Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    NEWTs Challenge for the Week:

    -Keep up the water. One 8 oz Glass = 1 NEWT
    -Eat your daily veggies! Get your 5 servings of veggies = 5 NEWTs (Or Queeda do you wanna do 1 per serving with a max?)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Now my stats:

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (5+12) 17
    House Points - 172

    Weigh-In - 163.2

    Taking my son to see the movie 'Real Steel' today --- I typically get a slushie and/or popcorn. Trying to avoid those calories.... Ugh! Why can't they just make plain un-salted, un-buttered popcorn.... It always come with crap on it. LOL!! (I should make some trail mix.... )
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Trying to figure out how to add my weight loss ticker to my posts.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    LOL Ok let's see if I do this right :)

    OWLS - 1 (right now they hurt me, because of whatever is going on with my back, but I'll work up to more LOL)
    NEWTS - 12 (under fat and 7 glasses of water. I got off to a late start LOL)
    House Points - 53

    Weigh in 275.4 (not much of a loss but any loss is a good loss LOL)
  • Molly_Louise
    **Exercise Challenge!!**

    Please don't hate me but this week's exercise is tricep dips! 2 OWLs per set of 10 dips. It was mentioned previously a few times that people wished to work on their arms, so I thought we'd get right in there with some tricep dips.

    Simple video if you don't know what a tricep dip is, or want some additional help.

    Best of luck Huffles!
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 29/10

    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 210

    In my previous stat update post, I wrote that it was my stats for 29/10, when really it should have been the 28th. The stats above are my ones for the 29th and just to clarify, the ones for the 28th are

    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 35
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Yay for exercise challenges! Forgive me ladies and gent if this makes no sense, but I have had a few long islands tonight so Yea! Anyway I think we should definitely do the 30 day Shred challenge! I have been thinking about it a lot. I want to make it as fair as possible for all of the participants. We have a wide range of weights in this group so I don't want to do lbs lost because it is incredibly difficult for some people to loose the same lb that other people loose relatively easily. If you want to participate in the challenge let me know by the end of Monday October 31st. Here are the rules. I want you to take measurements for this challenge. Post your starting measurements including arms, waist. hips, right thigh, left thigh, and BMI. You can use the tools section on MFP for the BMI. For the measurements use the standard body tape measurer or the one you use for sewing. If you do not have one you can get it for less than $3. Also if you do not have the dvd Jillian Micheals 30 day shred you can purchase it on for about $8. You can use hand weights for this dvd but if you don't have any do it without them or use milk jugs or something like that. I use 5lbs hand weight which were about $4 a piece U.S. dollars. The hips measurement should be taken 8 inches down from where you took the waist measurement. The person with the biggest change in inches/BMI will when a gift card for $20! I know I can buy the gift card and just email it to you so there is no need for addresses and all. All I would need is your email address. The competition will begin on November 1st and last until December 1st. I would love for all the Hufflepuffs to participate, but if you can't or REALLY don't want to I totally understand. If you have any other questions about the challenge let me know! Other wise Let's Do This! For those of you that don't know the 30 day shred dvd is not know for helping people loose a lot of weight, but it does help (women in particular) really tone up and gain strength. So the difference in inches should be significant. If you are comfortable I would love for you to take before 30 day shred pictures and after 30 days shred pictures so when we report final results on December 1st we can really see the difference. Maybe we can vote via private message to me on who we think had the biggest change visually and I can give a gift card for that as well. Let me know what you think Hufflepuffs! We can chat daily about how that day of the 30 day shred went and how much we hate Jillian :laugh: Feel free to switch up the 3 levels as needed. Each day is only 20 minutes long so there is no excuses about not having time! Love you all! :flowerforyou:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    NEWTs Challenge for the Week:

    -Keep up the water. One 8 oz Glass = 1 NEWT
    -Eat your daily veggies! Get your 5 servings of veggies = 5 NEWTs (Or Queeda do you wanna do 1 per serving with a max?)

    Can we do 1 NEWTS per serving? I know its hard for me to do all 5 servings, but everyone should get some credit for what they can get in.
  • daddylion87
    Checking in!
    Weight 194.0lbs
    Friday: 0 crunches, under fat and 13 cups of water, 312 mins of exercise
    Saturday: 0 crunches, under fat and 11 cups of water, 289 mins of exercise
    Sunday:TBA I'll post this later tonight or tomorrow.

    I am in for the 30 day shred challenge. I'll get my measurements and post soon.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    NEWTs Challenge for the Week:

    -Keep up the water. One 8 oz Glass = 1 NEWT
    -Eat your daily veggies! Get your 5 servings of veggies = 5 NEWTs (Or Queeda do you wanna do 1 per serving with a max?)

    Cool - I'm having a roast dinner later :happy:

    Also arm dips - haven't seen the demo of how it's done yet but seems like a good challenge.

    I would have loved to have done the 30ds challenge but I can't commit to doing it every day. what a cool leader we have!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    NEWTs Challenge for the Week:

    -Keep up the water. One 8 oz Glass = 1 NEWT
    -Eat your daily veggies! Get your 5 servings of veggies = 5 NEWTs (Or Queeda do you wanna do 1 per serving with a max?)

    Cool - I'm having a roast dinner later :happy:

    Also arm dips - haven't seen the demo of how it's done yet but seems like a good challenge.

    As much as I would love to say I'm going to do it every single day I know I probably won't. I have 2 small children and I'm a teacher besides that life just happens, but if you can commit to trying to do it at least 3 days a week I think you'll see amazing results. Totally up to you. I'm not actually expecting anyone who joins this challenge to do it every single day.
    I would have loved to have done the 30ds challenge but I can't commit to doing it every day. what a cool leader we have!
  • msrobinson77
    For Saturday:
    House Points-60

    Will check in later for today. Did we say how many OWLS for the tricep dips? I am on my way to the gym. Going to give those a try! Great challenge Molly!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for including a link to the demo video. Maybe some day I will like like the girl in the video 8 )
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    **Exercise Challenge!!**

    Please don't hate me but this week's exercise is tricep dips! 2 OWLs per set of 10 dips. It was mentioned previously a few times that people wished to work on their arms, so I thought we'd get right in there with some tricep dips.

    Simple video if you don't know what a tricep dip is, or want some additional help.

    Best of luck Huffles!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Loving the exercise challenge! My ARMS hate it but I like it, because that is a problem area for me :) Thanks for the video, it helped!

    Considering the 30 DS challenge. I keep trying ti and keep stopping so I want to make sure i will actually commit to Jillian this time. (she annoys me hahha!)

    OWLs - 4 (and I think I'm going to die lol)
    NEWTs - 9
    HP - 20
  • Molly_Louise
    Evening all, I can't believe it's almost November! This year is flying by.

    Stats for 30/10

    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 10
    House Points - 30

    As for the 30DS challenge, I wouldn't be able to participate this month as I don't have the DVD and ordering it online would take around a week to arrive. I'm happy to participate in it at a later date, but in the mean time I can try to provide support for those doing it from November to December :)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    NEWTs Challenge for the Week:

    -Keep up the water. One 8 oz Glass = 1 NEWT
    -Eat your daily veggies! Get your 5 servings of veggies = 5 NEWTs (Or Queeda do you wanna do 1 per serving with a max?)

    Can we do 1 NEWTS per serving? I know its hard for me to do all 5 servings, but everyone should get some credit for what they can get in.

    I think 1 NEWT per serving and a Max of 5.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (5+10) 15
    House Points - 75


    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - (4+15) 19
    House Points - 209

    (Weight dropped some more - 161.9. Molly I am chasing after you. LOL! Ready to be done with the 160s! Bring on the 150s!)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning, I am in for the 30day shred challenge. I will post my measurements later this evening.
    Here are my stats for 10/30:
    SW: 168 (although my starting weight on MFP is 167, I actually was up to 168)
    CW: 164.6
    GW: 140

    OWL: 0
    Newts: 5
    House pts.: 48

    Have a great week everyone, and I will try not to eat ANY Halloween candy tonight.