
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Nighty night folks
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Was it Barbie who introduced me to James Clear? Thank you! From this week’s message {about smart people finding reasons not to do X) “…But there will always be reasons to not do something, and this is particularly true of anything worth doing. We value those moments in which we overcame challenge, not those in which we avoided it. Ultimately, action is a choice. The choice to emphasize the reasons for doing it despite the reasons you have for avoiding it.” Needed to see this.
    Lisa Joe has suggested Moosey as an alternative, I’ve caught myself calling him Moochie (and sometimes in my mind accidentally “Gino.” Suspect that’s part of the healing he’s bringing.) “Here’s to joy!” Indeed! Those bags are incredible. My spatially challelnged brain can not even figure out how to sew ticking into a new pillow shape.
    Tracey Rejoicing at the details of the offer. So very well deserved. Well done!!! And WOW what good work on that treasured table. Bet all that sanding was a good upper body workout too! Thank you for sharing some of the table’s tales. Wow for the appendix story. Keep ‘em coming!
    Annie ((hugs)) Consulting with your sister about the car and how to deal with your dad, sounds like a good idea. ((hugs)) :love: your “no police, no hospital so its not a bad day, just a challenge.” Brava!
    Machka :love: the Coast-to-coast story, especially your “enforced” relaxation. Well done! So glad you’re considering other trips. Do it while you can!
    Lanette some of the hawkbits have gone to seed, then others pop up. Most of the dandelions are done. Evergreen blueberries are abundant despite ravages by the quail. Scarce salal berries but that’s ok, Tumble and Shadow are the only ones who like them ;). Any chance those young muscular guys would split those logs for you? The logs our power company guys left were too heavy for me to move so there they sit…
    Beth I’ve always wanted to take the train across Canada, especially the Canadian Rockies. Every time I see you post I hope a space has opened up for your mom. Here’s our new pack. Looks like I intended to post it earlier but then forgot ;}2f63jnh97jfo.jpeg
    Left to right, Tumble 9 yo Skye Terrier, Moosey 6 yo Doodle, Shadow 5 yo GSD/whatever big black dog you like best, maybe flatcoat.
    Rosemarie so sorry to hear Covid got you. ((hugs))
    Debbie :heartbreak::sad: Staying far from your MIL is a good idea, wish your DH could too. Good luck at the show.
    Belated welcome @mmfromkc MM from the Midwest!
    Michele TransSiberian railway is not one I’d want to risk ;}
    Vicki ((hugs)) Could stress be a factor? Hope the treatment is swift and successful.
    Rita your daily food pics are inspiring, and making me hungry!!!
    Heather the ice cream experiments made me laugh out loud. :love: the pic, Sue and Johnny’s smiles, what a resemblance. Sorry the Royal Highlander from London to Inverness is no more :sad: That overnight trip was one of the highlights of my UK trip in the seventies.
    Pip “No” hug? Oooh you are soooo strict! ;}
    Betsy welcome home!
    Rori does that mean you might be meeting up with Machka? You go, gal!
    Kay I saw the post but haven’t read the Thursday Murder club books yet. Pierce Brosnan? Now THAT’s motivating… ;)

    Today’s: Tumble joined in Shadow’s and Moosey’s game of chase. At first she was aggressive, but as they ran around, her expression shifted from irritation to enjoyment. Moosey is going to be good exercise for her ;)
    Yesterday’s: went out on the deck this misty moisty morning and spotted the first (!) tomato blossoms in the hanging basket. At this rate we might have cherry tomatoes by Hallowe’en. :laugh: Also grateful for our working oven, sorry Michele ;} Now to google If ”loose knobs” are a known issue and if so how to fix. [sigh]
    At home
    First evening, Moose seemed a little agitated so I let him out into the yard where he peed for a very, very long time. Couldn’t see the stream, sure hope no trouble with his plumbing. After a peaceful night, and first attempt at tummy time/stay, leashed Moose up and joined Joe, Tumble and Shadow on the stroll to the powerline meadow. Joe was amazed that they all lay down and “stayed” together (well almost). Pic here.
    When I left for BB&B and line dancing, Joe said Moose didn’t like that I left, went to door and window and door again looking worried. He sure didn’t need any training to join the pack for “Welcome home, Mama!” cookies. He sat right down when asked and waited his turn.
    Bought a slicker brush and brushed his head, he tolerated it well. Next are the ears, then legs, then belly, then body, then start all over again! Made appointments for grooming (shearing, trim, bath) and first well pet exam. Shadow has settled down completely and Tumble only gives a warning growl when Moosie tries to get between her and where she wants to be.
    Yes, “Moosey.” Joe really didn’t like the name, said it was like calling a dog “Cat”, but suggested “Moosey” as an acceptable alternative. Fine with me. We haven’t let him off leash on the property except for brief “WAIT” and “STAY” practices at the powerline meadow. He loves to walk on leash. Soon as he sees it, he sits so I can hook it to his collar, wriggling his whole body in excitement. Yet, he doesn’t pull at all, truly a dream to walk. W really did well with him. Moosey is a bed dog. Shadow is too, sometimes, so we’ll be plenty warm this winter. Tumble prefers the cool floor.
    Joe likes Moosey’s bark, his full uncropped tail, his engagement, his alertness, how he watches everything, how he “poses” with one paw up, thinks he’s a good watchdog, calls him “good puppy” all the time.
    I think Joe’s besotted. Me2.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

    I did end up hugging him (of course)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,820 Member
    Up bright and early this morning. The thunderstorms last night did little to dissipate the heat lol 😅 and there’s not a breath of wind. Upper 20sC is tame compared to what some of you are reporting, so I’m grateful for that!

    Barbara: 🥰 James Clear. The weekly newsletter is a great motivator.

    Kay: Pleased to know that your brother is recovering.

    Lisa: You’re like the energizer bunny 😂 It sure kicked my **** into gear on my crochet.

    Vicki; Rita: Healing energy winging over the ocean to you both.

    Betsy: Welcome back. It’s good that you had a good time.

    Annie: I have to regularly take my car for a drive to keep the battery sweet. I mostly do short town runs, so a nice little scenic jaunt is a welcome change.

    Heather: Pleased that your outing worked out. Positive vibes for a healthy wound. Are you allowed to shower yet?

    Planning to get working on my crochet. I have the pieces all,laid out on the dining room table, and am working through sewing it together. I had to adapt it a little as it was going to be too long.

    Virtual (((hugs))) held extra long and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited August 12
    Machka what a fabulous trip! So glad you are able to travel with your DH.

    Annie in Delaware

    He did really well ... I was impressed. There was only one meltdown just before our flight back to Hobart from Sydney.

    We make use of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program which helps. For the most part transportation staff were really good.

    What is the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower?
    The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for you to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand, understanding, or more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.

    kevrit wrote: »
    @Makcha I loved your website and the train trip! I used to have one too, but didn’t want the expense any more so took it down.

    RVRita in Roswell

    I've had mine for 20 years but changed providers a few years ago and then switched to using WordPress. It needs a lot of work which I will get to ... one day.

    Machka - What is your commute like now, I hope a lot less for you.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    My previous commute was 35-45 minutes on the bus one way. They way in wasn't too bad, but I was finding the return trip more and more difficult because I was always nauseated for some reason, and about 90% of the time, it was so hot on board that I would arrive home dehydrated and exhausted. They told me that they kept it at 22°C, which is too hot for me but I would have tolerated that, however, when I brought a thermometer on board, it frequently showed between 25° and 30°C. That meant I had no energy to exercise, or do much of anything, in the evenings.

    My current commute is about a 15-20 minute drive (depending on traffic), a 5 minute walk, and a 10 minute bus ride one way now. So it's not a lot less time than the previous commute but so far, it's more comfortable. No nausea. No sweltering heat.

    Plus, the commute method I've chosen now is one option of several and I may explore some other options over the months.

    Machka - what is considered mid-August? It’s close here.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    August 16th.
    Which, given what we have left to do, feels like minutes away.

    Machka - Always good to see you posting again. You're part of our even keel here, dear heart, and a voice I always look for.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Thank you, Lisa :blush:

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Machka: I am so inspired by that railroad journey. Would you recommend it for a single female traveller?

    Colorado Foothills
    and already missing the Olympic games

    There were two single female travellers in our section of the train, so yes! The Indian-Pacific had Gold Twin and Gold Single option.

    There were lots of couples, but there were a few families and singles as well. When I say "families", there is a minimum age limit. I think kids had to be at least 16 or 18 ... no young children.

    Each person could choose whether or not to go on the excursions and in a couple places we could choose which excursion we wanted. For a single person, that would be a great way to see things ... going with a somewhat familiar group and having a tour guide making sure that everyone is back on board the excursion buses.

    Machka in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,530 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member