<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange

    I am super interested in this.
    History, Age 30 Ht. 5'8" 145lbs with a goal weight of 130ish pounds.
    My Original weight was around 200-220lbs. I lost about 60ish of that on my own. I started MFP and lost another 10ish pounds. I have seen a lot of changes in loss of inches and definition of muscles but as for actual weight loss I have stalled for about 5 months. I started off eating 1200 + all my exercise calories. I lift weights and increase my weights often. I used to run 5 miles 6 days a week. I bought a HRM and found I was burning way LESS than MFP said I was. I changed my activity level to light activity instead of sedentary and stopped logging my weight lifting.......

    Needless to say none of this has worked to get the last 15lbs off. I am eating around 1450 right now and I never seem to be able to stay under that number. And I am always tired!!! The only problem with eating this much food, or even giving it a go is that it scares the hell out of me.
    I am almost recovered from an ED and being able to eat 1600-1700 cals a day was a huge accomplishment for me. I have a slight feeling that I need to eat more but I am worried if I start pushing myself to eat more that it will have a backlash.....or I am just afraid to admit that I can eat and be happy, who knows.

    I am sorry for this long rant, I am just kind of lost and after reading this thread I feel like I *need* to be eating more.

    So...can I join your club? Will I put on weight if I up my calories? Is anyone else scared to eat this much food? I want to be happy eating and build muscle at the same time. HELP!!:sad:

    Well, first I would like to say congrats on the weight loss thus far. 5'8 and 130 is under a BMI of 20 which is difficult for MOST women to get to . I would suggest making 135 your goal and then creating a goal range that's acceptable. So maybe 135-139 with 140 being the "danger zone."

    135-140 is still on the lower side of the BMI scale and is perfectly healthy/slender. The BMI scale isn't perfect but it's a good starting point for goals. Perhaps even getting your BF% tested and making goals according to that would be good.

    If you feel like you NEED to be eating more then you probably do. I can tell you that 1450 is NOT enough to avoid muscle loss if you're working out pretty hard. What is your exercise routine like?

    I think that 2000 would be a good starting point for you since you are active and you MIGHT gain a few pounds, but not much and if you do it's not fat, it's food in your stomach. Over time you might also gain muscle.

    What was your burn for a 5 mile run according to your HRM? (I'm interested for my own knowledge)? How fast were you running usually? What did MFP estimate?
  • kaitlynnme
    kaitlynnme Posts: 19 Member
    Does anyone feel guilty eating 2000? that is my biggest hurdle sometimes. Also do you eat even if not hungry just to get the calories up there? usually this is not a problem with me as I can always eat, but sometimes I feel like I am only eating to hit the number, not because I am hungry!!

    fav ab move: UGH hate them all, but if pressed I would say side lying from p90x lifting shoulders and legs, and any pilates move
    fav arm move: shoulder press
    fav leg move: deadlift
    fav workout video: p90x yoga x

    I don't know if I feel guilty, but I do find myself eating just to hit a number sometimes.....even if I am not hungry. Not sure if that is good or bad.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Does anyone feel guilty eating 2000? that is my biggest hurdle sometimes. Also do you eat even if not hungry just to get the calories up there? usually this is not a problem with me as I can always eat, but sometimes I feel like I am only eating to hit the number, not because I am hungry!!

    I used to have a big guilt complex about food and I'm still struggling with it every day. Even when I overeat/binge/not eat enough/eat the wrong things, etc I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't feel guilty and I wouldn't beat myself up over it.

    I think when you're eating 2000+ calories on a regular basis, the most important thing is to listen to your body. I eat when I'm hungry and try to make good choices about what I'm eating, but I pay attention to my body and concentrate on that more than the numbers. Some days it's more and some days it's less.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Eh, sometimes I feel guilty or get those horrible feelings about myself because I eat so many calories, but then I look up my favourite links, do some more research, listen to some podcasts, and remember that my body feels so much better eating! Yes my weight loss is slower than some, but I'm happy with it :)

    I feel like our little thread is a lot more realistic and healthy IMO than others around here.

    Favorite ab move? Plank, and reverse crunches
    Favorite arm move? Shoulder press
    Favorite legs move? Squats
    Favorite workout video? Max cardio conditioning from insanity!

    Hubby is taking me shopping today for some more weight equipment yay! I already have a home gym but I'd like a bar at home and some heavier dumbbells - I've taken over his garage creating my own space! Lucky he doesn't mind :)

    Robin: could you munch on almonds sneakily between customers?
  • lucythinmint
    "What was your burn for a 5 mile run according to your HRM? (I'm interested for my own knowledge)? How fast were you running usually? What did MFP estimate?"

    I usually maintain a speed of 6mph with a burn of about 380cals. for a 5 mile run. I am doing the Ripped in 30 M-F and MWF I lift weights for about 30-45 minutes after the video. Tues & Thurs I run 3-5 miles after the video depending on how I feel and weather; and then on Saturday I run about 8 miles no video or lifting.
    Sunday I sit.

    I had my BF% tested and I am at 21%. I really would be content to stay at my weight now or even just 5lbs smaller, but I REALLY want to tone and build muscle. Just turn my fat into muscle an I am content with my shape. :D
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Also, I feel way out of the loop, but what is bodymedia?


    It's an armband that counts your calories over the course of an entire day, from what I've read. I want one, but it's pricey.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    "What was your burn for a 5 mile run according to your HRM? (I'm interested for my own knowledge)? How fast were you running usually? What did MFP estimate?"

    I ran 6 miles this morning at a 7.5 mph speed and burned 623 calories according to my HRM. The treadmill said 685 and MFP thought I should have burned 875.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    What is your favorite ab move? - anything that works the obliques, and crunches with leg raises to work on my pooch.
    Favorite arm move? - shoulder presses or flys
    Favorite legs move? - Duck walks = killer quad burn
    Favorite workout video? - Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 Workout 2
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Does anyone feel guilty eating 2000? that is my biggest hurdle sometimes. Also do you eat even if not hungry just to get the calories up there? usually this is not a problem with me as I can always eat, but sometimes I feel like I am only eating to hit the number, not because I am hungry!!

    fav ab move: UGH hate them all, but if pressed I would say side lying from p90x lifting shoulders and legs, and any pilates move
    fav arm move: shoulder press
    fav leg move: deadlift
    fav workout video: p90x yoga x

    I don't know if I feel guilty, but I do find myself eating just to hit a number sometimes.....even if I am not hungry. Not sure if that is good or bad.

    Some days you'll feel good about fueling your body with 2000+ calories, and some days you won't feel like that. I'll be honest here, I am *almost* eating at 2000 calories, just shy by a few, but that's because I started moving my NET calorie goals from 1400 to 1500, then 1550, and up and up until I start my lifting program in a few weeks. I still exercise from 300-500 calories and happily eat them back on top of the net calorie goals. In fact, I'm looking forward to when I don't care so much about the NET calorie base, which will be soon! Today I'll eat over 2000+ and that's fine, because my body is HUNGRY and NEEDS it to fuel the muscle growth.

    Don't feel guilty about eating more, if you change your perspective on food (similar to when you made the change to work on weight loss vs. not doing anything about it at all). Food is fuel for the body. If you're a foodie, then food is "good-tasting" fuel for the body. Lol! You need food to help repair your body after all those hard workouts. If you feel like you're eating just to get to a number, then make good food choices to fill up to that number, like almonds. A few almonds pack a lot of calories and they have monounsaturated fats, which are good for you!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    "What was your burn for a 5 mile run according to your HRM? (I'm interested for my own knowledge)? How fast were you running usually? What did MFP estimate?"

    I usually maintain a speed of 6mph with a burn of about 380cals. for a 5 mile run. I am doing the Ripped in 30 M-F and MWF I lift weights for about 30-45 minutes after the video. Tues & Thurs I run 3-5 miles after the video depending on how I feel and weather; and then on Saturday I run about 8 miles no video or lifting.
    Sunday I sit.

    I had my BF% tested and I am at 21%. I really would be content to stay at my weight now or even just 5lbs smaller, but I REALLY want to tone and build muscle. Just turn my fat into muscle an I am content with my shape. :D

    wow, your burn is rather low for running...that's only 76 calories per mile which is unheard of for someone your height/weight. It makes me want a HRM even more. What kind do you use?

    As far as your BF%...you are already quite lean for a woman. Getting lower is possible, of course, but perhaps if you just focus on weight lifting/toning and strength you will find yourself more approving of your body.

    Are you considering eating more? Your current intake is surely not enough and in order to build muscle you need more. I understand the fear, I really really do. I struggle daily because I'm so small and everyone my size seems to think that even 1200 calories is too much. I question myself but inside I know that I'm doing the right thing by fueling my body appropriately!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't eat 2000+ most days (yeah I know what the topic is called but I don't) but I don't feel guilty about what I do eat, no. I don't understand that honestly - why would you feel GUILTY about feeding your body what it needs to survive? Sometimes I feel bad for dieting at all - a long term calorie deficit is not particularly healthy in my opinion - you are literally mildly starving yourself for months or years in some people's cases. That's why I don't worry about eating over my calories - as long as I'm not actually gaining then I'm doing good.

    As far as forcing myself to eat - I generally don't unless I've eaten REALLY low that day - if I've eaten really low and don't feel like eating its because my body signals are messed up and usually taking a bite or two fixes me right up. Otherwise if I'm not hungry I don't eat - but I generally don't net lower than 1500 even on a non-workout day.

    fav ab move: well... Not FUN but throwdowns with my trainer are great - and then by myself holding the exercise ball between my feet and doing reverse crunches is REALLY hard still (I hold my legs straight and try to drop the ball back close to but not touching the ground inbetween crunches, its hard).

    fav arm move: Cannot BELIEVE how many of you like shoulder presses! I like flys and chest presses myself. Also I love deadlifts for my back althoguh there wasn't a back category.

    fav leg move: SQUATS! I especially LIKE sidesquats because they feel good but regular squats or sumo squats are the most effective.

    fav workout video: I don't use any videos right now but I do use Dance Central on the kinect which is INSANELY fun and a good workout.

    And speaking of eating, all I had was a california omelette today (eggs, cheddar, avocado, spinach, tomato, bacon) and for some reason while I was eating it I was nauseus and had to kind of force it down. Dunno if that was just because I'm a little sick or what but I did NOT want to eat anymore for a while. I think I could now though.
  • rsj206
    rsj206 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm going to post this separately too, but HOLY CRAP! I'm 100% converted to eating more. I started tracking here ten days ago with the goal of eating all my earned calories every day. The reason was that I had been on WW and plateaued at 164. The scale would not budge, and I could not possibly eat *less* than I had been.

    I was TERRIFIED that I would gain weight and then have to struggle to get back down even to my plateau. Well, ten days later I'm already down six pounds!! Nothing else out of the ordinary happened, no TOM water weight, no change in exercise, nothing. If you told me that this would happen with me eating up to 2600 calories a day, I would have laughed in your face. I feel AWESOME, and I really want to thank all the strong ladies on here who convinced me to lose my fear of eating and embrace what I earn by working up a hard sweat every day!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm going to post this separately too, but HOLY CRAP! I'm 100% converted to eating more. I started tracking here ten days ago with the goal of eating all my earned calories every day. The reason was that I had been on WW and plateaued at 164. The scale would not budge, and I could not possibly eat *less* than I had been.

    I was TERRIFIED that I would gain weight and then have to struggle to get back down even to my plateau. Well, ten days later I'm already down six pounds!! Nothing else out of the ordinary happened, no TOM water weight, no change in exercise, nothing. If you told me that this would happen with me eating up to 2600 calories a day, I would have laughed in your face. I feel AWESOME, and I really want to thank all the strong ladies on here who convinced me to lose my fear of eating and embrace what I earn by working up a hard sweat every day!

    This is so fabulous. Thanks for sharing and glad to have you in the group! :flowerforyou:
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm going to post this separately too, but HOLY CRAP! I'm 100% converted to eating more. I started tracking here ten days ago with the goal of eating all my earned calories every day. The reason was that I had been on WW and plateaued at 164. The scale would not budge, and I could not possibly eat *less* than I had been.

    I was TERRIFIED that I would gain weight and then have to struggle to get back down even to my plateau. Well, ten days later I'm already down six pounds!! Nothing else out of the ordinary happened, no TOM water weight, no change in exercise, nothing. If you told me that this would happen with me eating up to 2600 calories a day, I would have laughed in your face. I feel AWESOME, and I really want to thank all the strong ladies on here who convinced me to lose my fear of eating and embrace what I earn by working up a hard sweat every day!

    AWESOME!!! this is so refreshing to read! I am so happy for you! Can you detail how much you were eating before? What do your workouts consist of? What are your stats?
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    "What was your burn for a 5 mile run according to your HRM? (I'm interested for my own knowledge)? How fast were you running usually? What did MFP estimate?"

    I ran 6 miles this morning at a 7.5 mph speed and burned 623 calories according to my HRM. The treadmill said 685 and MFP thought I should have burned 875.

    Oh - oops! I thought Lucythinmint was asking the question!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    "What was your burn for a 5 mile run according to your HRM? (I'm interested for my own knowledge)? How fast were you running usually? What did MFP estimate?"

    I ran 6 miles this morning at a 7.5 mph speed and burned 623 calories according to my HRM. The treadmill said 685 and MFP thought I should have burned 875.

    Oh - oops! I thought Lucythinmint was asking the question!

    either way, it was valuable info ;)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I don't eat 2000+ most days (yeah I know what the topic is called but I don't) but I don't feel guilty about what I do eat, no. I don't understand that honestly - why would you feel GUILTY about feeding your body what it needs to survive? Sometimes I feel bad for dieting at all - a long term calorie deficit is not particularly healthy in my opinion - you are literally mildly starving yourself for months or years in some people's cases. That's why I don't worry about eating over my calories - as long as I'm not actually gaining then I'm doing good.

    And speaking of eating, all I had was a california omelette today (eggs, cheddar, avocado, spinach, tomato, bacon) and for some reason while I was eating it I was nauseus and had to kind of force it down. Dunno if that was just because I'm a little sick or what but I did NOT want to eat anymore for a while. I think I could now though.

    So how many calories do you eat most days? sorry you're not feeling well, hopefully you feel better soon!
  • rsj206
    rsj206 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm going to post this separately too, but HOLY CRAP! I'm 100% converted to eating more. I started tracking here ten days ago with the goal of eating all my earned calories every day. The reason was that I had been on WW and plateaued at 164. The scale would not budge, and I could not possibly eat *less* than I had been.

    I was TERRIFIED that I would gain weight and then have to struggle to get back down even to my plateau. Well, ten days later I'm already down six pounds!! Nothing else out of the ordinary happened, no TOM water weight, no change in exercise, nothing. If you told me that this would happen with me eating up to 2600 calories a day, I would have laughed in your face. I feel AWESOME, and I really want to thank all the strong ladies on here who convinced me to lose my fear of eating and embrace what I earn by working up a hard sweat every day!

    AWESOME!!! this is so refreshing to read! I am so happy for you! Can you detail how much you were eating before? What do your workouts consist of? What are your stats?

    I started my weight loss effort in May 2011 at 174 pounds (I'm 5'6). The first ten came off pretty quickly, then I got stuck in a black hole between 164-162. On WW I was eating about 1300-1400 calories a day. Healthy stuff, but just not enough. I think the real problem I have with WW is that they don't insist or even recommend that you eat the "points" you earn through activity. Once I looked into it, it made so much more sense to eat those exercise calories!

    I bike to work most days (16 hilly miles roundtrip). Three times a week I strength train with heavy weights. I try to fit in yoga once a week. On weekends I go for long rides or hikes, or jog for 3-4 miles. I love, LOVE exercising. And clearly my body is very happy that I am fueling it properly now (the occasional beer notwithstanding).

    I'm now at 158 (well, 157.8 really!). I owe you guys a big debt! You're awesome role models.
  • carstar835
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    ab - bicycles
    arm - arnold presses
    leg - squats
    video - haven't seen a lot to choose from, but I liked the shred