
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Morning again all
    Got Sean to the Dr and home again..Tracy got the paperwork that was needed and ,I will pick it up when she gets home,which should be soon.. they are just doing last minute checkup in the nursery on Delia and they took her to the nursery last night and just brought her in for feedings last night,Tracy got a bit more sleep.Kyle will come get her and Delia and they have a pediatrician appointment tomorrow
    Im going to call to see if i can get in for an oil change.

    Congratulations and commiserations ... this has to be a difficult time for everyone.

    But cute names!

    barbiecat wrote: »
    In 2009 I started on a weight loss program that recommended no coffee. I had noticed that one of my attractions to coffee was the tasty creamer I put in it, so I cut back on coffee slowly until I stopped completely. Among the many benefits I found from not drinking coffee in the morning were extra time and the ability to go for a long walk first thing in the morning without having to find a toilet. I have a lot of other habits that I haven't let go of, but these choices made a big difference in my life. Fortunately, I haven't seen any reason to give up the chocolate that I love so much.
    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    I've never smoked and rarely drink alcohol ... the idea of drinking something full of calories that kills brain cells was never appealing.

    Way back when (1988 or so), I decided I would not drink my calories unless I was on a long bicycle ride and needed the extra energy quickly. Food makes me feel fuller.

    But I kept my delicious black coffee and tea. :)

    Because of what happened to me I am changing some of my online habits too!

    I know on Facebook I will no longer go on public posts and if a friends posts them I will no longer hit the like button! When I joined it I gave no personal info about me. I never answer any of those posts that ask an opinion or could give away my age!

    Good plan.

    Doing those "fun" quizzes and answering 10 things about you, or where did we meet, etc. are all dangerous as well.

    DH had one of his stomach episodes yesterday. He refuses to go to the hospital about it and when he’s mentioned it to a doctor they don’t find anything. I personally think he is having gallbladder attacks.

    I don’t have much to say,
    Tracey in Edmonton

    All of my years dealing with my "weird stomach" it turns out it was my gallbladder. It was a pain that would radiate all over my abdomen, enough that I kind of had to "lamaze breathe" until it passed. I could remember these episodes back at Oregon in 2014, and then every couple of months from then on, until I had it out. It was a simple ultra sound to see the "gallstones" so he just needs to do that.👍🏼

    I'm beginning to wonder about gallbladder as well.

    For several years, I would occasionally get this pain ...
    - it happens when I'm sitting or walking, but not exerting myself
    - it is sudden - everything is fine, and then whammo!
    - it starts in the upper, right quadrant of my abdomen, and feels like a knife going right through me to my back, and then like a vice squeezing me around the whole right side of my abdomen/rib cage. Meanwhile shooting pains go up into my back, right shoulder, right arm, and into my neck.
    - it is agonising, excruciating and every other word for extreme pain you can think of.
    - deep breaths, stretching, moving, sitting, lying down, standing up ... nothing relieves it.
    - and then about 5 minutes later (but feels like about 5 hours later), it eases up ... and is gone.

    As I said, I would get that pain occasionally, like maybe a couple times a year, kind of randomly. But in the last couple weeks, it has happened 3 times.

    I'm going to have to see my doctor. :neutral:

    Regarding freezers ... we have 2 small chest freezers. One is currently in storage, and the other is in the house.

    We use 1 regularly but the other one is for harvest time when my husband freezes the veggies we've grown. Since the yard isn't set up for a veggie garden yet, and we haven't planted anything yet, the 2nd freezer isn't needed yet!

    One of the main things we use our main small chest freezer and our fridge freezer for are bags of frozen veggies from either the grocery store or our garden.

    Machka in Oz

    It is a pain that radiates thru the abdomen, and for me the only thing that relaxed me was the hottest bath I could muster! Yep ho see your doctor.💖
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    @Allie, the kids are so cute together! I hope Miles continues once she gets older and goes after his ‘stuff’! LOL

    Well, started with a cold yesterday afternoon. Slept all afternoon then back in bed by 9. Started the Harry Potter series yesterday. 1 a day until all 8 are gone through. We did the 6 Hobbits a couple of week ago. Fun to watch them. I am also watching an old TV series called GRIMM. Fun characters with action and drama. Lots of ‘creatures’ from Grimm’s fairytales in it. I have a copy of the original Grimm’s Fairy tales because of this show. 6 seasons, we are up to season 4.

    Dinner yesterday was Kevin’s pot pie and what I call Kevin’s green bean salad. Lots of cucumber, some pickled beets, and string beans in an oil and vinegar dressing. Sorry about the in-elegant dishes.


    RVRita in Roswell
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Happy Thursday or whatever day it is for you!💖
    Today is hamhock and pinto bean soup. I might just make some chicken soup in another pot for me. My body for some reason doesn't process hamhock and pinto bean soup well. But mine, chicken stock based is fine. Lee gets annoyed that I don't eat (his) soup. I always reply, "don't take it personally, its soup"!

    This weekend might be our ramen pilgrimage. I'm excited for that. I'm going to fast happily that day until we travel down to the place in Langley. Son said we might have another guy from the squadron. Hopefully he's not like a drinker, or weird. Its our time. I will be gracious, and not worry about it.

    No word from youngest son on his doctors appts. He did say earlier last week that doctors found him to be a bit low in iron, so he's taking iron pills. Has appt on 25th. I had asked for an update, and within 30 minutes he had gotten back to answer on Messenger. So glad about his quick reply. That alone is leaps and bounds from past behavior. I am proud of him.

    Doing well on IF these days. Normally a 16/18 hour fast. Today's is a 20 just to keep my body guessing and adapting. Yesterday was brrr battered fish filets on small tortillas with cheese. I made a cucumber based coleslaw which was a nice crunch. My eating window was 4 hours yesterday, drinking my coffee with Truiva in it. Its interesting that in the morning I do have black coffee but other times I have it with sweetener. Both are good for the most part. One is fasting coffee, the other guilt free pleasure coffee I suppose.💖

    Well time to organize for the gym. Only missed a couple days for the last 28 days. Just 4 times a week. Its not an everyday thing.
    I am a rockstar. A pudgy rockstar.😂
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    And Today is: AHRG!! Talk like a pirate today! Heave-ho mateys! 🏴‍☠️


    RVRita in Roswell
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Sheesh poor Selina will hopefully get picked up eventually..I picked up new paperwork and Tracy just needs to sign it and I need to take it back. And then it should be all set.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Morning, all,

    Got a couple more hours sleep today than yesterday, yay for me... :smile:

    do understand inheritance, but use of something doesn't have to ruin it.

    Quilts, in particular, should get more beautiful with time and use, not less. Just a little care will keep them in good shape. I'm not good at judging how old someone is, but she seemed to be in her 80s, and she had put these things she loved away instead of having them out where she can see them, enjoy them, indulge in the memory of their creation. It does seem a pity. I try to tell the recipients of my quilts to USE them, that's what they're for, but you can't make people use the good china, I've found.

    Ah well.

    Too deeply philosophical this morning! Time to go back to work on the fabric avalanche:

    I want to be out mowing as soon as it's light, and would like to have that straightened out before I go outside. We'll see... believe it or not, that's only half. I did the first half yesterday! I'll take a picture when it's done, and try to remember that "done is better than perfect." 👀😹🤣

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    A couple years ago,mom had a friend finish off four quilt tops that my great grandmother had made but never finished many years before- Mom had just had them in the closet. Now that they are finished. Each of us three girls got one and one for mom. I keep it on the back of my couch all the time. I change the couch cover under it, depending on the season, but always have the quilt there- It is a crazy quilt. When mom had them finished and was letting me pick which one I wanted(I got first pick), it was fun listening to her remember what each of the fabrics were from.
    I also have a baby blanket Grandma Bee made for my older sister. It is put away. It is well worn. One day I will pull it back out again.
    Napa Valley,CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Right? Rebecca.. poor Debby is always getting the short end of the stick..
    Honestly I don't know how im going to do on this cruise ..when I need to nap daily ...
    I will see the APRN the day before I leave on the cruise..so hopefully she has some wisdom
    Will stop in the morning and pick up paperwork and drop off to cremation place tomorrow and then hopefully get some things done around here.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member