October Whole 30 for Paleo/Primal Support Peeps



  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    News to report

    Paleo/leptin reset victory- today I got down 62 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking, had no sugar in my coffee so far and mondo levels of fat.. this is good right? ;)

    Also my husband found a herd-share opportunity of grass fed, hormone free cows and sheep that we can buy into very cheaply.. meaning we will own part of the animal. I am so excited about this.. that means we can ,legally, in our state have healthy milk, cream and butter from our very own cow. I am hoping that I can tolerate unprocessed cream and butter.. it will be so wonderful to have dairy back in my life again and possbily be able to eat cheese we make ourselves.. I can almost taste alfredo sauce lol drool :flowerforyou: but even if it doesn't work out for me, my family will still reap the benefits.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Mc-doubles- no cheese/( I'm lactose intolerant) and no bun are my go to, cheap food when I am out running errands and need to eat.

    By no means am I judging anyone for this......but I'm just saying.....

    .....on this style of eating, you shouldn't "NEED" to eat. If i'm busy doing stuff I could go the whole day without eating and not even notice. The only time I even feel hungry is when I'm not really doing much and my brain has time to go "hmmm, I wonder if I'm hungry. Hey Stomach, are we hungry?"

    I would rather skip a meal that go to McDonalds
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Mc-doubles- no cheese/( I'm lactose intolerant) and no bun are my go to, cheap food when I am out running errands and need to eat.

    By no means am I judging anyone for this......but I'm just saying.....

    .....on this style of eating, you shouldn't "NEED" to eat. If i'm busy doing stuff I could go the whole day without eating and not even notice. The only time I even feel hungry is when I'm not really doing much and my brain has time to go "hmmm, I wonder if I'm hungry. Hey Stomach, are we hungry?"

    I would rather skip a meal that go to McDonalds

    I am one of those people that can go hours and hours ,sometimes even days without eating anything sustained on coffee and water alone..and often I do if I get super busy or stressed... I really just forget I've done this for too many years..it is one of the many bad habits I am trying to break that has wrecked my health...not a good cycle to get into.. It shuts my metobolism down.. and if I go too long, then I get start getting headaches and feeling light headed and eventually will pass out. not good .. I'm a busy homeschooling mom with 7 kids at home.. on grocery shopping days or Sunday morning church it is easy for me to miss breakfast and lunch all together.. while getting the kids ready , fed and settled then to realize I am going to be out for 4-6 hours before going back home and able to fix a good meal.. and not wanting to spend a fortune eating out.. $2 at Mcdonald's provides enough fat energy to sustain me. It is better for me to eat when I know I need to then to ignor the hunger pains- I am very good at that..then I get myself into a mess.It may not be the perfet choice but it works .
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    jmeeej, you must have an amazingly healthy metabolizim. I can only hope that we all can get to the state where we can eat as our ancestors did (and you). That's cool.

    I do know that documentation in most of the world from old receipe books and Feast guides talk about meals in different social classes. Medieval and ancient sources show that most peasant communities like in ancient Israel and Europe, as well as tribal nations, would have a small meal in the morning and a large veggie and protein meal at eveningtime. Hmmm. That so goes against everything the SAD diet rules call for! lol.

    BTW, I'm pretty sure that McDs now uses only bad-for-you veg. oils - not tallow - in their cooking and receipes now. Watch out for that. Why would anyone want to put undigestable oil in their body? I think they just don't know.... anyway, did you all know that in order to make corn oil and corn syrup distilling and refining are required! The same process of high heat, catalysts and "cracking" we use in making gasoline is used to make vegetable oils!!! Think on that before you reach for a fast food alternative and consider hitting a grocery store for some nuts or the to go cheese and veggie bar instead. Peace.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    How long have you been eating paleo?

    The longer you've been eating like this, the more you will notice this "necessity to eat" feeling subsides. I still get the "hey, you might want to put something in me" feeling from my stomach........but it is NOWEHERE near the "HEY......I NEED TO EAAAAAAAT!!!!" that I used to get eating a "standard" diet.

    If you need a snack.......a little planning will get you away from eating that crap.

    Hardboiled eggs, nuts, beef jerky. All great snacks for someone constantly on the go. They are super quick to eat, and very dense in fat/protein (except for the jerky of course).

    And just to be clear, I am not being judgmental in the slightest. I am trying to help. Eating this way is a BIG learning experience and it takes a little while for your mind and body to adjust. After all that's why someone started this thread.....to help share our experiences and knowledge.

  • Happy Friday everyone! hope all is well... i have a big challenge next week since I will be out of town for a conference and won't be able to cook for myself. I am sure there would be a lot of veggies and protein provided and it's all up to me to make the right choices!

    So far after 2 weeks of changing my eating lifestyle to Primal, I can see some positive differences that I am loving:
    - I am not bloated anymore (yay!)
    - I do not feel lethargic/lazy/tired anymore even with just 5-6 hours of sleep.
    No need for coffee to wake me up in the morning!
    - I do not fall asleep after eating dinner (LOL)
    - No sugary or carb cravings.
    I usually have a tsp of almond butter or a square of dark chocolate for dessert after each meal.
    - No more hunger monster in my tummy that howls when it wants to get fed.
    - I can still enjoy grains once in a while in moderation. I'm not really a fan of legumes so its easy for me to cut those out.

    I am still waiting to see if it would decrease the occurrences of my Migraines from 2x a week to hopefully once a month.This was one of the reasons I switched to Primal.

    As for hubby, he totally supports my new lifestyle even if he doesn't follow it. He's happy that I make more meat dishes now and did not decide to be a vegetarian instead of Primal :bigsmile: . Our pantry is still stocked with cookies, candies, chips, bread and soda for him but I was never tempted to partake in it because I had no craving or feeling of wanting to eat it!
    The longer you've been eating like this, the more you will notice this "necessity to eat" feeling subsides. I still get the "hey, you might want to put something in me" feeling from my stomach........but it is NOWEHERE near the "HEY......I NEED TO EAAAAAAAT!!!!" that I used to get eating a "standard" diet.

    jmeej - I notice my tummy will tell me its hungry with a light nudge, but not the crazy, arm gnawing feeling that I used to have before :bigsmile:
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Atta Girl!! That's what we like to hear. Glad to hear your first couple weeks went smoothly and you didn't have too much of the low-carb flu.

    Keep up the good work!
  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    Alright, you've convinced me! I'm going to give it a try. I never had any health problems but I would like to lose this extra weight (never lost it all from having my baby) and I'll enjoy having more energy!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    iluv2travel, have you heard about how adding a high dose magnesium supplementation to your diet will eliminate migranes? http://www.angstrom-mineral.com/angstrom-minerals/angstrom-magnesium.html has info on it, as well as tons of info on the benefits of mg for migrane sufferers on other sites. Been there.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    I haven't heard of Mg being used for migraines, but I've certainly heard of it's uses in helping with muscle relaxation as well as a sleep aid.......which is why I would recommend taking it before bed time if you choose to give it a try.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Man, I love this thread! What a great group of people.

    It's great hearing how positively Paleo is affecting peoples' health.

    I got off most grains and processed foods earlier this year and then briefly lost my mind and had some binges that included fast food, junk and ryvita crispbreads. (I'm all better now ... lol)

    I just received my bloodwork results today for my cholesterol and my HDL is at 1.5 and my trigs are .89 which is astounding to me.
    According to the Mayo Clinic website, 1.3 is ideal for trigs so my numbers are incredible.
    The HDL/LDL ratio is under 4 which is about right but I'd like it to be less so I'll work on that.
    I am going to attribute this to not having eaten much grain, sugars or processed food this year. It sure isn't because I don't eat fat, especially sat fat. I have eaten butter and eggs almost daily, two of the most vilified foods there are according to CW, although I see a trend towards change.

    I have just gotten off another diet where I was going to eat 1200 calories per day and had added back some foods I hadn't eaten in quite a while and once again I was bingeing like a mad woman. And gas! Holy Cow! lol
    Well here it is only two days on primal/paleo and I have NO cravings and no uncontrollable hunger.

    I wish more people who suffer from the kind of food binges I do when I eat all the processed foods and grain would try it and see for themselves if it works for them.

    My biggest vice right now is Crystal Light. I can't stand my water plain. I did reduce my consumption today from 4 singles to 2 so I guess that's progress. I'm not sure I want to give it up at the moment so I guess that's in my 20%.

    Here's dinner tonight ... steak cooked in coconut oil with cauliflower sauteed in coconut oil with coconut milk & curry powder added after. My tummy & brain are very happy. :smile:


    and my brand new kettlebells I bought because of Resilient Woman's enthusiasm for them. :happy:

  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    I haven't heard of Mg being used for migraines, but I've certainly heard of it's uses in helping with muscle relaxation as well as a sleep aid.......which is why I would recommend taking it before bed time if you choose to give it a try.

    I love you jmeeej and totally respect your wisdom on the paleo diet you are sucessful at; please don't take this the wrong way, but

    Mg is for women, lol, it's a woman thing. Potassium is also necessary for the reduction and relief of chronic headaches.

  • I haven't heard of Mg being used for migraines, but I've certainly heard of it's uses in helping with muscle relaxation as well as a sleep aid.......which is why I would recommend taking it before bed time if you choose to give it a try.

    I love you jmeeej and totally respect your wisdom on the paleo diet you are sucessful at; please don't take this the wrong way, but

    Mg is for women, lol, it's a woman thing. Potassium is also necessary for the reduction and relief of chronic headaches.


    thanks for the suggestion busywaterbending. I will talk to my doctor and check with her :bigsmile:
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    I am!
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Hello Everyone. I have to exclaim ... I love fat! Not on me but in me. Yum!
    Happy Saturday!

    My lunch today ...
    canned salmon with avocado, lemon juice, olives served over romaine & red onion and drizzled with avocado oil, lemon juice & sprinkled with dill.

  • nmbasilico
    nmbasilico Posts: 28 Member
    msbanana, I saw those videos while looking around for info on Primal/Paleo eating. They really are great! Not only are they informative but they're entertaining too! Very good resource for those interested in this way of eating.
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257

    the video is so cheesy but I LOVE IT!
    I totally feel like a new person eating this way. (Started about a month ago)
    Glad I found this group.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    On Magnesium:



    An Mg deficiency can also be the cause of some other strange side-effects. And when you're first starting on a Paleo diet you do tend to shed a lot of water weight quickly which can also throw off your salt balance. Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium get a little out of whack. It's easy to get the Sodium back because it's in EVERYTHING but the K and Mg are harder to balance out.

    I use Windsor Half Salt which is 50/50 Sodium Chloride/Potassium Chloride.
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Good luck to everyone trying out a new lifestyle!

    I wish you all the best and hope you guys see some pretty dramatic results both physically and physiologically.

    ........remember.......you get out of it what you put in.

    Next time you go for the oreos.....or for the mashed potatoes.....or that bag of fuzzy peaches, just keep that statement in mind. After a few times of turning them down you'll probably find yourself not even missing them or wanting them anymore.

    New here to this thread and reading through the posts...

    ........remember.......you get out of it what you put in.

    SO SO true... AND SO TRUE about NOT missing the cake and oreos! Honestly, all I do at the office when everyone is eating cake is remind myself how good I feel right now. And how poorly I would feel after!! (esp since I self diagnosed myself as gluten intolerant after my scope was negative celiac)