
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Did my writing at 6 am. o:):p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    Good early morning, ladies. This time, I was off; I was exhausted. I didn't sleep well on the couch. Thursday, when I got my car back, I picked up Rose. On Wednesday, I was late for my doctor's appointment. I guess the Lyft person got lost. So the office lady would send me away since I was 20 minutes late. I explained to the lady that I needed to see her that day. I also explained that I paid for a Lyft. She said she would message the doctor and see if she would see me. I texted her as well. She agreed to see me, and she said they were behind anyway. So, I found out that I had a sinus infection, and that is why I had more headaches. So, I am on antibiotics. While waiting to get labs, I contacted the car place and noticed they had coupons online. So I put it in my Apple wallet. My A1C went from 7.4 to 5.3, so we were pleased. My cholesterol is down as well. I need it to go down to 70, but it was 200, plus now
    it is 101.
    My car was not ready, and I also discovered that the warrantee people said it wasn't covered because they do not cover regular maintenance. My husband called while he was in Wisconsin. So, I ended up paying $700 instead of 837. I could not pick up Rose from day camp, so I had to pay 90.00 for her.
    September 2 was my youngest birthday, so I texted him about the story of his birth and how he was in the NICU. (He loves those stories.) Wedding dressed, well tomorrow is our 28th wedding anniversary. My dress is in the garage, and my daughter Julia found it and played dress up. If I find it again, I will repurpose the material.

    Lanette—My mom is happy where she is, and the cost of her private room is 4150; it is a lot higher in
    Chicago. It is 8,000 plus for semi-private. She is happy and has friends, and I will be able to visit her and my friends.

    Colt Gray was a troubled young man. He killed four people and injured many. Colt carried an AR-15 in a musical instrument case. He threatened to do this the year before. There were multiple guns in his house—no metal detectors in the school. Changes have to be made in the schools to protect the innocent all over the US. Prayers to all of those families as they grieve.

    Allie - it looks like they will need to remove the polyps.

    Michelle, I love your blue dress. Does Oz stand for the Ozarks?

    Lisa, I love your pumpkin babies and your craft room. I almost had one, but the guys didn't finish it and left with my money.:( I will keep the dress I wore at my dad's funeral.

    Heather- I am so glad you finally got some Dim Sum—great job on your strides in walking.

    Barbara- Do you own a Bb and B? Line dancing sounds fun. My best friend does that. Yike on the oral surgery. Prayers and hugs are sent your way.

    Pip- have a wonderful trip! Be careful out there.

    I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Machka in Oz stands for Machka in Australia. :smile:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Mo, you are doing great. The drop in numbers with your bloodwork is impressive.

    I’ve been following my plan fairly well this week. My legs are feeling the extra steps I’ve been taking.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,532 Member
    Lanette ~ Great photos!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Barbie- by any chance, did you buy your lace at Gunne Sax outlet in SF? That is where the lace for my second dress came from
    :) That happened in 1979 so I don't remember the details.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member