
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Happy Anniversary!🎉🎊🤗🎶🎵
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Kim what a snafu! Hope the lawyer can push effectively.

    Rebecca and Beth Yay for new fasting projects!

    Carol sorry about your knee pain.

    Lanette Yay for finding the necklace! I hate the way sneakers change models and leave us guessing. They ought to at least provide a replacement recommendation on the website.

    Beth Yay for moving your Mom! So glad you have found good care.

    Machka happy anniversary! And great job losing 1 kg!

    Heather Yay for family meals! I was raised to eat that way.

    Teddy had a good vet visit. I'm much relieved. His heart murmur is stable at grade three of six. They said he needs a canine cardiologist workup only if we are doing anesthesia for his teeth, so I said we are skipping all that. Too hard on his poor little heart. He chews the dental greenies. I might try a dental rinse again but last time it just sat on the counter.

    My sitter did come, bless her heart, and so all was well. And we went out to dinner with my buddy, and I left food on my plate! Yay me! I did change my clothes in a rush and ended up in comfortable leggings instead of something more formal, but no one seemed to care.

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

    Thanks friend! It is quite a project! Last night I was glad to not have heartburn and take my nightly Tums, but my stomach was achy all night. I just kept thinking, "feeling hungry isn't an emergency, this will pass".
    Glad your Teddy had a good vet visit.🤗. Going out to dinner is always fun in my book! Good job leaving a tad, I did the same with my huge taco salad (in a serving bowl which annoys the snot out of husband). What else should I use to toss everything nicely? Then get ANOTHER bowl to serve my own self? That's crazy thoughts there!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I chatted with the security guard while they were being helped, She was saying how good a son he is to be so patient- I told her a few of her mean comments to him lately(not wanting him, wrong son died when his brother died)-this wonderful lady, a total stranger, had tears running down her cheeks. She could not imagine a mother being so mean and hateful but he still was there to help her.

    Has she said those things recently? Or was that quite a number of years ago.

    (((Kim))) ... I really hope you can get things sorted.

    Machka in Oz

    the part about the brother happened 10 yrs ago, the day after he died, the part about never wanting him, she said that last week but his dad told him that is how she felt back when he was 14yrs old.
    She tells everyone she has no one, no one to help her. Just her and her little dog- with dh sitting right there next to her.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    edited August 24
    (((Betth))) I am so glad you found a much better place for your mom. Sigh of relief!

    Talked to a friend today and she reminded me that if I want to add more beans to my diet to do it slowly. Start with a tablespoon. Add a little bet more each day. It is a good way to add any new food or food that gives you problems. Eliminate for a while then add back in slowly especially if there was an underlying issue that prevented enjoying food in the first place. She also gave me the idea to make Chia pudding from the little left over milk I have from making yogurt the last time. I can add fruit and no sugar. If I make pudding the recipe I have calls for added sugar.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited August 24
    I chatted to G for a while this morning, but kept being interrupted by yelps, as her back was twingeing. :p

    This afternoon, I phoned L at a prearranged time, and we chatted for over an hour. The power breakdown, while she was on holiday, and the mouldy fridge/freezer has been a bit of a nightmare, but she thinks the mouldy smell is beginning to retreat. She has every kind of odour absorbing stuff in there, including cut up lemons. :o

    For dinner I used up most of the leftover chicken, in a lentil curry, with fresh spinach. I did a raita. The last of the chicken will go in a lunchtime ciabatta tomorrow. Dinner will be mushroom risotto.

    I don't know if any of you have read the Robert Harris books. I am currently reading An Officer and a Spy, about the Dreyfus affair. It was 99p on Kindle. :p His best was Pompeii. What I really admire about him is the pageturnability of his novels. I would love to understand how he does it! A rare gift.

    It's a Bank Holiday weekend here. Luckily, the family are leaving for the airport tomorrow at 4 a m , so they should miss the traffic. Stansted Airport is North of London, so a longish drive. I don't envy them, getting up at 2.45.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Beth - I was just thinking we hadn't heard from you in a while and maybe you were busy getting your mom moved and settled in. :p Hooray! Sounds like a very nice place, what a relief for everyone that she'll be better cared for.

    Rosemarie - great to read you have a lot of happy things going on in your life. I've been meaning to ask you, did you pick up any good tips at the yoga retreat? I also noticed the wide leg pants coming back in. Not for me either. Seems jeans are worn to nearly all functions these days whereas when we were kids, our moms and grandmothers wore dresses. Times change.

    Kylia - hope your DH is in a better mood today and hope the banquet this evening goes smoothly!

    Pip - you look fabulous in those dresses, what a supermodel! <3 All of your hard work through the years has really paid off.

    - Happy anniversary! <3

    Carol - I'm with you on old lady jeans. I realize I don't wear them out like I used to since I quit working, plus I spend more time in sweats. So getting something comfortable wins out over stylish. ;) Happy Anniversary!

    Annie - glad Teddy had a good vet visit and the sitter worked out well. Happy to see your worry lessened a bit. I was raised every meal was at the table, TV off. I tried hard to implement that after I was married, my DH would go for it a few times then carry his food into the living room and eat from the coffee table in front of the TV. Stains on the rug to prove it. :p

    Your comment about shoe recommendations are exactly why I prefer buying shoes in a store, with a well - educated employee for guidance. Customer service yesterday was lacking. Two employees, both ignored me as I wandered around for 5 minutes then finally asked one for help. He must have been brand new, he finally got the older gal to help who was working in the back room. Every other time I'd been in the store, I had someone at my side from the minute I walked in the door. :(

    Heather - loved hearing about that family meal. Nice to get everyone together like that, it had been a while for you. A milestone and testament to your healing. ;)

    I wonder if we'll hear from Barbara this weekend? KJ? Hope everyone is doing well.

    Lisa - always exciting to look at land and plan and dream of building the perfect house. Looking back, some of the best times DH and I had together were doing just that. We bought the land but didn't make it any farther due to his illness. So now, it's an investment the tax man likes to remind me of every February. :s

    Have a great weekend! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Thank you for the sweet compliment
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    DrKatieBug ... I won't say that my mom's place is perfect ...but it's the best I will find in my area for long-term care! I am feeling blessed that she is there.

    Margaret ... I have a recipe for Chia Jam. It calls for 2 Tablespoons of sugar which I usually leave out as berries have enough sweetness on their own. It may be a great addition to your greek yogurt. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/mixed_berry_chia_seed_jam/

    Lanette ... I used to be a New Balance girl, but switched to Asics when I couldn't find my regular shoe. Just an option. And the thicker soles made a huge difference on the impact to my knees. I'm ready for a new pair of shoes and will be looking at that feature regardless of what brand I buy.


  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Debbie: I am trying Pilates now. It was always on my bucket list. I will do the machines until Christmas then do a home program.

    Rosemarie from GA

    No machines where we will have class- it is just an empty gym(like high school gym with a stage in front). Will try it for a month. If I like it, I will keep going, if not, that is ok, I tried. Not sure I want to keep going to class every other day either. It is hard sometimes pushing myself to go twice a week.
    Before, with the first teacher, She did an "abs workout" class for half hour after we did our hour of zumba- That would be ok because I would already be there. I am sure she won't want to do that- It is already a bit late/dark when we get out from our regular class during the winter. (not well lit parking lot and not the best part of town)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,530 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Carol in GA