Rude people



  • OMG sorry that happened to you! What city and state do you live in?? Better you than me, because she would have gotten an earful from me..
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You got that, right-- she'd have been picking herself up off the floor...

    hitting a person for the stupid things that come out of their mouth isn't much better... :frown:

    It's called sarcasm. I don't believe this person would actually hit someone over it.
  • Alka97
    Alka97 Posts: 74
    OMG :( hope you are ok, just try not to care what others thinks of you, the only thing that matters is your opinion :D
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    You got that, right-- she'd have been picking herself up off the floor...

    hitting a person for the stupid things that come out of their mouth isn't much better... :frown:

    It's called sarcasm. I don't believe this person would actually hit someone over it.

    Indeed...... but she'd have gotten one devil of a tongue lashing, that's for sure.....
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    hitting a person for the stupid things that come out of their mouth isn't much better... :frown:

    It's called sarcasm. I don't believe this person would actually hit someone over it.

    you never know.....people can be really wierd....
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Who the hell says that? What a complete b****. There is absolutely nothing in this world that I would like better than to be able to kick evil people like that lady. I'm so sorry that she was so're beautiful so don't let her get ya down.

    I've spent years studying people and interviewing probably thousands of people about health issues and otherwise. There are a ton of unstable people out there, people who say whatever they want and occasionally get their clocks cleaned yet keep running their mouths off. Without naming any specific diagnoses, she sounds very unstable. First, if you don't like what you see, don't look (that's what a normal person would do, right?). Second, if you can't look away, the frontal part of your brain stops you from saying something so insulting you could get hurt (a normal brain works that way). Third, even if you have trouble stopping yourself from saying something, your morals would stop you from saying something hurtful, right? (because that's how a normal person operates).

    OP, I hope you understand that woman had a problem that had nothing to do with you or your weight.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    OMMMMMMMG! How can people be so crule. I hate this world how IT came to. Im short and I had people call me midget, shorty, prego ect..

    I haven't been on MFP for very long and have not posted anything yet. I feel the need to post this because I cannot believe how rude some people can be!! Not people on here, people in public...
    I took my three year old to Dunkin Donuts this AM because I promised him a hot chocolate... I was good, I got a small tea with skim milk and splenda... No donut, muffin or greasy sandwiches... Some lady was staring at me making the strangest face...
    So I said to her, "do we know eachother?" I was very friendly... She said "No I just really hate watching fat people eat!"
    I was devastated!! I wasn't even eating, I had a tea... I must admit, I cried on the way home:(
  • bhall33
    bhall33 Posts: 55 Member
    Did the Tea scald her when you tossed it in her face?

    That's what I would have done and then said I think her new scarred face grosses me out when this fat person is trying to eat
  • What goes around comes around. She'll have her day. :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    What a pathetic person! She's clearly so miserable and angry that she can only get relief by tormenting a complete stranger. Probably was the queen bully in high school and her life has been downhill ever since.

    You should feel sorry for her, but only because doing to her as she deserves would involve a certain amount of paperwork down at the local homicide division. If I were a judge, I'd let you off, though. Justifiable homicide for sure.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    hitting a person for the stupid things that come out of their mouth isn't much better... :frown:

    It's called sarcasm. I don't believe this person would actually hit someone over it.

    you never know.....people can be really wierd....

    I think most people are just using hyperbole. Although, I think hitting her would be much better than what she did. She was needlessly cruel to a mother in front of her child. Most people are reacting with a visceral need to protect one of "our own", our MFP comrade.

    Would I really snap her neck? Probably front of kids. ;-)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm sorry, why should someone like that be allowed to live? If she's cruel to random strangers, you can bet she's cruel to everyone else she comes into contact with, too. She's a psychopath, and however she got to the point in her life where she's attacking strangers in public, she needs to either be locked up until she's cured or removed some other way from the population.

    Only a sick society like ours would allow someone like her to walk the streets.
  • That is absolutely atrocious! I am really sorry that you had to experience that. People can be so rude and immature. You just keep on with your healthful lifestyle change! Day by day. Next thing you know bam! You've reached your goal! Then the next hurdle is how to keep it off! I hope the rest of your day was better! :flowerforyou:
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    Did the Tea scald her when you tossed it in her face?

    That's what I would have done and then said I think her new scarred face grosses me out when this fat person is trying to eat

    Because burn survivors with facial scars are totally fair game, hm?

    GFY ,i,,
  • omg that is absolutely terrible!!! I can't imagine how I would've reacted to that !?! Probably the same as you.
    So sorry you had such an asweful rude person say that to you :(:(
  • Signia
    Signia Posts: 21
    If she hates seeing what she calls 'fat people' eat, why was she staring anyway (even though you weren't eating)?

  • Signia
    Signia Posts: 21
    I would have a handful of quotes for when you see her again. I would make it my mission to live at that Dunkin Donuts until she walks in again. Then let her have it!
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    I would have a handful of quotes for when you see her again. I would make it my mission to live at that Dunkin Donuts until she walks in again. Then let her have it!

    Best one for that situation: "Oh yeah, well the jerk store called -- they're all out of you!"
  • TRIMoses59
    TRIMoses59 Posts: 86 Member
    I know that you were hurt. I would have been too! I am so proud of you. You showed so much class by not cussing the rude so & so & so & so out. You showed her that you were the better person with manners, dignity and class! WAY TO GO GIRL!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If she hates seeing what she calls 'fat people' eat, why was she staring anyway (even though you weren't eating)?


    She did it to get her victim's attention, with the sole purpose of attacking and causing harm to her victim.