<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I'll throw this out there to see what you guys think...

    One of my mfp friends, who is a nutritionist, reckons mfp calorie estimates are more likely to be right than HRMs. Her logic goes that just because you're fitter, with a lower HR when active, it doesn't mean you're not still burning the same kind of calories when you move your mass (body) a certain distance. So, a group of people who are equal in height and weight should have approximately the same burn over a certain distance, no matter their HR.

    What do you guys think?

    I too have wondered about this because I have been running for almost 10 years including a couple marathons and several halfs. Because of all the running, my resting heart rate is in the 40's, so when I get up to the 120's thats triple my normal HR!! Thats like a normal person with a HR in the high 270's!! I have wondered if my HRM is accurate in calculating burn because of this!! The HRM is close to my Bodymedia but still off my a hundred or so calories per workout. Also I have had bodymedia since Feb. and have been in a plateau since that time and have gained and lost the same 5 pounds so I dont really trust that one either. Very frustrating to try and figure out how much to eat!!! My goal is 2000 for the next 2 weeks and see where that leads me!

    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    I am off for a run. I am gonna experiment and wear my HRM and bodymedia and see what comes up and compare that with what MFP says!!

    Here's my reasoning with the bodybugg I wear. If my bodybugg tells me I have burned 600 calories in a workout that took me 1 hour, I subtract the amount of calories I would have burned just sitting on my butt for that hour. So for instance, I may have burned about 100 calories just sitting down doing nothing, so I don't count that and I log that I burned 500 extra calories because I got off my butt and worked out. Does that make sense? I shouldn't get credit for that baseline calorie burn, just for what I burned extra. When I do this, it is sometimes right on with mfp calculations. A longer workout, you would be subtracting more, shorter, less.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Hellooooo! I'm here to also mark my place on the other topic thread! Good morning, everyone! I'm about to go downstairs and do my 6 week 6 pack. Yesterday I did that workout, and also did a round of Ripped in 30, to work off a very delish McRib from McDonald's. I was treating my kids at the drive-thru when I saw the sign: MC RIB IS BACK! For those who actually eat those things, it only comes back a few times a year, so I got one--- and had no idea what the calories were. Looked them up later: 500 cal! :noway: But I enjoyed every onion-y, bbq-y bite, and later worked it off. I have more time to work out on weekends so I think I'll do the same back-to-back workouts. Tonight I have a Girls Night Out, starting with a pedicure and then dinner with great friends at a nice restaurant, so I'm EXCITED!!! :bigsmile:

    I hope you all have a great start to your days! Ciao!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Look we rolled the topic!

    And yeah, I'm 5'9" and trying to "bulk", so trying to eat above maintenance, which is probably about 2200 or so. I'll go check out that fit to fat thing to see what they tell me. New Rules said it was around 2000, MFP says 2100 but only if I tell it I'm active. I was losing over the summer at 2000 NET.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Well...I figure "double counting" my time spent exetcising levels out since for 3 hours of activity that's only 150 total in my case. I get an afterburn effect as well as extra burn because I have stairs in my apartment. So that 150 is negligible. I just use the sedentary function... Supposedly maintenance is 1370 for me. I set my net at 1000 so that's a 370 max deficit but since I assume mfp slightly overestimates my calories burned I think my actual deficit is ~150-200 a day, meaning my weight loss is ~ 1 pound per month...very very slow.

    Since in eating 2000-2300 lately I would consider it success to simply maintain my weight. So in short...I have a 370 deficit each day to account for overestimations and to slowly lose. It is scary because people my size just don't eat this much.

    On another note...making cheesecake today because I love it and to me it's a pretty healthy dessert if you use reduced fat cream cheese and minimal butter in the crust. So I will probably eat half of it today. Then the other half tomorrow. Yummy...cannot wait.

    Making cheesy tortellini with broccoli and salmon for lunch...~500 calories of deliciousness.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Morning to all! Got up this am and I am up 2.5 lbs! What? I only weigh once a week. I don't get it...maybe its just water from sitting for 20 hours in a classroom the last two days? I was losing very very slowly on 2K a day ( I was keeping it the same whether I worked out or not). This week I tried to keep to 1800 on my work days and 2K+ on my days off when I workout a lot. What now?? Bugger!

    I'll put my stats in my signature. Maybe that will help the new peeps!

    Going to go run now and will check back in later!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Woooo! I just googled the Bodymedia Fit LINK and came across a site advertising a promo for it. It worked out to about 48% off plus S/H. :o) So for less than $150 shipped, I have a new LINK on its way! :o) SO excited to see what the heck is REALLY going on in this body of mine.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    xcjumper...you didn't eat 7000 additional calories this week so you surely didn't gain 2+ pounds. Wait it out. Stay consistent. Expect fluctuations...as frustrating as it may be. Your avg calorie intake is probably 100-200 more. Just give it time because even 2-3 weeks would only result in a 1-2 pound gain if you were actually eating too much
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks love4fit! I will wait...it's just frustrating! :)

    Jade-what website? I really would like one too!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Bump to mark the new thread.
    I don't want to know how many calories I had yesterday - we went out for a drink which turned into more than one drink.... hmmm.
  • happy_travels
    happy_travels Posts: 51 Member
    Good Morning! I am at work right now but I wanted to mark this thread to make sure I can come back and read through all your stories :) Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hey, neat thread...bumping for later. Quick intro, I've been wearing a Bodymedia Fit for over a year & LOVE. IT. I've also been averaging 2000 calories or so ever since I started my weight loss 75 lbs ago. Nice to see I'm not an oddball...I have to say I've always wondered why so many people suffer with 1200-1500 calories when they could be eating a ton & still reaching their goals! Mmmm...food.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
  • kaitlynnme
    kaitlynnme Posts: 19 Member
    I am hoping to join in on this group. I hope to be able to learn a lot, get some support, and give back where I can. Within the last two months I have increased my calorie intake. I am now at 1830 plus exercise calories. I have done a ton of reading and searching through threads to become more informed. I think my body is holding on to what I am feeding it because I continue to gain even though I know I am not eating more than my tdee (I wear a bodymedia, so I know my tdee). Has anyone else experienced this? I keep thinking that anytime now my body is going to trust that I am feeding it and start letting go of the fat. I am not so concerned about the number on the scale as I am about the bf% and fitting in my clothes again. I am frustrated but I don't want to give up on this because you all are living proof that it works!

    Hi Welcome :)

    I'm in a hurry atm off to the gym soon. Just a quick question... In the last 2 months have you also increased your exercise workload or started exercise? There could be a number of reasons. I have some other questions I want to ask you as well but have to run now.

    ttyl :)

    I do weights 3 days and hiit the other 2 or 3 days in between. I have done this for quite some time, so I haven't really changed my routine. The thing I have changed though, is that I started lifting heavier on my lifting days. I realized that I was being a wimp at the gym...haha! I know that I have gained strength because I have increased my weights over time, but I also know that I probably will not be gaining muscle mass because I am eating at a deficit......
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I workout a ton. recently started lifting heavier and more frequently. I try to do "strength" related activities for 30 minutes daily...so that includes ab workouts, pilates, heavy lifting, and circuit training for me. I run about 5-8 miles most days of the week and up to 10-12 on the weekends.

    i've been eating closer to 2200 because I just want the goodies...haha. So when that happens I workout a bit more. It's easy peasy to make it work if you have the time to workout. I read while jogging on the treadmill if I have loads of reading to do for class, I take workout breaks.....or do 5-10 minute spurts while lunch is cooking or what not.

    This is what works for me, it might not work for everyone else though as I do know that I workout much more than the average person.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    I've been following this thread with interest and it seems that you are all living proof of what I've slowly come to realise :flowerforyou:

    I've yo-yo dieted for years and every time I've crashed and burned simply because I can't fight the cravings that go with a low calorie diet. Plus I struggle with low fat because if I cut down too much it makes my joints hurt.

    I started ok on here, losing a pound a week for the first few weeks, then I stayed the same for the next few. I didn't want to stress about it, so I put myself on maintenance (2010 per day), upped the exercise and lo and behold, I lost a pound! Then another one!

    So, as a little experiment, I've changed my settings to half a pound loss (1760 cals) and I'm doing between 60 and 90 minutes each day on the treadmill, eating some if not all of my exercise calories and weigh day is tomorrow. I'm netting roughly 2000-2200 calories a day so it will be interesting to see if I get a loss this week.

    I like food too much to martyr myself to less than 1500 a day so I'll be chuffed to bits if I can lose weight, get fitter and healthier and still eat my face off :wink:
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I think I took the calorie cake yesterday, coming in at 2698, yikes! I had my day planned at around 2000 or a little under, but hunger won out. I was 1,000 calories under my 500 deficit the day before though (1500 under total-don't ask), so I hope it all evens out in the end. My sodium was way high yesterday, so I will watch that today and get in some extra water to boot. Scale shows me up 1.8, of course, with the extra food and sodium, but I know I didn't gain anything. My bodybugg came in at 2687, so my calories should have been right at maintenance. In the past, I would have worried or felt guity about my eating yesterday, but not any more. I am feeding my body and I plan to use those extra calories energy to day to have a kick butt workout!

    Really, this is not bad at all!! I've lost weight eating between 2200-3000 calories on a regular basis. Plus, you listened to your body!!!

    I have to admit, I get a little mind-boggled over all the calculations/formulas/number-crunching thrown out on this site. I know my tendency to try to incorporate every little thing I read.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I've been following this thread with interest and it seems that you are all living proof of what I've slowly come to realise :flowerforyou:

    I've yo-yo dieted for years and every time I've crashed and burned simply because I can't fight the cravings that go with a low calorie diet. Plus I struggle with low fat because if I cut down too much it makes my joints hurt.

    I started ok on here, losing a pound a week for the first few weeks, then I stayed the same for the next few. I didn't want to stress about it, so I put myself on maintenance (2010 per day), upped the exercise and lo and behold, I lost a pound! Then another one!

    So, as a little experiment, I've changed my settings to half a pound loss (1760 cals) and I'm doing between 60 and 90 minutes each day on the treadmill, eating some if not all of my exercise calories and weigh day is tomorrow. I'm netting roughly 2000-2200 calories a day so it will be interesting to see if I get a loss this week.

    I like food too much to martyr myself to less than 1500 a day so I'll be chuffed to bits if I can lose weight, get fitter and healthier and still eat my face off :wink:

    So, you've lost weight eating MORE? I tell you, there's so much more to calories in/calories out than what it seems. The calories out component is drastically affected by how much we put in. If you effectively shut down your metabolism then you're not getting the calories out that you would if you simply ate more. So yeah, it might still be calories in/calories out but that out component can be drastically affected (negatively) with starvation diets.

    So glad that you've found us! I would love to know what your results were this week. How much were you eating when you first started?
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Alright ladies - do I change my MFP settings to say lightly active/moderately active if I am working out six days a week? Aside from my workout (which lasts 30-60 mins depending on the day, most are about 35-40 mins), I'm mostly sedentary. I just want to get my settings set up "right" in the system so I can work to hit the right macros too. I'm no where near maintenance so that isn't really an option.

    I've gone back and forthon this and finally just changed my setting to "Active" and used the custom setting to change the # to 2000. I needed to see the macro targets in a more accurate light and I wanted to know what to aim for when I plan my meals for the day before I work out. When I enter my exercise calories it's more for my benefit to track my data (I love a good bar chart!) than it is about eating those calories, but I know my targets are 2200 on a lifting day and 2400 on a lift+cardio day. 1945 is my sedentary target to lose 1/2 pound a week, so I think it all works out. The heavy weight lifting is new for me so I'm still figuring out what works best.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Alright ladies - do I change my MFP settings to say lightly active/moderately active if I am working out six days a week? Aside from my workout (which lasts 30-60 mins depending on the day, most are about 35-40 mins), I'm mostly sedentary. I just want to get my settings set up "right" in the system so I can work to hit the right macros too. I'm no where near maintenance so that isn't really an option.

    I've gone back and forthon this and finally just changed my setting to "Active" and used the custom setting to change the # to 2000. I needed to see the macro targets in a more accurate light and I wanted to know what to aim for when I plan my meals for the day before I work out. When I enter my exercise calories it's more for my benefit to track my data (I love a good bar chart!) than it is about eating those calories, but I know my targets are 2200 on a lifting day and 2400 on a lift+cardio day. 1945 is my sedentary target to lose 1/2 pound a week, so I think it all works out. The heavy weight lifting is new for me so I'm still figuring out what works best.

    Make sure you change your macros from MFP's settings. It has protein at 15% which is way too low for someone lifting. You should be eating 1gram for every pound of lean body weight which is about 40% of your calories.