Stupidest diet myths/tips you have ever heard.



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I can tell you what my favorite diet is....

    Drooling over Acg67...

    The more you look, the more calories you burn picking your jaw up!

    Wozers. bravo, mi amigo. bravo...

    here here!
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    >Lol its cool if you think i have the inability to type sweety and thank you so much for pointing that out :) But if it makes you feel better please do continue. <3

    LOL... that wasn't in response to you. But good to know nonetheless-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    Ohhh thank god, i was about to cry. LOL.
  • ....
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    Yeah i dont think you can build muscle at a dificit, although thats my opinion. Im simply thinking about it in this way: Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore needs more calories to stay intact..? any opinions?

    Yes look up, I think it's called "Burn fat and build muscle" somthing like that, anyhow, if you are burning fat as part of your calories being used to build muscle it can be done.
  • Gosh folks. Pretty sure this was supposed to be a fun, silly, amusing thread, not a chew everyone out thread! I'm gonna go now. My head hurts from reading everyone's arguing.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    "I am not going to pass on an apple and sit down to a plate full of bacon."

    Yea, that is what a low carb. diet is all about. Maybe you need more carbs. For that brain you were talking about.

    My brains are confused... where did I say all people doing low carb eat plates of bacon and pass on apples? Your low carb diet may not be all about that. I would hope that most weren't. But there are some that do... they do pass on the fruits and the veggies and eat the plateful of steak and bacon.

    How many brains do you have?

    All of them.

    Well that would explain a lot....can I please have mine back??

    Sorry - nope. I am on the zombie diet. I stock up on brains. High protein... low carb.
  • ohthelawd
    ohthelawd Posts: 29 Member
    >Did you put an 'e' at the end of a word even if its not mean to be there? If so, then why are you crying about it?. I did have a lot of 'LAUGH OUT LOUDS' in my comment, showing the fact that im not trying to be rude, so end of conversation.

    It's amazing how defensive people get when they attempt to call someone out, only to have their opinion undermined by their inability to type.

    Wow, now see we all need to be as perfect as you so our opinion will count. Ok folks anyone that misspells a word, of makes a typing error, you might as well stop offering opinions or even facts, because if you are not perfect you don't count.

    Nice. you must be a politician, never answer a question just attack the person asking the question, a democrate too I guess.

    I started to take your reply to heart, I really did. But then I noticed you misspelled "democrat". It's that testy silent "e" again. Perhaps your keyboard needs a good cleaning.
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    No, I can FEEL how large my muscles are under the fat, and they are bigger than they were when I started... I do know a thing or two about my own body... ;-) i realize that IN GENERAL it's true, but there are some obese people that are extremely inactive (like I was), and when they start lifting REAL weight, they will gain muscle, even if they're on calorie deficit...
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    Yeah i dont think you can build muscle at a dificit, although thats my opinion. Im simply thinking about it in this way: Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore needs more calories to stay intact..? any opinions?

    Yes look up, I think it's called "Burn fat and build muscle" somthing like that, anyhow, if you are burning fat as part of your calories being used to build muscle it can be done.

    If you are morbidly obese yes because you are using fat stores as energy (calories) to build some muscle, but the gains are still VERY minimal.
  • Actually cutting down on soda consumption would work. Its not such a stupid idea after all. There are a lot of calories and sugar in soda. So unless it was diet soda she was drinking then cutting down on soda consumption is a good idea. I have a few friends that did this very thing and lost weight because cutting out the soda was reducing their calories significantly.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    First of all.....................Stupidest isnt a word..... lol

    To answer your question:

    Eliminating carbs entirely is a best practice..... MmmmHmm Sure it is.
    You can gain muscle over night...
    Soda is acceptable as long as its *diet*.....
    Diet pills work.............
    It doesnt matter WHERE my calories come from as long as Im under...
    You dont have to exercise..................
    I can eat *healthy* at Mcdonalds..................... Going to McDonalds for a salad is like going to a *kitten* for a hug.... Riiiight...

    Actually, it doesn't matter where your calories come from as long as you're under and you hit your macros (fat, carbs and proteins). I don't exclude any food from my diet. Now I'm not advocating eating McDonald's every day but I do eat it. You've got to have fun with it too. All of this extreme clean eating sounds a lot like orthorexia to me.

    So............... I can eat ONLY Ice cream sundae's every single day for the rest of my life and be ripped............. As long as I stay under my calorie goal for the day? Mmmm Nope. Im not saying you have to eat squeaky clean every single day- but for general health it DOES matter WHAT you eat.

    Way to twist around what she said.

    My words were twisted in the first place. I never said "extreme clean eating" was the answer or the only way to be. I futher never said that you have to "exclude" foods from your diet. It is a fact that to be HEALTHY it does matter WHAT you eat- period. I never referred to "losing weight".
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    To take this in a different direction:

    'Back in the day' I had a friend that refused to have ice cubes in any of her beverages b/c she had been told that ice makes you gain weight.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Stupid diet myth: you MUST HAVE carbs to exercise and feel energetic. Tell that to the Inuit.

    You know that fat we are all trying to lose? You think your body holds onto it for decoration?

    We burn fat for energy!

    Very efficiently, too. I can hike up a mountain on scrambled eggs just fine, thanks.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    Yeah i dont think you can build muscle at a dificit, although thats my opinion. Im simply thinking about it in this way: Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore needs more calories to stay intact..? any opinions?

    Yes look up, I think it's called "Burn fat and build muscle" somthing like that, anyhow, if you are burning fat as part of your calories being used to build muscle it can be done.

    Not unless you are an overfat beginner or coming off of a layoff.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    My head feels heavy but I could have sworn it looked smaller this morning.. maybe I'm building muscle up there?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    gotta say HCG probably takes the cake for me.

    What's HCG? I prob know but can't for the life of me figure it out! :embarassed:

    From what I've read on these boards it's some type of drug containing a hormone made from pee (either from pregnant horses or pregnant women I think ???) that you take while eating < 500 calories to lose weight.

    Personally I'd have to take some type of speed just to have the energy to sit upright on only 500 calories, but some ppl say it works.
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!
    there's no arguement that I would gain more muscle if I wasn't at a deficit... The arguement is against blaket statements that say "noone can do this" or "everyone can do this".... Just pointing out that there are ALWAYS exceptions... :-D

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    Yeah i dont think you can build muscle at a dificit, although thats my opinion. Im simply thinking about it in this way: Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore needs more calories to stay intact..? any opinions?

    Yes look up, I think it's called "Burn fat and build muscle" somthing like that, anyhow, if you are burning fat as part of your calories being used to build muscle it can be done.

    If you are morbidly obese yes because you are using fat stores as energy (calories) to build some muscle, but the gains are still VERY minimal.
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member

    Not unless you are an overfat beginner or coming off of a layoff.

    So...for a woman to get toned then she must eat a surplus of calories and train like a beast? Because a person of a normal weight as you said cant gain muscle on a calorie deficit?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    "I am not going to pass on an apple and sit down to a plate full of bacon."

    Yea, that is what a low carb. diet is all about. Maybe you need more carbs. For that brain you were talking about.

    Obviously you have no idea what a low carb diet is or these comments would not be stated.

    A low carb lifestyle consists of eating WHOLE foods in the form of proteins, fats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Some low / controlled carb lifestyles such as Atkins you will add back in dairy, grains, legumes later as you move up the carb ladder.

    Please stop with the nonsense or it will be reported, the smart alleck comments are not going to be tolerated as there are MANY of us here that are on Low Carb Lifestyle plans because we have PCOS, Diabetes, Thyroid disorders or even epilepsy.

    Stop making the comments to put others down, especially when you are spouting a bunch of nonsense.
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    You can't build muscle on a calorie deficit.. Really? I've been eating at a calorie deficit for most of this year and I can sure as sh** lift heavier weights.. I've also lost 18 pounds.
    Totally agree with this... I've lost 117 lbs (on a 1200 calorie diet). I had almost no muscle tone when I started, and have MUCH larger and stronger muscles now... I get that it's probably because I had so little muscle to begin with, but some people CAN build muscle on a deficit!!

    Nope, you can just actually see the muscle after losing the fat

    Yeah i dont think you can build muscle at a dificit, although thats my opinion. Im simply thinking about it in this way: Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore needs more calories to stay intact..? any opinions?

    By that logic everyone would lose all their muscle before fat? I don't care what people think I know what I've experienced. I can lift weights that are twice what I could in January. I have been weight training. I can do squats and lunges until I'm bored (without weights - they're in some of my videos).. so IMO this is just false. I'm also a science major and I've taken various biochemistry courses.. very little is set in stone.. this probably has a lot to do with genetics and diet