Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • smcrimmon12
    smcrimmon12 Posts: 30 Member
    I did it last night and my quads are KILLING me today..ack. Hoping I can push through that soreness tonight
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 67 Member
    Completed day 1 and its sooo much better this time around. Im not sore at all YAY!! I still cant do a man push up but I dont really care.
    My measurements today are

    Bust- 45
    Waist -35.5
    upper arm-16

    Weighing in at 235.6 :-(
  • D1L1 - 6 days complete. (I started it early but I didnt do any measurements so i'm just going to count today as my first day)

    I just finished the workout! wooot! :) and it was intense but totally worth it :)

    Here are my starting measurements

    Height 5'6"
    Jean/Dress Size 10
    Weight 158.7 lbs
    Chest 38"
    Waist 34.5"
    Hips 41"
    R Upper Thigh 25"
    L Upper Thgih 24"
    R Arm 12"
    L Arm 12"
  • Hi Ladies and Gents! I'm active duty Air Force and we have an in office PT plan that I'll do 3 days a week. However, I'm interested in the DVD you all are talking about? What is it? I'd like to try it on the days I don't run/workout with my office. Thanks! I'll post my measurements when I get home this evening. Can't wait to shed with you all. We will get our "sexy back!"
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    L1D1 - I did it!!! It wasn't perfect, but it's done and I will try again tomorrow. I did have to take a little break and switch DVDs because the one I was using was scratched and skipping. I did do the ab workout that I was fixing to start while the other one was coming on, so it wasn't total down time.

    I am looking forward to the results! I almost want to post my progress on FB, but I'm still too scared.
  • Hey Mallie - I have done the whole thing. I did each level at 10 days each. I did have moments where I had to take a break, but I always held myself to her 5 second rule, no longer!!! Trust me... I wasn't in shape when I started and althought I'm in better shape (not as round lol) I'm still not in shape. Each level got a little easier after you'd give it a few days. Hope this helps. :)

    I need the inspiration! Thanks!! Haha. I guess my goal is to atleast do the modified version all the way through with her by the end of each level. I don't imagine I'll be anywhere near where Natalie is, but me and Anita may become bffs.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Great job guys :) I'll be doing mine tonight in a few hours :)
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    my dvd has gone missing so i don't know when ill be able to start :( disappointed!
  • hey all! ouch i can feel it today!! hows evryone doin?
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Day 1 L 1 today. I have a 4 month old so I just did it while he finally took a nap. The only thing I had to do the modified version of was the push ups, so I'm pleasantly surprised with that! Everything else I could keep up with that natalie chick. I have a question for everyone... how heavy of weights does everyone use?? I use 4 lb weights, maybe that isn't right?!?

    Anyways here is my starting info...

    Weight: 140
    Height : 5'4
    Dress/Pant size: 8
    Waist 30.0 inches
    Thighs 22.5 inches
    Hips 39.5 inches
    Arms 12.0 inches
    Chest 36.0 inches
  • vixxy83
    vixxy83 Posts: 59
    a tip for everyone whos started ive tried it and its helped i have more protein (i have protein powder) just to repair it hurt right upto day 5 so i did that and had radox baths(muscle soak & stress) with the salts and i also do some zumba beforehand a great warm up and you can do it easier well thats what ive found anyway
  • LauraWall727
    LauraWall727 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to start with you today!!! I did one round already of 30 DS about a month and a half ago and got GREAT results! I did 10 days of each level. Sadly I am not able to do measurements but I can surely track my weight!! ;0) is that ok?? Jillian has helped save my life and I hope to lose the last 10 lbs to get to my goal of 140!! ;0)
    day 1 level 1 completed today! 10/11/11 Feel free to add me and let's MOTIVATE EACH OTHER!!! No winter weight gain for ANY OF US
  • LauraWall727
    LauraWall727 Posts: 17 Member
    Also.. i forgot to add I am 149 lbs today... dress size 8...
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Can I join you? I did 21 days of 30DS a couple of months ago and saw amazing results in just the first 10 days. Unfortunately I had to stop as I injured my shoulder and I have never quite got round to starting again so I am going to start again tomorrow.
  • what 30 day shred are u using x
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Okay, now I'm actually kind of excited to get home and do it, but don't get me wrong! I'm still deeply dreading it. Jillian is just, a BEAST. And i'll be doing modifieds. And i'll be crying the whole time.

    Um. Incidentally. Can everyone do the whole thing in its entirety? I'm just talking level one. I always kind of cut off the last few seconds of whatever she's doing so I can catch my breath before going into the next thing. That's bad right.

    Not bad - probably fairly normal, at least for the first 3 or 4 days. I was amazed at the change D1 - D3 killed, my quads burned right round to the next day when I did it all again. I counted how many sit ups I could manage, or how many reps they did while I was catching my breath and each day there was a small improvement, by d9 I was managing everything (except I still modified the push ups - and knowing what I know now about levels 2 & 3 this time I will be doing them properly!) By the time I got to level 3 the 2 mins of cardio were almost easy and the sweat did not pour off me like it did with level 1. I'm looking forward to getting started again :happy:
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    L1D1 done :) fyi anyone that wants to join feel free!!! Just read the rules.
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    Can I get in on this?! I know that I am a day late but i can make it up, I swear! i am starting tonight and would love to have the support of a group!
  • Can I do this with ya'll I'd love to try something different and I know being in a group will motivate me..=)
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Day 1 completed. Holy cow! I didn't know it was possible for so many body parts to be so completely out of sync with each other. I don't remember jumping jacks and jump roping being that difficult as a child. Of course I didn't have boobs and saddlebags working in total opposition of one another either. Jillian, you're the spawn of the devil.