Rude people



  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I appreciate everyones kind words, it truly helps to get so much encouragement!
    But seriously, what the heck is with that comment about Asperger's Syndrome?? I should mention I work in a group home with many residents with that exact diagnosis plus more. They are amazing people!

    I should mention both of my children are on the spectrum. One you'd never even know it. I found it extremely offensive. They both have great manners and are very kind people. I have no idea why anyone would make such an ignorant statement. I was shocked.

    People love to put themselves above others, until they actually have to stop and think "Hey, those are actual decent human beings that I'm thoughtlessly denigrating."

    A very good friend of mine is a high-functioning Aspie, and I'll admit that friendship can be quite challenging. However, in our decade of friendship I've learned that whenever he makes a totally callous/tactless remark, before I go all knee-jerk and get offended I must examine what about the remark annoyed me. More often than not, I find that he's got a valid point and I'm just offended because he's calling me out on it. I've come to value that quality in him - I never have to wonder if he's just being kind, or what he Really thinks. Also, on his worse days, being his friend has helped me with my patience and my ability to try and understand things from someone else's totally different point of view.

    I think the world needs all sorts of people because without a broad variety, the abilities to empathize and understand we can gain from our fellow humans would be severely stunted.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Should have told her you can't stand hearing ignorant people talk. Although I have to admit, if I were in that situation and did not have a child with me, I'd probably need bail.
  • SheRa1964
    Exactly. My oldest son will tell you exactly how it is but he'd never be intentionally cruel to someone. He actually works in a day program with people who are severely disabled and leads a regular life. Like I said you'd never know. He just has social issues that makes him look very shy. My younger son who is more affected also works and goes to school and drives, etc. There isn't a nicer person in the world than he is. All people on the spectrum are completely different. They are both very kind caring and empathetic people. You may never get them off the subject they want to talk about... LOL
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    REALLY....what a piece of *kitten*...I would have been, thanks, glad your mother did sucha good job raising you! JESUS....this has pissed me off.

    Sorry your feelings are hurt, but others insecurities come forth in BULLY form..screw her!
  • jessicaleighps
    I appreciate everyones kind words, it truly helps to get so much encouragement!
    But seriously, what the heck is with that comment about Asperger's Syndrome?? I should mention I work in a group home with many residents with that exact diagnosis plus more. They are amazing people!

    I should mention both of my children are on the spectrum. One you'd never even know it. I found it extremely offensive. They both have great manners and are very kind people. I have no idea why anyone would make such an ignorant statement. I was shocked.

    People love to put themselves above others, until they actually have to stop and think "Hey, those are actual decent human beings that I'm thoughtlessly denigrating."

    A very good friend of mine is a high-functioning Aspie, and I'll admit that friendship can be quite challenging. However, in our decade of friendship I've learned that whenever he makes a totally callous/tactless remark, before I go all knee-jerk and get offended I must examine what about the remark annoyed me. More often than not, I find that he's got a valid point and I'm just offended because he's calling me out on it. I've come to value that quality in him - I never have to wonder if he's just being kind, or what he Really thinks. Also, on his worse days, being his friend has helped me with my patience and my ability to try and understand things from someone else's totally different point of view.

    I think the world needs all sorts of people because without a broad variety, the abilities to empathize and understand we can gain from our fellow humans would be severely stunted.

    I couldn't believe that was said!! I was in awe that somebody would say that.... rediculous....
    They are great people, many of which are more decent human beings than those without disability....
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I haven't been on MFP for very long and have not posted anything yet. I feel the need to post this because I cannot believe how rude some people can be!! Not people on here, people in public...
    I took my three year old to Dunkin Donuts this AM because I promised him a hot chocolate... I was good, I got a small tea with skim milk and splenda... No donut, muffin or greasy sandwiches... Some lady was staring at me making the strangest face...
    So I said to her, "do we know eachother?" I was very friendly... She said "No I just really hate watching fat people eat!"
    I was devastated!! I wasn't even eating, I had a tea... I must admit, I cried on the way home:(

    that sucks... but honestly i would have the nerve to say "well I don't want to watch you eat either, but here you are"... or "well then why are you staring at me if you hate it so much" would probably be my comebacks. :)
    it sucks that rude people have to make their rudeness known. she probably is unhappy in some way if she finds the need to analyze other people eating. maybe she has an eating disorder or something else pathological going on.
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    Just remember what Winston Churchill said... "Lady, I can always diet. But there is nothing you can do about your ugliness."
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    As my girlfriends and I would have said "She deserved a Throat Punch".

    You can always lose weight, there is no cure for her stupidity. Hang in there.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    This world is full of judgmental people. Some are smart and keep their mouths shut. Others are idiots and let it show by what spews out of their mouth.

    I always tell people when you get your closet skeletons all cleaned out, then judge me if you want.

    It truly amazes me about people. I'm 57 years old and still say yes ma'am or no sir like I was taught from the time I could speak. Adults should know better. Saying it online where you can hide behide an alias or screen is one thing.....saying it directly to your face is another.

    Next time tell her when she starts clipping her nose hairs sticking out that you'll consider not eating the donut you didnt eat in the first place.
  • luvinit
    luvinit Posts: 41 Member
    That is horrible! She's the one with the issue.