
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    Kylia - Congratulations! Such a beautiful car.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Lisa - It's been a while since I sent an unsigned check, but not long ago I was writing checks to pay bills, got distracted, came back and slipped a check into the wrong envelope and realized it right after I'd sealed it. So I slit it open, got it straightened out and taped the envelope shut again. So you don't have an exclusive on gooberness. :p

    Rita - I loved the self-talk examples. Lots to think about. ;) I know I don't realize the impact negative ones have on my outlook about eating and life in general. So it's good to be reminded!

    Kylia - glad your DH was in a better mood last night. WOW the stars were lining for you to win! Had you known, it might have been a good day to buy a lottery ticket or two. :p Have you ever been fond of pork? When I was a kid, hogs were the main livestock "crop" for my dad, we had a freezer full. Today, pork just doesn't taste the same. Maybe what they are feeding them? If I put a pork roast in the crockpot with a jar of salsa, that's OK. Bacon and ham are OK too.

    Reminder to get your Weekly Check-In info to me by tomorrow noon if participating. TIA!

    Make it a wonderful day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I grew up eating just our home grown meat and veggies. The meat really does taste different from what I grew up on. Steak really don't taste as good and it is also a lot tougher too.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 3hrs 44min 11sec, dust, vacuum, fill/make hummingbird food, make more ice treats for dogs, laundry fold/put away, make more body cream, etc= 1032c
    Other- bathe/dry cheerio- 21.32min = 103c

    Total cal 1135
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member

    Regarding noise -[

    To me, when you don't believe your partner sees and acknowledges what you do, it becomes harder and harder to want to do any of it. Politeness and gratitude for things goes a long, long way to providing the lubrication every relationship needs to rub along well.

    Sorry - Back off my high horse. Or my soapbox. Yeah, horses are too high for me to climb up on these days. 🤣

    Hope it's been a good weekend and turns into a great week for everyone.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    that is what is really missing here- and you are right, it is very hard to keep doing for someone who doesn't bother to acknowledge what I do or worse, goes behind me and does it again(litter boxes, vacuuming, the only chores he ever does)because I don't do them good enough for him.
    I did get one " I appreciate it" after spending the day in SF with him and his mom at the Japanese consulate.

    Even common courtesy is missing- this morning he went out front to feed the stray cats then left to go to his mom's- never even said he was leaving. I looked up at the camera and saw him pull out
    I have mentioned this to him in the past when he has done this and he just shrugs it off.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Annie - I hope you were successful in getting your bike moved upstairs.
    I just over the last year worked on getting rid of some throw blankets and had to buy two when we went to the races in July and then last week my neighbour showed up with a crocheted by her throw too. I guess I’ll have to decide again what to keep.

    Kylia - I had to look up Terry Redlin, I love his work! Beautiful.
    Congratulations on the win at the car show.

    My husband turns the tv on the second he walks in the door too. It’s like they don’t want to be alone with their own thoughts. I used to be that way, but more often than not now I like the quiet or music.
    In fairness, he will go to the bedroom to watch tv if I’m enjoying the quiet but the downside of that is that we have no time together.

    Machka - I hadn’t thought of those being caused by stress. I still think I should bring it up to my doctor the next time I see him.

    Rita - I enjoyed reading the self talk lesson. Thank you for sharing

    Margaret - I don’t know if I know how to cook with stainless steel or cast iron. I have the Heritage Rock collection.

    Allie - those pictures of Miles were adorable.

    Debbie - You described the church I grew up in.

    Rebecca - I hope your son contacts you soon. That picture of Athena is so nice.

    Michele - it sounds to me like maybe Denise is struggling with trying to keep up. Maybe she is depressed it has to be hard on her. I would be happy to have some time with someone that loves PJ taking him for a bit so I had a break too.

    I didn’t do a whole lot today, went to do some scrapbooking but ended up organizing things a little differently, again, things I was using just weren’t at hands reach for me.

    I watched a movie yesterday on Disney Plus. It was called “The Supremes at Earl’s All You Can Eat”. It was a good movie about three best friends doing life. One of them had a line “they teach you how to live but not how to die” that for some reason struck a chord with me.
    It was a good movie if anyone is interested. It’s not about the musical group The Supremes but it starts in that era.

    Well I should go to bed, hopefully this week I get a lot more hands on.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    Regarding noise -[

    To me, when you don't believe your partner sees and acknowledges what you do, it becomes harder and harder to want to do any of it. Politeness and gratitude for things goes a long, long way to providing the lubrication every relationship needs to rub along well.

    Sorry - Back off my high horse. Or my soapbox. Yeah, horses are too high for me to climb up on these days. 🤣

    Hope it's been a good weekend and turns into a great week for everyone.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    that is what is really missing here- and you are right, it is very hard to keep doing for someone who doesn't bother to acknowledge what I do or worse, goes behind me and does it again(litter boxes, vacuuming, the only chores he ever does)because I don't do them good enough for him.
    I did get one " I appreciate it" after spending the day in SF with him and his mom at the Japanese consulate.

    Even common courtesy is missing- this morning he went out front to feed the stray cats then left to go to his mom's- never even said he was leaving. I looked up at the camera and saw him pull out
    I have mentioned this to him in the past when he has done this and he just shrugs it off.

    And yet you still do things for him like make him meals and helping out with his mother.

    If it were me, I'd stop doing all that.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went to Denise’s.

    Michele NC

    What was the best part of visiting your daughter?

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Lanette- I don't mind pork, but my body really doesn't like it. I would be fighting Lisa for the bathroom and reaching for migraine meds. I can't eat Turkey because of migraines. I do limit beef only because I don't always feel good after eating it. So I eat a lot of chicken! Both before and after hatched-lol! I do eat seafood and some fish but don't cook them.

    Kylia in Ohio

    I have a similar reaction to meat.

    I've never liked pork and am not overly fond of beef. They give me heartburn and an upset stomach.

    I'm not convinced that most meat is good for us, and especially not for my kidneys.

    And processed meat, including ham, is particularly bad for us. That said, I do like pepperoni on my pizza once a week. :)

    I also eat poultry and a bit of fish.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited August 26
    On noise ...

    At work, I vary between listening to music via headphones and tolerating the background noise in the office. Music is nice ... talk, not so much.

    Same in restaurants ... music nice, talk, not so much.

    Talk reminds me that there are people.

    At home, I'm the one who turns on the TV and we watch a few shows in the evening. Then I usually switch to music. On weekends, we listen to music during the day and turn on the TV in the evening for a while. The TV is rarely on for more than 5 hours a day.

    I usually pick the shows and music, but I have a pretty good idea what my husband likes. :)

    Music is good for me because it helps hide my tinnitus.
    Often I listen to my Relief app or music with nature noises ... Whales of the Pacific, Tropical Rhythms (A Wonderful Blend of Music and the Sounds of Nature), Natural Dreams, etc.

    But not loud. Even though my hearing is going, I still don't like TV or music too loud.

    On clothing ...

    I like dresses, skirts and capris pants mostly ... for work, church and most places.

    I have 2 pair of jeans, but I don't wear them very often. Pants in general and especially jeans are just not that comfortable.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    lshipley1 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! My name is Lynn and I live in Kansas. I've been on and off of MFP but I'm back on. I was disappointed they did away with the newsfeed. Had supportive women on there. We'll back to it! Have a great day!

    Welcome here!!