countdown to christmas challenge continued...



  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    I lost 3 lbs! *happy dance* at least I know I'm doing something right... and hopefully I can keep it up! Great job today everyone...and even you haven't lost weight this week, you'll probably see a big drop next week, and I'm sure you're looking better than ever :) Let's start the week off with a boom!
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    WoW... Well done to all of you on this lately your all so motivated and determined... Let's kick *kitten*!!! Challenge to follow so enjoy your Friday.. ... Never give up!!! If you slip up just dust yourself of or in my cause give yourself a slap on the wrist and start again....If you’re walking down a set of stairs and you slip on a stair, you get up and continue your walk down. You would never get up and then throw yourself down the rest of the stairs. If you've "fallen" lately, now's the time to get up, forgive yourself, and move on! Posted this yesterday but u really like it so I'm posting it again xxxxxxxxx
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    WoW... Well done to all of you on this lately your all so motivated and determined... Let's kick *kitten*!!! Challenge to follow so enjoy your Friday.. ... Never give up!!! If you slip up just dust yourself of or in my cause give yourself a slap on the wrist and start again....If you’re walking down a set of stairs and you slip on a stair, you get up and continue your walk down. You would never get up and then throw yourself down the rest of the stairs. If you've "fallen" lately, now's the time to get up, forgive yourself, and move on! Posted this yesterday but u really like it so I'm posting it again xxxxxxxxx

    love it!!!!

  • where is my signature gone?? :angry:
  • Hope you all had a lovely weekend! Monday is around the corner :(

    Feeling really positive this week especially as the last 2 weeks haven't been good!

    Looking forward to seeing this weeks challenge.

    Can't believe its only 6 weeks to Christmas, better get my *kitten* into gear!!!!!

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all,

    new week so lets really push ourselves yeah?

    Don't worry about that choccie bar u had on the weekend its gone now lets just kick *kitten*!!

  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    You read my mind :) It is a new beginning, and I'm pushing hard this week!
    I need to kick butt like no one's business these next five weeks because:
    a) I promised myself I would be 149 by the time I went to NYC, a number I haven't seen in two years
    b) I promised myself I would be 139 by Christmas, a number I haven't seen since...wait for it...5th GRADE
    c) Majority of my family is going to come over for Christmas, and they've spent most of my life telling me that I would be pretty if I shed some pounds, and patronizing me for being a pig and liking desserts... But no longer! When they all come over on December 24th, I want their jaws to graze the floor. Seriously! I want their eyes to widen and their tongues to loll on the floor, but most of all, I want to prove to them that I did it. That I ran an 8 minute mile, that I eat my salads with a smile, that I have self-control. And most of all, that I lost my weight, after all these years, without any pills or magic, and that I'm worth it. Best gift ever :)

    Sorry, didn't realize it was such a long post!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey all, Andrea has asked me to post this from cherry pop.
    She also said we are all one group this week so lets kick butt!!

    "I would like you all to have two no carb days this week along with two low carb days. No eating after 7pm so be organised the night before :) stay lower than sodium daily average and no adding salt to foods and make sure to drink all 8 glasses of water plus 2 more if possible and also maybe try a detox day I am not home at mo so I will post some detox drinks in the morn I know u all have done these before but its very hard to come up with something else and please add any ideas if you like best of look and ill be checkin in daily to see how you all doin"
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey all,

    me again haha

    Andrea asked if i could set todays challenge. So here goes:

    50 x jumping jacks

    50 x squats

    50 x side leg raises - lay on your side and lift the leg up and down - controlled all the time

    50 x side inner leg raises - lay on your with the top leg bent over the other one. Lift the bottom one up and down - controlled all the time (great for inner thighs)
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Great challenge set for today !

    I know that I am personally going to try and kick my own butt for the remainder of the time that we have left before Christmas.

    Have a great day everyone :smile:
  • Great challenge & Awesome mini challenge. Think i'll be getting mine done at home.

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend :)

    We can do this............ x x
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Great challenge & Awesome mini challenge. Think i'll be getting mine done at home.

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend :)

    We can do this............ x x

    i'm doing my after my run tonight as a cool down :) xxx
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    how everyone been this monday? xxxx
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    I am finding myself really struggling trying to keep myself on track. I am in a rut with eating the same snacks fruit fruit and more fruit... I need ideas... oh and veggies veggies veggies. it seems like the same thing over and over again. huh.
  • cwatl
    cwatl Posts: 2
    I struggled yesterday, but just remembered not to beat myself up over a snack or meals. Just to get back up and get back on track. Just remember the support system you have on here and to stay focused the best you can :) hopefully we will all meet our goals by Christmas!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am finding myself really struggling trying to keep myself on track. I am in a rut with eating the same snacks fruit fruit and more fruit... I need ideas... oh and veggies veggies veggies. it seems like the same thing over and over again. huh.

    i know what you mean!! xxxx
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Didn't realise I hadn't filled my weigh ins in for two weeks!! :(:( Sorry guys! I'm all up to date now though! :)

    Monday's gone well, I'm just currently been stared at by a huge loaf of fresh bread and it's so tempting!! :(:( I will resist!!!
  • mariechien
    mariechien Posts: 8 Member
    only 6 weeks left....HOHOHO.... and 8 kg I really want to loose :grumble:
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Hey everyone - I know I have been MIA for awhile now. Last Thursday I had a "happy hour" after work, and when I DID get home, I still had to get ready for a little mini vacation. I was gone all day Friday and Saturday, and then Sunday I had to catch up on my normal weekend chores PLUS it was my week to volunteer at our local Bingo game. :laugh: Back to work today - hopefully a more normal week ahead. I haven't been "bad" - just not good about logging and checking in.

    I'm glad to see so many of you are REALLY REALLY motivated. I also worry about some of our group who seem to have more peaks and valleys. I have struggled a long time, so I don't have all the answers but I have really found that this time, with MFP, it is more about trying to lose very slowly and being able to indulge every now and then, without letting it get out of control. Sure - I wish I could lose this final 10 pounds - it has been almost a year now that I have been up a couple pounds and then down a couple pounds BUT the important thing (to me) is that I haven't gained back the 35 pounds that I lost in 2010.:noway:

    So I recommend putting some of our motivation in finding things that work for each of you, that you can live with over the long term. Allow yourself the little treats now and then - just don't get out of control. I'm sorry this sounds preachy - I think that it is because I have been away for a few days, and have just caught up reading the wall posts of my friends, and all the comments on this thread, and I WANT YOU ALL TO BE SUCCESSFUL!! :flowerforyou: