a few canes and they put out a last flower burst in August so I’m pretty tickled that they did anything. Sadly lacking in flavour tho, they really need the heat for that, but it’s January in the northern hemisphere so I’ll take it!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    I would have thought all the wild animals would have eaten all the berries by now.

    Simone- Wisconsin

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    Pg 6
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,359 Member
    Barbara AHMOD-thanks for suggestions. I have looked at all of them. I grew up using cast iron. I hate to admit it but I now find it a bit heavy (how did that ever happen?). I ordered a tri ply clad set of stainless steel tonight. I considered ceramic like Michele recommended but in the end didn't want to pay price to ensure high quality of the coating (too much research on my part, no doubt). I believe I spent more time researching this purchase than I did my last car.

    Lisa-so glad you get a bonus visit with daughter!

    Tina-have they done an X-ray and or ct scan of foot? When I asked podiatrist about steroid shot for arthritis she said since my major pain area is top of foot they would not do shot for fear of hitting artery. That's when I moved to physical therapy. every tendon that runs into my foot is tight and that compounds the arthritis pain. I am glad physical therapist used dry needling. He has switch over to the electrical stimulation for now. I also got a massage before I got into pt-he worked on my left leg for 20 minutes and it did offer relief.

    For new ladies-I'm a 69 year old widow, still working full-time. This may actually be the year but I won't hold myself to anything. Two bio sons who are married with three children between them. Love their wives. Step son and his wife have three boys (one set of twins). Love my dil. It's not that I don't love the boys, but you worry about what a dil may be like and I am very fortunate with all three of them.

    Well, I was up early this morning so it is my bed time. Have physical therapy at 8 tomorrow and meeting with boss at 11. Will flex some time after that to stop by store (calling for snow and rain Saturday morning)-want to get stuff to make some sort of soup this weekend.

    Take care all.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Worked then filed a complaint with the NHTSB about my car. It’s been 3 months, to me that’s a reasonable amount of time for a fix to have been developed. I know that it can be fixed – just replace the ABS. But I also know that that’s expensive and Hyundai is probably looking for a cheaper fix.

    Simone – how wonderful your husband is on board with you!

    Been helping Vince bring in the Christmas decorations. The goal is to have things (except the arches, log cabin and the trees around it) inside at least the garage since it’s supposed to rain Sat. Doing pretty well on that front. Washed the last of the Christmas towels so now I have to repack the linens totes. After this I hope to be getting back to walking the neighborhood. But I know I’m getting my steps in taking in the decorations.

    Barbara – are your dogs chow hounds? I remember when we were training the service dog, whenever I took him on a walk I had treats (many times just pieces of kibble) in my pocket and would give him a bit when he walked beside me. I tried this “trick” with Jess’ dog because he was pulling and it really did work. The next time, tho, I forgot to take some kibble with me and when he realized he wasn’t getting any “treats”, he went back to pulling.

    For the new gals – KJ (Kelly) is also an awesome child care giver

    Tina – I really wish I could do zumba. But for one thing I’m uncoordinated. I tried it once, when they said “turn left” I’d turn right. I’m also worried about the impact. Now if I could find a water zumba class, that I’d do.

    Rebecca – woo hoo for passing that candy aisle

    Looks like I’ll need to go to the store for some moist cat food. Jess talked to Vince about coming here the 5th when she gets back from Idaho, but then she’d just have to bring Shadow back for her vet appt on the 17th. I know she misses Shadow but all that driving! Well, whatever she decides to do is fine with me.

    Ginny – I like my Corelleware because (I hate to say this) it’s light and hard to break. I got a set of stainless steel pots and pans when I got engaged (back when the dinosaurs roamed...lol) and I honestly prefer them to the ones you buy today mainly because they feel a bit lighter. I do want to get Jess at least started on a set of Corelleware.

    My mouth still feels sore from the root canal. Having soup for breakfast. It is getting better, tho. I’m expecting that it’ll be sore for the next few weeks. After all, he was rooting (pun intended) around in there

    Off to take a shower. Jess said she would come here tomorrow so for now this is the last time I’ll sleep with Shadow. That is, until the 15th when she wants to meet us ½ way to get Shadow so that we can take her to the vet on the 17th.

    Finished the scarf for the gal at work. The price will be a donation to any soup kitchen. Really, I don't do it to make a profit.

    Soup kitchen tomorrow

    Michele NC
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member

    I would have thought all the wild animals would have eaten all the berries by now.

    Simone- Wisconsin

    It’s a really small area, and it was only the one berry that was still there. We have a neighbour a few houses down who has several bird feeders so the squirrels tend to hang out at her place.

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    I harvested a raspberry today!! lol the pen is to give a size reference. I only have a few canes and they put out a last flower burst in August so I’m pretty tickled that they did anything. Sadly lacking in flavour tho, they really need the heat for that, but it’s January in the northern hemisphere so I’ll take it!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    Our raspberries did that for the first 2 or 3 years. This year is the first time we've actually had something like a harvest!!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    I harvested a raspberry today!! lol the pen is to give a size reference. I only have a few canes and they put out a last flower burst in August so I’m pretty tickled that they did anything. Sadly lacking in flavour tho, they really need the heat for that, but it’s January in the northern hemisphere so I’ll take it!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    If your raspberries do like mine, you will have a ton in just a few years. I started with a total of four plants. I know have a solid row that is about 20 ft long. They are taking over part of the front yard.
    The flavor will be better in the summer- more sun makes them sweeter(and extra water/rain makes them not as sweet.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Pip and Kirby: Healing energy zooming your way.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member