How long have you been single for?



  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    Two glorious years since I separated.

    I've been single this long for a few reasons:
    a) I like being single - I'm not about to settle for a sub-standard partner just because I can get lonely from time to time
    b) It seems only married dudes or people who don't have their lives together are attracted to me
    c) I'm not a warm & fuzzy approachable kind of person. . .

    Meh - Someone out there will think my no-nonsense and biting wit is charming. . . Maybe.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm I the only one who gets really f*n po'd at people rubbing their relationships in your face? Great, you're in mutual lust and are happy... good for you. I don't need to see it day in and day out, I don't need to see it at all! I don't need to be reminded that I'm flying solo with no parachute. Grrrr....

    I felt like that for a LONG time, and then one day I had the little epiphany that there is not a limited supply of love or happiness in the world. In other words, one person's happiness or love doesn't leave any less for you. Kinda obvious I guess but it made it easier for me to be around my friends who all seemed to be in amazing relationships while I was single for years. And that was when I really started to enjoy being single! And I heard great advice from someone who said "if someone told you that one year from RIGHT NOW you would meet the love of your life, you would sure as hell enjoy this last year being single!" And I did :)

    P.S. I was single for about 3 years before I met my current boyfriend, at age 39. Realizing now at age 40 that he is the reason nothing ever seemed to work out the right way before. So never give up!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I've been single for 2 months :) First time in 6 years and I plan to stay this way :D
  • virginiagirl93
    virginiagirl93 Posts: 32 Member
    I have been single for 18 yrs :)

    Which is my whole life lol... Never had a date or a boyfriend.

    Technically 2 yrs of being single when I was allowed to date. Couldn't date til I was 16 and then no one has ever asked me or shown interest, I guess. oh well
  • jaydork24
    jaydork24 Posts: 3 Member
    before i begin...*clear throat* hi, my name is Jess, i am noob and this is my first post. feel lucky babies!

    and sadly (?), for almost 25yrs, i've never been in a relationship. and mainly because for at least weight always fluctuated. and because i am very quiet in nature...i felt like i couldn't fight back against those loud negatives with my own. so any crushes that i had, i never admitted (well, there was one guy, but he blew me off like 3mos after i confessed...and this was 2yrs after i graduated high school when i confessed), or do i feel confident enough to be seen with guys without making them feel like they're bait for jokes at my expense (actually have had that said to me from an ex...over facebook, that he only hung out with me because he felt sorry for me...and was embarrassed by doing so).

    what makes it that much harder is that there is this guy at my gym, who i am sure is absolutely adorable and is a sweetheart...i've had almost a full year of staring at him from afar...and i'm still afraid to even say "hi". what's a girl to do?!?!?

    s/n to OP: are you a fan of taeyang (your .gif) too? *hi fives if so*
  • dannylives
    Iv'e been single since 2007 because I drank WAY too much! I didn't drink everyday but when I drank it was AWFUL! The first 2 or 3 hours I was funny as hell but then it turned into an alcoholic drama! (no fights, no abuse, nothing bad.) Iv'e been arrested for public intoxication 35 times! Its only until 2011 that iv'e found some sobriety and have only drank twice! 2 times in one year? That's a friggin' MIRACLE! , GO ME! They said in AA not to get into a relationship for a year and so that is what I'm doing. MFP RELATIONSHIPS ONLY! ;)
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Iv'e been single since 2007 because I drank WAY too much! I didn't drink everyday but when I drank it was AWFUL! The first 2 or 3 hours I was funny as hell but then it turned into an alcoholic drama! (no fights, no abuse, nothing bad.) Iv'e been arrested for public intoxication 35 times! Its only until 2011 that iv'e found some sobriety and have only drank twice! 2 times in one year? That's a friggin' MIRACLE! , GO ME! They said in AA not to get into a relationship for a year and so that is what I'm doing. MFP RELATIONSHIPS ONLY! ;)

    That's wonderful! Alcohol is one of the reasons my relationship with my ex failed. I knew I couldn't make him go to rehab or seek treatment of any kind. I think the divorce finally made him realise that he needs to choose...his daughter or alcohol and drugs. I still am not sure which way it will go. Time will tell. Congrats on making it this far! You're doing a wonderful job!
  • narny1979
    Was with my ex for *exactly* 13.5 years the day we broke up in March this year. We were married for ten of those years.

    I'm really unsure of this whole being single thing.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    so after reading the comments on this thread it sure would be nice to hear some folks with positive things to say about relationships...


    Singles thread about people's own lack-of-relationships? It's bound to be depressing.

    But I have a good thing to say:
    I am 3 weeks single, from a relationship that was 'official' for only 2 weeks. We dated last year as well, for a month. We remained friends even after the breakup. He was my first boyfriend, and my most recent.
    Am I heartbroken? Yes. I have the chocolate wrappers to attest to that.
    However, I was lucky with this one. He taught me so much about life and myself. When I was around him, I became the confident, honest, loving person I'd always wanted to be. Being around him, I came to realize I COULD be that person. He was a catalyst for personal change, he helped me break out of my shell and experience things in life I never thought I could enjoy.
    So I am 3 weeks single from a relationship I may mourn for a long time.
    But I have come away with a new outlook on life and a determination to be the best I can be for everyone I know.
    And hey, I'm still friends with him. And I value our friendship just as much as I did our romance.

    Life moves on. I'll just be listening to 'My Love' by Sia every day for a while in the meantime...
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Iv'e been single since 2007 because I drank WAY too much! I didn't drink everyday but when I drank it was AWFUL! The first 2 or 3 hours I was funny as hell but then it turned into an alcoholic drama! (no fights, no abuse, nothing bad.) Iv'e been arrested for public intoxication 35 times! Its only until 2011 that iv'e found some sobriety and have only drank twice! 2 times in one year? That's a friggin' MIRACLE! , GO ME! They said in AA not to get into a relationship for a year and so that is what I'm doing. MFP RELATIONSHIPS ONLY! ;)

    Yeahhh boo I love you so much you're my everything <33333
  • KaoticGirl623
    I've never been in a relationship I've always been single.

  • LillyMosley
    About 9 months. Some homeless guy said it's because I'm ugly.

    and he's obviously a major winner in life, NOT!
  • Noof91
    Noof91 Posts: 61 Member
    almost 3 months
    well I think it is the cross time for me from a teenager relationship to more of a mature one
    so I really need time to know what I am really looking for also I have just started university, so basically i just need to manage my life and know what I need
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    About three years. I am very happy being single but my friends cant understand it and are always trying to set me up with people. I wonder why it is that people get uncomfortable when people say they are happy being single.

    This! Maybe one day I'll find someone good enough for me. But for now, I'm happy being single!
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Iv'e been single since 2007 because I drank WAY too much! I didn't drink everyday but when I drank it was AWFUL! The first 2 or 3 hours I was funny as hell but then it turned into an alcoholic drama! (no fights, no abuse, nothing bad.) Iv'e been arrested for public intoxication 35 times! Its only until 2011 that iv'e found some sobriety and have only drank twice! 2 times in one year? That's a friggin' MIRACLE! , GO ME! They said in AA not to get into a relationship for a year and so that is what I'm doing. MFP RELATIONSHIPS ONLY! ;)

    Congrats on the sobriety, that's awesome.

    Back to the regularly scheduled program of single people.........
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I've never been in a proper relationship.

    However I have a date with a rather sweet guy tomorrow so that may all change.
  • kittycat613
    kittycat613 Posts: 55 Member
    I've never been in a relationship before. Went out on a couple dates that lead nowhere, but that has been the extent of my "dating" life. LOL.
  • Metalhead187
    I have been single for a very long time, I mean it is pretty fun being single but, it gets boring and lonesome sometimes.
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    9 months
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    2 years and i wasnt even with the guy i was just going to see him now and then and just ended up stoppin he went to see other girls so i left it, an no one else has approached me really and when they do ask me out i say yes but dont because i have no confidence ://////