
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Sunday!

    DH "behaved" if you will yesterday. I was so busy at work that I rarely spike to him-lol! The banquet went well other than the food! Let's just say there was pork in the salad, pork was the meat, pork in the green beans. I ate mashed potatos, corn, pasta salad, a piece of apple pie, and a piece of cherry pie (fillings only as I rarely eat crusts) Not a good eating day at all! I did manage to win 2 guns and was high bidder on a large Terry Redlin picture-$200! That is the cheapest I have ever gotten one of his paintings! I wanted one at last banquet and my last bid was $900! All I can say is the guy who bought everything I wanted at that one paid top dollar!

    DH's hearing aids cleaned and changed, cpap machines both cleaned and changed, laundry going
    Heading to car show....I think.

    Annie Well done on making necessary changes for your health! Glad vet appointment went well for Teddy.

    Tracey I would expect you are tired after being back at work! I hope you enjoy some rest this weekend.

    TV and eating.....my DH turns on TVs the moment he wakes up or walks in a room. There is a TV at our breakfast counter where we eat most of our meals. I rarely turn a TV on. Don't need the extra noise.

    Better get some clothes on....I have both skinny and wide leg jeans. Depends on what shoes or shirt I want to wear.

    May your day be filled with good decisions and warm memories!

    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio heading to car show at Jungle Jim's
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    I have been getting little boils in various parts of my body over the last year. I haven’t had one for a month or so but another one is coming now. I have read that there are a couple of reasons for it. One is an underlying infection and the other is a compromised immune system. I should have looked this up and made a doctor’s appointment before I started my job. I guess I need to try to get my immune system built up. I need to start eating better anyway so this will help.

    Well I’m off to bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    I get those when I'm super stressed.

    As you know, the last 6 or so years has been very stressful.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    I really needed this weekend.

    Last week was a 5-day in the office week which I don't do very often anymore. That's my second one in the last month, but the 5-day week in the office before that was in November or December. I find going to the office for 5 days to be tiring ... mainly because of the commuting time and having to be "on" every day.

    So we didn't do much this weekend. We got out briefly yesterday to pick up a few small things, and then again today to go to our storage unit. Today, we decided to stop for coffee and a snack at one of our favourite places ... we had chocolate espresso and hazelnut nut pie which was very nice! Happy Anniversary to Us!

    Thank you all for the Anniversary wishes. :)

    Otherwise we unpacked, did laundry, changed the sheets, did a bit of cleaning, slept, read, watched TV, listened to music, and I even started colouring again!

    We've got bamboo sheets on our beds now. They do warm up where I'm sleeping but I can move my leg or arm or head and they're really nice and cool! It's lovely!

    Machka in Oz

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    edited August 25
    I have some old fashioned oats and want to make overnight oats. The recipe I found called for chia seeds, but oddly enough, my favorite grocery store did not have any. Any of you that make overnight oats, what/how do you make them? Are chia seeds necessary for the recipe? I never tried this and want to give it a go.

    Dinner yesterday: not very healthy but good! I love corn on the cob and what is shown is 1/3 of a cob (I ended up eating the whole cob!) The potato salad was made with sour cream, no mayo. My DH hasn’t been in the mood to cook this past week, so easy meals: canned beans, pre-cooked ham, and potato salad which is about the only thing he did cook. Said he put a ‘whole mess’ of veggies in it: carrots, celery, onion, cucumbers, radishes and I’m not sure what else he put in it!


    Another day in the pay booth. It was pretty busy yesterday, but I did manage to do yoga and a 15 minute walk in place video, along with practicing my Spanish and reading this week’s class on “self-talk” in spoiler.
    Session 12: Self-Talk
    This week we are focusing on self-talk. Maybe the voice in your head told you it was too hard to become healthy or not worth the effort? Your inner voice, or the dialog that goes on in your head, is an incredibly powerful force that has a big impact on your ability to reach your health and wellness goals. In this session, you will learn about both negative and positive self- talk. The goal of the session is to learn how to catch and rephrase negative self-talk to position yourself for success.
    Every day, as you go about your life, you have an inner voice inside your head. Your inner voice is constant, even though you may not realize it. Even though these

    thoughts are in the background of your mind, they can still greatly affect how you feel about yourself.
    Negative Self- Talk
    Negative self-talk is the inner voice that causes you to compare yourself to others and critique yourself. Even though these thoughts may not be true, they can still be powerful. Negative self-talk is when you:
    ➢ Compare yourself to others
    ➢ Want to give up
    ➢ Have black & white thinking that leads you to believe that things are either good or bad
    ➢ Make excuses
    ➢ Say you “should” have done something differently
    Negative self-talk is not uplifting and can leave you feeling down and defeated.
    ❖ See Handout: Examples of Negative Self-Talk Positive Self-Talk
    Positive self-talk is the inner voice that builds you up. Positive self-talk is:

    ➢ Affirming to you and others
    ➢ Encourages your best effort
    ➢ Understanding
    ➢ Owning your actions
    ➢ Not shaming
    Positive self-talk is uplifting and motivates action.
    ❖ See Handout: Examples of Positive Self-Talk
    In order for you to practice more positive self-talk, it may be helpful if you talk to yourself as you would a friend. Most likely, if a friend were in your situation, you would give them positive feedback about their progress. For example, if a friend felt bad because they ordered French fries instead of a salad, what would you say to them? If you did that, what would you say to yourself?
    ❖ See Handout: What Would You Say Worksheet
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Completing the What Would You Say Worksheet (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    How Does Self-Talk Develop?
    Think about the span of your life, and imagine just how many messages you have received from family, friends, co-workers, and the media. Self-talk develops from all of the messages you have been exposed to.

    For example, negative self-talk can stem from your spouse putting you down every time he/she sees you eating a cookie. Negative self-talk could also develop from comparing yourself to models in magazines.
    On the other hand, positive self-talk can blossom from these same sources. For example, positive self-talk can develop when a friend consistently points out your strengths. It can also stem from compliments as others notice the positive changes you are making.
    Effects of Self-Talk
    Self-talk can help or hinder your progress. If you are constantly telling yourself that you are a failure, you will start to believe it. Not only will this cause you to give up on your goals, but also it can greatly affect your emotional and physical health.
    Your internal voice plays a major role in determining the success you will have. Fuel your brain with the message that you can do it!
    Take Control of Your Thoughts
    The key to taking control of your health is to take control of your thoughts.
    If you have noticed that you are engaging in negative self-talk, stop and ask yourself why. Is it because of something your co-worker said to you? Maybe you

    watched a movie and started to compare yourself to one of the actors. Do not let the sources of the negative self-talk have power over you. You are the only person who should have control over your thoughts. Get the power back!
    Rephrasing Negative Self-Talk
    Overtime, negative self-talk can become a habit if you let it. Just like any other negative habit, breaking it takes time and effort, but it is worth it!
    The next time you have a negative thought about yourself or the situation, try this simple three step process:
    1. Stop the thought in its track
    ▪ Try interrupting the thought by telling yourself “Stop!” out-loud
    2. Hear what you are saying
    ▪ Notice how your thought is making you feel
    3. Rephrase the negative thought
    ▪ Find a positive thought to think about instead
    Here are some examples of rephrasing negative self- talk:
    Negative Self-Talk
    Positive Self-Talk

    “I can only do 5 sit ups, going to the gym isn’t even worth my time.”
    “I'm so proud of myself for getting to the gym. Each day I am going to push myself a little harder.”
    “Yesterday, I ate pizza. I know it’s bad, I feel like a failure.”
    “Yesterday, I enjoyed a slice of pizza. It tasted really good and I feel like my craving for it is gone now.”
    “This program is too hard.”
    “This program is hard, but also very rewarding.”
    ❖ See Handout: Rephrasing Negative Self-Talk
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Completing the Rephrasing Negative Self-Talk Handout (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Negative self-talk can be hard on your mental and physical health. It is important that you become aware of these thoughts and use the tips in the session to turn them into positive self-talk.
    Keep Moving

    If you find yourself thinking, “I can’t do this”, challenge the negative self-talk and rephrase the thought. As you add a few extra steps or minutes to your activity this week, repeat in your head, “I can do this, I can do this”.
    □ Take a post-it and write one affirmation or positive thought. Place it where you can see it every day.
    □ Say something positive to one of your group members.
    □ Goal setting: Work with your coach to set one goal this week associated with this session. Example: I will rephrase at least one of my negative self-talk thoughts into positive self-talk.
    List your goal here or message it to your coach: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
    □ Discuss the results from the “What Would You Say Worksheet” and “Rephrasing Negative Self-Talk” handout with your coach.
    □ Ask group members if they have suggestions for stopping negative self-talk.

    □ Post something positive in the discussion board that you accomplished this week.
    “It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.”
    - Robert T. Kiyosaki

    Examples of Negative Self-Talk
    􏰀​ ​Negative self-talk is different for everyone. Below are some phrases that you may have said to yourself at one time or another.
    Negative Self-Talk Examples:
    ✔​ ​There is no point in eating healthy. I will gain the weight back anyway.
    ✔​ ​Losing weight is impossible.
    ✔​ ​I’m too tired to exercise. I’ll just watch TV instead.
    ✔​ ​I can’t eat breakfast every day. I don’t have time.
    ✔​ ​I ate one doughnut and I ruined my diet. So, I might as
    well eat the whole box.
    ✔​ ​This program is too hard. I should just quit.
    ✔​ ​I hate eating vegetables.
    ✔​ ​My sibling/friend lost 10 pounds. I should be able to lose 10
    pounds too.
    ✔​ ​I missed my exercise class. So, I should just go home.
    Do you find yourself saying a negative self-talk phrase, like any of the examples listed above?
    Talk to your coach about how you can re-phrase that negative self-talk to form a more positive way of thinking!

    Examples of Positive Self-Talk
    􏰀​ ​The goal is to include more positive self-talk in your life. Being more positive will lead to more success.
    Positive Self-Talk Examples:
    ✔​ ​The goal was to exercise for 20 minutes, but I only had time to exercise for 10 minutes. I’m proud of myself for being
    ✔​ ​I ate birthday cake at work today. It tasted great. I am going to fill my plate with vegetables at lunch.
    ✔​ ​My sister lost 10 pounds. I am so proud of her!
    ✔​ ​I feel tired, but I know if I exercise I will feel more energized.
    ✔​ ​I didn’t include any fruit with breakfast and chose a muffin instead. I will make sure to have a piece of fruit as a snack.
    ✔​ ​Although I haven’t lost any weight yet, my pants are loose, and I feel more energized. I’m proud of myself!

    What Would You Say Worksheet 􏰀​ ​Fill out the worksheet in the following two ways:
    1. Your first response should be to a friend.
    2. Your second response should be to yourself.
    Situation 1:
    Your friend’s goal is to exercise for at least 30 minutes, but they missed their exercise class. ​What would you say to your friend?
    Your goal is to exercise for at least 30 minutes. You miss your exercise class. ​What would you say to yourself?
    Situation 2:
    Your friend is trying to lose 10 pounds but eats 2 doughnuts at work. ​ ​What would you say to your friend?
    You are trying to lose 10 pounds and you eat 2 doughnuts at
    work. ​What would you say to yourself? ____________________________________________________________

    Rephrasing Negative Self-Talk
    Think about 3 times in the past month you experienced negative self-talk. Write down the situation, the negative self-talk, and rephrase it into something positive.
    􏰀​ ​Negative Self Talk: ________________________________________________________
    􏰀​ ​Positive Self Talk: ________________________________________________________
    Situation 2:__________________________________________________
    􏰀​ ​Negative Self Talk: ________________________________________________________
    􏰀​ ​Positive Self Talk: ________________________________________________________
    Situation 3:__________________________________________________
    􏰀​ ​Negative Self Talk: ________________________________________________________
    􏰀​ ​Positive Self Talk: ________________________________________________________

    RVRita in Roswell
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Today is: Go topless while eating a banana split and drinking a whiskey sour! (Not me!! Lol)


    RVRita in Roswell
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,869 Member
    Machka --Happy Annivarsary to you and Rowan.
    Heather--Sounds like some very special family time. I also get myself all worked up about getting together with family and freinds, but have a good time once I am there and the memories are great.
    Beth--Glad you have your mom in a good place.
    Kim--Prayers that things get worked out soon.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Rita ~ Why can you not eat foods with mayonaise?

    Carol in GA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,147 Member

    Lanette - I think the 70’s lifestyle as a whole is starting to come back. I never liked bell bottomed jeans.
    I hadn’t gone to church for probably 15 years when my Son in Law’s grandmother invited me to go to the Grandparent’s Day service to celebrate with Jonah on his 1st birthday. I loved her and loved that she loved and cherished my daughter (his parents don’t) so I went. I wore a dress and took my Bible with me, I was shocked to see so many wearing jeans and leggings even the pastor wore jeans.
    I still can’t do it, I have gone a few times and the least I can do is a dress pants and a nice sweater or blouse.
    We don’t eat at the table either. I keep thinking we should, it would help us communicate more I think.
    We do when the kids are here most of the time though.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    the church I grew up in is now like what you described-
    The church I go to now is very conservative Baptist church. Men wear suits and ties, even the little boys, ladies all wear dresses/skirts. I have seen maybe 3 women who wear pants.
    Because the guys all wear suits, they keep the AC on pretty high so I make sure to take a little jacket with me. Winter time I have even taken an extra shawl to put on my legs. I wear leggings under my dresses so still very comfortable.

    I wore dresses to church when I was growing up. I hadn't worn any in quite a few years so went to the thrift stores and bought quite a few dresses and skirts..

    Napa Valley,CA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Lisa - It's been a while since I sent an unsigned check, but not long ago I was writing checks to pay bills, got distracted, came back and slipped a check into the wrong envelope and realized it right after I'd sealed it. So I slit it open, got it straightened out and taped the envelope shut again. So you don't have an exclusive on gooberness. :p

    Rita - I loved the self-talk examples. Lots to think about. ;) I know I don't realize the impact negative ones have on my outlook about eating and life in general. So it's good to be reminded!

    Kylia - glad your DH was in a better mood last night. WOW the stars were lining for you to win! Had you known, it might have been a good day to buy a lottery ticket or two. :p Have you ever been fond of pork? When I was a kid, hogs were the main livestock "crop" for my dad, we had a freezer full. Today, pork just doesn't taste the same. Maybe what they are feeding them? If I put a pork roast in the crockpot with a jar of salsa, that's OK. Bacon and ham are OK too.

    Reminder to get your Weekly Check-In info to me by tomorrow noon if participating. TIA!

    Make it a wonderful day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State