APRIL "No more late night snacking"



  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    First day and I DID IT!! By 8pm I had my dinner and I was done. I feel so empowered.
    Yeay for the challenge.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    ok zaza im back and tonight will be day 1 for me its tuff getting back on the wagon! Happy month to all.
  • Day 5 and counting...
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    made it through day 5 as well :bigsmile:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good to see you kirstina-23! I already fell off the wagon once, but I've now made it thru 2 days and am going for 3 tonight. We can keep each other company on this challenge.:wink:
    I'm very happy to see how well everyone is doing. Good to see you wlhanisch. You're doing great again. :flowerforyou: Same for you Kathy and phatphanny.:flowerforyou:
    Hello to all the newcomers, too - you're also doing fabulously well! April is shaping up to be a terrific month for this challenge. I hope we hear from dewpearl at some point.
    Keep up the great work everyone. I feel like a mother hen - so proud of all of you. I'm so encouraged to stick with this. Thank you all.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Day 5 was a success.:flowerforyou: Hope everyone is doing well.:drinker:
  • Made another night :bigsmile:
  • stopping eating by 4pm is a great plan if you can keep up your calories, and if you're not a habitual night time snacker like all of us here. It's not a great idea to jump right into something like that because you set yourself up for failure. I tried it, failed at least twice a week, and once I ate after 4pm, I went crazy cause I already screwed up, and went to eating everything in sight, 20 percent hungry, 80 percent disappointed in myself. I ended up gaining 12 pounds in the 2 months I tried it. Try it if you like, but I find gradually working my way down to that (I started with my cutoff at 10pm and last month, it was nine, and this month it is 8) and giving myself time to readjust my habits and my lifestyle, I have had waaaaay more success.

    Not to mention people like grammymax, plantlady, dewdrop, zaza and all of the new folks are amazing at holding themselves accountable and providing support, so when I'm opening the cupboard door at 9pm, I see them instead of snacks, and how disappointing it would be to have to tell them I fell off of the wagon and have to start over. :grumble: But good luck, and make the choice that is right for you.
  • whoops I forgot:blushing:

    I am on night 3, I had a little wine incident. I had the calories, but not the time.

    Sounds like some of us are doing great though. I'm really proud of you guys and on one hand hope i can catch up, but on the other hand, hope you all keep doing well, and I stay behind:wink:

    Good luck for the day folks!!:bigsmile:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Day 5. I am amazed I made it through the weekend without eating late. I did fight it off.

    :heart: Kathy
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    5 day down... 25 to go.

    Last night was very hard because DH is going to be leaving in the mornings at 6am and not home until 10pm 7 days a week for the next 5 weeks. We watched some tv.... He thought he would opt for popcorn (air popped) instead of ice cream with extras. When he offered I looked at the clock and it was an hour past my cut-off so I declined. He asked me why I didn't want popcorn, he said he understood why I didn't want the ice cream a few nights back.
    I guess I never really took the challenges I am in on the site or the way it works. Maybe he will be a little better about tempting me with food.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Great job wlhanisch and Kathy!! Also glad to hear you're hanging in there kerimcdonald. So , the trick is to remember the group when temptation strikes.:laugh:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Day 5. I am amazed I made it through the weekend without eating late. I did fight it off.

    :heart: Kathy
    So our Weekend Warrior succeeded! Yahoo! I knew you could do it. Good job.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Day 5 down and moving on to the 6th!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    day 6--success
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Day 6 yea, I sure hope I can keep this running streak going. Best to all.

    :heart: Kathy
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Kathy, I know you can do it!
    I made it thru Day 3. Today is my Day 4. Hope I don't forget again. We'll be out late since we're taking our son and his girlfriend to JFK for an 11:30 pm flight to Peru.
    Got keep moving - have a few errands to run before we head into NYC later today.
    Have a good day all.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Well, even though I spent 6 hours in the ER with my baby boy, I still managed to stay snack free. We left right after supper so I had eaten. On the way home though, I found my self thinking "Taco Bell is still open". How bad is that. It isn't even a good choice. Then I looked at my little guy and drove straight home. After all of the "torture" he endured last night he won't leave my side this morning. It is like I gained all my missing weight onto my right leg. LOL. I feel bad that I won't be able to make my 12 year olds concerts today. One is at 1 and the other is at 7. Lars is to sick and contagious to be around a bunch of elementary kids or around all of the elderly adults that will be at the evening show. I would hate to pass this to someone else. Granted, Lars is sicker with this virus than others would be because he has asthma pretty bad.
    Anyway, 6 day down, 24 to go!!!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Kathy, I know you can do it!
    I made it thru Day 3. Today is my Day 4. Hope I don't forget again. We'll be out late since we're taking our son and his girlfriend to JFK for an 11:30 pm flight to Peru.
    Got keep moving - have a few errands to run before we head into NYC later today.
    Have a good day all.

    Have fun in NYC and I hope your son and his girlfriend have fun in Peru. I will be pulling for you to keep the night snack-free.
  • Just squeaked dinner in under the deadline. I hate eating dinner so late, but at least I didn't snack later :)
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