Labor Day Shredders!



  • Feeling down... I need a pick me up... I didn't shred yesterday, I just felt I needed a break... I know how important it is to get back on today or it might be too late... I have to do Level 3 day 1 tonight... I will do it!!

    Any words of encouragement would be appreciated!

  • OKAY I did it... Level 3 Day 1 done... I think I made it over the hurdle... no stopping me now... 9 more days... :)

  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Erica I hope you are feeling better today! Done with day 3. I'm starting to get carpet burn on my elbows, looks like I need to start using a mat lol!

    Thanks! I wouldn't say I'm feeling better but I'm more used to my symptoms. I was able to do the shred twice yest so now I'm caught up. I also did zumba and boy my body is aching today! I am also getting rug burn on my fore arms/elbow I don't have a mat lol Too broke to buy one.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    the rug burn is normal! lol i also have it on my knuckles from the plank row leg lift things from being on my weights knuckles on the carpet. lol Small price to pay. Erica, so glad you got caught up. We need to finish strong, together, and on time!!! Who else is all caught up and on schedule with erica and I?? Tomorrow is the half way weigh in!!!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Day 4 done! I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one with rug burn :) I'm also so thankful for you ladies, your support has kept me from giving up!
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    So is it bug, Kristyn, and I left? Is Stefa still around? My MIL is visiting for 3 weeks so it's hard to scramble to find time but I'm going to do it. I've been doing some of the moved modified so I guess that's why I don't have knuckle burn yet. Working up my strength.
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Sorry for not updating on this post guys. I HAVE been doing it, just haven't been posting here. I hardly ever get on my computer anymore, just log in from my phone app and it's a pain in the butt to post in the forums on the phone. I have had to double up a few days but I am all caught up. I really enjoyed level 2 and the first day of level 3 kicked my butt. But now I am enjoying it! My weight is just going down soooo slowly and I'm barely losing inches, so I'm a little annoyed. But I'm nursing so I don't want to lower my calories or mess with that. Nursing is most important to me right now. I have lost quite a few inches on my butt! Which is nice because I have a big butt. I can do most things without modifying them, but some things I still do modify or else I will start out doing them the right way and then modify them halfway through. This is fun though, I've really enjoyed the challenge because it has kept me motivated to continue and not just give up. I don't know what I'm gonna do when this challenge is over though!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Forgot to login last night after my workout but rest assured i did do it!!
    and I just finished Lvl3D4, hopefull I will complete Day 5 tonight and be caught up from my Sunday skip day, and then I will weigh-in tomorrow morning and post!
    HOPE everyone is doing good!!
    Have a great day!!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry for not updating on this post guys. I HAVE been doing it, just haven't been posting here. I hardly ever get on my computer anymore, just log in from my phone app and it's a pain in the butt to post in the forums on the phone. I have had to double up a few days but I am all caught up. I really enjoyed level 2 and the first day of level 3 kicked my butt. But now I am enjoying it! My weight is just going down soooo slowly and I'm barely losing inches, so I'm a little annoyed. But I'm nursing so I don't want to lower my calories or mess with that. Nursing is most important to me right now. I have lost quite a few inches on my butt! Which is nice because I have a big butt. I can do most things without modifying them, but some things I still do modify or else I will start out doing them the right way and then modify them halfway through. This is fun though, I've really enjoyed the challenge because it has kept me motivated to continue and not just give up. I don't know what I'm gonna do when this challenge is over though!

    GREAT JOB-- and I agree!! What are we going to do once this challenge is over?? I don't want to stop so I think we should all come-up with a new challenge.
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    So is it bug, Kristyn, and I left? Is Stefa still around? My MIL is visiting for 3 weeks so it's hard to scramble to find time but I'm going to do it. I've been doing some of the moved modified so I guess that's why I don't have knuckle burn yet. Working up my strength.

    HEY--dont count me out yet--
    I am still here!! I have been really good too with the exception of 1 day, which as you can see by my post I am planning on making up today & weighing in tomorrow!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Height- 5'5
    Start Weight- 149.1
    9/9 Weight-147.5
    L2 9/15 Weight- 145.9
    9/19 Weight- 146.9
    L3 9/25 Weight-145.8
    9/28 Weight- 143.6
    10/5 End Weight-

    Level 3 half way weight in today! Shocked the heck out of me!!!! My son slept really good last night so my boobs are really full this morning, and lots of sodium yesterday and blah just woke up feeeling fat! Needless to say i weighed myself 3x to be sure this was right! Im so happy, my prepreg weight is 142 and with my first son i help on to ten lbs until my milk dried. If the same thing happend adn when i stop nursing i lose close to ten lbs again Ill be in the low 130s! Somewhere i havent been since 8th grade-freshman year!!! OMG! so happy cant wait to see everyones numbers! Also I think the only people who are still on track with me to finish are Erica, Bug, lifeisahighway and Stef. If I missed any of you I am sorry please let us know so we can all finish strong together. Last 5 days ladies!!!!!!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Just checking in! Will shred tonight! Sorry I haven't had a lot of time to surf around on mfp! MIL is in town for 3 weeks.
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Weigh in today was 171.8, up from the last weigh in by over a pound. Uggg. Good news is that I finished day 5 tonight. I really gave it my all tonight so I'm feeling good about that!

  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    There....ALL Caught up!! LV3D5 completed! Wheww that was tough!!
    I think I bruised my knee b/c it really hurts. Anyway, I will weigh-in in the morning. Good night all!!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Back-up to 141, boy is this discouraging?? I certainly hope my measurements tell a different tale!!
  • Level 3, Day 3 completed last night... on to Level 4 tonight... I am behind by a day I think..... good luck over the weekend everyone!

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    1 day behind isnt too bad Janet! Good job sticking with it! The weekends are always hard ladies, but lets get the shred done early so we can enjoy our weekend!! Cant believe wednesday is our final weigh in and tuesday is our last shred!!! eeek! yay! Stef dont let it get you down! I am sure you have lost inchs, and Ill be up for days then out of the blue, like yesteray, drop 2lbs!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Day 6 done, yay! Four days left ladies!!!
  • Day 4 done last night... Busy weekend coming up... I need inspiration to keep on track... I am already a day behind.. don't want to get more behind and I don't like doing it twice in one day... :(... Its hard..

    Day 5 tonight!

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Well ladies, today is day 7! Dont let the weekend throw you off. This is our final weekend, the final push and come Monday we will be on Day 9! Final weigh in and measurements on Wednesday!!! Make sure on tuesday you drink as much water as possible to flush out all the sodium. Dont want water weight throwing off our results! :drinker: Hope you all have a great weekend! :tongue: