Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Grr, no weight loss today so I'm disappointed, but I know I'm gaining muscle while exercising to lose the weight I have. It's an endless circle! Anyway, stats

    OWLs - 15
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 45
    Weight - 163

    I have half term next week, it really can't come soon enough. So much work to do and really not enough time, so a week off will give me a chance to catch up. For those of you who don't have 'half term' (those of you in North America), it's just a week off of school/college/sixth form. Similar to Spring break, only ours is every 6 weeks with 1 week off in October, 2 or so weeks off for Christmas, a week off in February, 2 or so weeks off in April and a final week in May. Then comes Summer, which can start anytime between May and July depending on your school and your school year. I think this is very different to American school!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Prefects here is the correct badge. Sorry for the mix up.



    No problem it is fixed!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    ok, so in light of the clarification on newts for this challenge, I have to make a change. On Saturday, I earned 13, not 5 newts.

    Sunday's stats
    Owls 0
    Newts 13
    HP 80

    I'm pretty sure I actually did post my weight, but here it is again. Still no weight loss as of Saturday keeping me at 142.2. Getting frustrated that the scale won't budge, but hoping for better this week.
    You did post your weight already. Sorry for that mix up. I am not focused this week, which is not like me. :mad:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Sorry Guys. I have been absent for a few weeks. Crazyness has insued lately. But I am back. Could someone please MESSAGE me the challenges this week. Thanks.

    Current weight 193.4 (yes I'm up, but that happens)

    This definitely happens. I know I was up last week.
  • heyhaleylee
    heyhaleylee Posts: 31 Member
    OWLS- 6
    NEWTS- 16 (all water hahaha)
    House points- 31
  • msrobinson77
    Hey ladies,
    So my super toned and hot friend invited me to go for a jog with her tonight. HA! I made it one mile then thought I was going to die. Running outside is much harder than running on the treadmill!

    House Points: 30
    Water: 4 Sodium: Under so....9 newts
    Owls: 0-my legs are still burning from that pathetic run!

    Have a good night huffles!

  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Ladies. Last week was not the best for the Hufflepuffs but I am still so proud of the effort. Here is the chart.


    The award for most pounds lost and the highest percentage of weight loss goes to Molly_Louise this week. Great job!



    The MVP award this week goes to Jenn_W for having the most House Points. Great job!



    ***Also our numbers are getting a little low. Feel free to recruit some friends to join us!***
  • daddylion87
    Hello ladies. My name is Phil. I was recruited I love Harry Potter so hopefully this will be fun!
  • msrobinson77
    Hello ladies. My name is Phil. I was recruited I love Harry Potter so hopefully this will be fun!
  • becky_turcotte
    Yesterdays Stats:

    OWLs: 0
    NEWTs: 10 (under sodium and 5 glasses of water)
    Exercise Mins: 150 (Last 2 days)
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Reporting in for yesterday I drank 5 glasses of water, stayed under for sodium, 60 jumping jacks and 20 min of exercise. I did go over my calories though ugh.

    Today is a new day yet again though.... I am on glass number for of water, 20 jumping jacks in and it is only 10:30. I really will be pushing myself tonight to take my kids for a walk I think it will help them wind down too and get them some fresh air.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Hello ladies. My name is Phil. I was recruited I love Harry Potter so hopefully this will be fun!

    Welcome aboard!!!!
  • Molly_Louise
    Sorry for no posts from me today, I've been so busy catching up on school work. Finally on top of it all now though! Thanks for the award Queeda.

    OWLs - 20
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 30
    Weight - 163 - Grrr!

    So apparently I gained 1lb overnight last night so was greeted with 164 on my scales this morning. Not happy. Worked my butt off today to get it back down and it worked, but still sitting at 163.
  • daddylion87
    My starting weight is 200.6. I did 200 jumping jacks and drank 9 cups or water and I am under sodium (so far). I only have one friend so far so feel free to friend me. :flowerforyou:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello ladies and gent (lol) Today was stressful. One of my kindergartners ran into a column in my classroom at full speed and busted his face open. He was pouring blood ... Turns out he broke his nose. Remind me to never play jump over the river when its raining again ugh. Anyway we decided to jumping jacks in my class after that so we could get the wiggles out.

    OWLs: 20 (200 jumping jacks with my kiddos)
    NEWTs: 18 (under sodium plus 13 cups of water)
    HP:120 minutes

    Great job everyone!

    Edited to add: I just wanted to share this picture. I thought it was hilarious!

  • msrobinson77
    Hey all,
    Just checkin in for today:

    30 House Points
    11 Newts
    4 owls
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    OWLS: 6
    NEWTS: 11

    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 18
    HousePoints: I did not technically exercise this day, I had a concert so I was dancing and jumping for 3 hours... I don't know if you want to count it but it would be 240 (Let me know if it counts just to clear up confusion, I have another concert tomorrow)


    OWLS: 6

    Decent week. I'm usually not very good about sodium but so far I've only been over once this week. YAY!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I did 150 jumping jacks 7 glasses of water. Over sodium :sad: I worked 55 min today. I did take mykids for a walk tonight it was great they went to bed with less of a fight. My son is a bit of a prince he made me carry him a bunch during it. But I figured more calories burned.

    Confession: I am so fed up with my job. I am going to put my feelers out for some other jobs.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Hey ladies,
    So my super toned and hot friend invited me to go for a jog with her tonight. HA! I made it one mile then thought I was going to die. Running outside is much harder than running on the treadmill!

    House Points: 30
    Water: 4 Sodium: Under so....9 newts
    Owls: 0-my legs are still burning from that pathetic run!

    Have a good night huffles!


    It is harder, but I've found it more enjoyable too. I feel like I'm actually going somewhere and seeing something new every minute even if I am just going in a big circle :) One suggestion if you ever do start wanting to run outside, set the incline on your treadmill to 1 or two (or use a runner propelled treadmill). It simulates the feeling of having to propel yourself rather than just keeping up with the treadmill. Do that for awhile and the change won't seem quite so drastic when you run outside.

    Sorry I've been absent a couple of days. I'll pull my numbers together this evening and post again. Huge reading assignment for World Lit is almost done...then comes the next one...then the paper...AAAAAAAAAH!!!!! :noway:
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 20/10

    OWLs - 30
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 40
    Weight - 163

    So so disappointed in myself that I've had yet another day without a weight loss. I've been so motivated this week to do a lot of exercise, but also so so busy with sixth form that I haven't had the chance to work out as much. Very disappointed but it could have been a lot worse! I hope you are all okay.