
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Tracey - A very, very, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Enjoy your photo session 😉 😊 <3<3<3

    Dinner was just fabulous. :D I don't know how I do it. :laugh: Rosé wine the perfect accompaniment.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Rita - that's great news on your labs. It's working!! Very proud of you. ;) Sorry about your DH's liver problem, hopefully something easily reversed.

    - very happy that you have a new person starting Monday. Hope this one sticks. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State where it might just stay dry enough to mow....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 56min 16sec, 53elev, 82ahr, 100mhr, 3.12ap, 6.07mi= 586c
    Strava app- 735c
    Walk home to gym- 11.42min, .53mi= 55c
    Strava app- 64c
    Treadmill jog- 31.55min, 5.6sp mile 1, 5.8sp mile 2, 6.0sp mile .90, 8.0sp .10mi, 136spm, 137spm, 161mhr, 10.16min mi, 5k= 318c
    Walk gym to home- 11.28min, 2.73ap, .54mi= 66c
    Strava app- 66c

    Total cal 1025

    Another 5k done

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 82 Member
    Well, Ladies, I am on call tonight until 1:00 a.m. The assistant manager asked if she could call me again but told me not to answer because she wanted to hear my outgoing message. I don't remember what I said, but I told her it was fine. I later asked if I had said something inappropriate. She said no, but she heard it was funny and enjoyed it. So, I said okay.

    Happy Birthday, Tracey!!! I hope you had a wonderful day cause you deserve it. Do something positive for you.

    Barbara, looking at your pile inspired me to go through my drawers now. I do not want to be like my mom. She was a hoarder, and it was gross. She had 30 cats, a vast raccoon, and three dogs. She had so many clothes on her bed and a mountain of stuff in another room. There were cat droppings and mold when we checked in on her. My mom's rooms had mountains of stuff. She had so many clothes in her bed that she was sleeping in bed with a dead cat and didn't know it. We decided then and there to take her with us. The bank said this couple would take her to the bank and take all her money. So, I think of her house and throw stuff I don't need out. I must organize my garage, kitchen, son's room, and more. I will do one room at a time so I won't get overwhelmed.

    Heather, getting in and out of the bathtub will become more manageable over time. Great job with your writing. I looked up Tricore, and it looks great. I think I will make some for dinner as well. Heather, can you post a picture of your purse?

    Machka- I think I will sign up for Strava as well. I just activated the app.

    Annie, I have always wanted to travel, and now that my kids are adults, I will go for it. Do you have many things of your mom's? After Julia took the rest, I had two jackets and my dad's watch left. The Jackets are taking up space, so I will ask my son if he wants his Paw Paw's jacket and DH if he wants the other one. If not, I will donate one and sell the leather in a garage sale. I will keep a watch for memories.

    Rebecca—My Allergy Doctors want me to take Allegra. I used to take 50mg of Benadryl per day. Now, I take 25 mg/day. When my Allergies are fine, I do not take Benadryl. They told me that Benadryl is linked to Alzheimer's.

    Lanette, raising Julia has been a hard road. The school connected her with the wrong crowd. She was supposed to be in APAC, an academic performing arts program. The counselors were substitutes for the typical counselors. They accidentally put Julia in a remedial class, and she liked her classmates, which changed her attitude. She smelled of weed, didn't follow my rules, and got mad when I located her and told her to go home. My son just told me recently all of the stuff Julia did. Julia reported me to DCFS, saying there was no food in the house. So, Social Services came to my house to see what food I had. Then they told Julia that we had plenty of food. Then Julia said we only had steak, chicken, fish, and veggies—none of the food she liked. The Judge told her that she was lucky that we cared to buy healthy food. Even her friends questioned her after they met me. They said to her that they wished they had me as a mom. She will learn soon enough. As for my yard, my dog wore a bald spot in the grass where she rolled around. I now have a lot of fire ants, too.

    Margaret- I do not use FB currently cause my account was hacked. I will fix it soon.

    Rita, I know what you mean about eating out at Taco Bell. I went to Chick-fil-A, and I had Gerd. Fried food will always win me over.

    Allie, I am so sorry. Having a healthy baby and losing the twin is a bittersweet time for the family. Make sure they print and print the baby that passed. Sometimes, you can make a sculpture of the mom holding the baby's hand or foot. Also, take pictures of the baby. I have my keepsakes of Alexandra. It helped me a lot with the grief process. As always, Miles looks good, and I love that he likes books.

    Lisa, this is your time. Create something beautiful; it is excellent for your spirit. I have to organize my pills each day, so I only take some in the morning and some before bed. Ten years with this group is incredible.

    Beth, after moving to the South from the Midwest, I couldn't go apple picking anymore. Now that I am moving back, I will be able to go. As for my headaches, my doctor wants me to see a neurologist. I told her that I prefer a holistic approach first. So we can see if that works for me.

    Michelle, you could make Whoopie Pies with the marshmallows. I have a WW recipe I can share.

    Have a great night, ladies.


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Good morning all:

    Glad to see things are mostly good. Life too hectic right now.

    Ginny in Ohio