

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited January 16
    Machka - I don’t know how I would handle it if I couldn’t be creative. It sure keeps me occupied and engaged. I have never not done something and if I am between projects I tend to get a. It “lost” maybe that’s why I’m a little cranky right now.

    My cousin is decluttering her kitchen this week. It’s funny how everyone seems to be on the same tasks.
    I’ve never been able to handle stuff all over my fridge. My grandmother put cork on the inside of a couple of cabinet doors for her stuff like that. The side of my fridge here, I have hooks for my potholders and a couple magnets on the kitchen side, on the hallway side I have hooks for keys and hoodies. The front is still clear though. Lol

    Our fridge is inset between the pantry and another awkward corner of the kitchen. So we can barely see the sides of the fridge. We do have slower cabinet doors, but no uppers.

    The kitchen is not particularly well designed - too many awkward corners and wasted space. Actually, if this were our place, I'd change several things around the whole house. However, since it isn't mine, I work with what I've got. :neutral:

    But I would like to remove about half of what's on the fridge. As mentioned, much of what's on the fridge is emergency information because of my husband's brain injury ... numbers to call, medication lists, allergy lists, seizure tips, reminders, etc.

    I'm not sure the fridge is the best place for all that sort of thing, but if I remove it, I'm not sure where else I would put it.

    Lisa - I think Rodger would die of shock if I actually tried to send him with a list to any store. This sounds like a complaint and it’s not really, but I do everything here when it comes to managing the house. When we were first married we did things together. When he drove truck I had to do it alone. Then we moved out here and started doing things together again, then he took a couple of out of town jobs and I started doing it alone again. It just never went back until this past summer we did go to Costco together a few times, he would buy things only he would eat and I would throw a bunch of stuff out.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    My ex husband used to do the grocery shopping, but he had an odd sense of what I might want. We had quite a tight budget when we were together, so I'd send him off with a list, and then sometimes, if I figured there would be an extra few dollars, I would suggest an optional item or two. I remember one time, I suggested a jar of marmalade (one of my favourite jams which I rarely got in those days) ... and he came home with liver instead of the marmalade!!!!

    My husband and I used to go grocery shopping together all the time ... until his accident. Now we order groceries and have them delivered.

    However, my husband goes out to the local shop (about 400 metres away) to get an item or two now and then. That was actually something his Occupational Therapist and first carer did with him quite a bit in the beginning as a part of learning to be more independent. If something happened to me, it's good for him to know how to handle a shopping experience.

    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Refrigerators - I can’t do clutter on my refrigerator or things under the beds. Both of these cause me great anxiety. At some point in my life I may have to live in a space so small that I will have to utilize under the bed storage, but I will not like it. Consider it my weird quirk. I do, on the other hand, have a command center with a bulletin board, and it can get cluttered similarly to some folks’ refrigerator with things like appointment cards and post it notes.

    We use the limited space under our beds for bedding.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    3:49 and I can no longer sleep. I am pre-occupied with the decluttering and need to relax. I need to build in time for knitting and audio books. I can't just motor through this. It will take a year anyway. As they say, it is like an onion that needs to be peeled away.

    The handy man called and wants to come this afternoon. I want him to put together a tv stand and mount the tv on the stand. And he said he would bring wood to measure my bed to make better fitting bed boards. I also have a rug I would like to lay out. And the hooks to the Christmas wreaths are still on the windows. I got the wreaths down. I am not sure we can complete all this. He might have to come back.

    I am pretty excited but tense about all this activity. It would be so easy just to knit and binge watch Murder in the Building and listen to an audio book.

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    Pace yourself. :)
    Some days you'll want to get into changing things ... other days you'll want to knit. :)

    I just had 2 handy men leave. This was my first time working with them and they were excellent. I had purchased 2 inexpensive rugs off of Wayfair and a new tv stand off of Amazon. They helped put new bed supports on my bed frame and lay the rugs and finished putting together the tv stand. So 3 rooms have a different look and feel to them now. Having this done, decluttering and getting a new vehicle have me feeling a little anxious. I think I was set in my ways and not use to so much change. I think I will pause a little now and rest. My budget says it is time to rest!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    Well done!! It's good to find people to help with all those things.

    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) We had a great anniversary. We ventured out carefully to pick up our groceries and then stayed home by the fire. Instead of going out to pick up a festive meal from a restaurant, I fixed one of our favorite lunches (chicken Alfredo with cascatelli pasta) and Ben and Jerry ice cream for dessert. I had a beautiful walk before sunrise this morning. No cars, no people, and favorite music to listen to.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Happy Anniversary!

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited January 16
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Returned to work today.
    1st day of work in 24 days.
    Brain shut down at 4 pm. All of a sudden my 3 computer screens contained meaningless scribbles.
    I packed up and headed home.
    Napping on sofa at home at 5:30 pm.
    I was only going to nap for about 20-25 minutes but ended up asleep for an hour.
    Going to bed early to give tomorrow another go.

    I might work from home starting partway through the day tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

    Machka in Oz

    2nd day of work.
    Brain shut down shortly after 3 pm and I felt so tired!
    I packed everything up and headed home.
    Shortly after 4 pm, I was napping on the sofa.
    I was only going to nap for about 30 minutes but ended up asleep for 1.5 hours.

    I'm working from home the next couple days.

    Meanwhile, I figured out (using Plant Snap) what one of the most popular (with the bees) groups of plants in my garden are! It's the oregano I planted!! I've never seen oregano grow before.

    Interesting article:
    Bees love oregano and marjoram (Oreganums), this group of fragrant herbs are irresistible for bees.

    Machka in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited January 16
    We have several inches of snow, but it is already thawing. It passed over in the night. It’s actually sleeting at the minute. I’m planning a day indoors. Having a lie in. DH is talking about going to badminton. I may do some gentle decluttering. I cleared out my dining room on Sunday morning. And decluttered my desk. Also I’ve got to collect tax stuff together to pass to my daughter for checking (she’s a chartered accountant) I don’t have to file a return as everything is deducted at source.

    Annie: Glad things went well and sister is helping with paperwork.
    Maergaret: Thinking of you and you negotiate the formalities. It’s good that you have son to support you.
    Barbie: Happy Anniversary
    Vicki: Hope you get useful readings.
    Machka: I know how you feel. It took ages for my energy levels to recover after I had Covid.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited January 16
    We had to Zoom the kids one at a time in strict rota during covid. Even then it was pretty chaotic, but MUCH better. Of course, one or other of them was always interrupting!

    Waiting for Bea to arrive. I've cooked her farfalle, as it takes ages. I just heat it up with the pesto. I descaled the kettle and boiled the gas rings in soda while I was waiting. They look much better, but not pristine. The hob is probably 2004.

    The next door neighbour just called and apologised for the deluge from her broken downpipe yesterday. She has tied some sticky tape around it and is waiting for a call back from a company. The guy who did it before hasn't come back. He did our roof gutter and I had him marked down as a shyster. John is too trusting. Hopefully, a proper repair will be done soon. She is a sweet woman, but a bit fey.

    Love to all. Love from Heather UK xxxxxxxx waiting for the tornado to arrive. :p
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    edited January 16
    Poor little guy is out of surgery..all went well..
    Got him a magnadoodle as a get well gift ..will go see him tomorrow.
    On his way home with a new stuffy but first falafels...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member
    Poor little guy is out of surgery..all went well..
    Got him a magnadoodle as a get well gift ..will go see him tomorrow.
    On his way home with a new stuffy but first falafels...

    What was the surgery for? Poor little guy.
