C25K-New Year Challenge



  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    I went ahead and did W4D1 today. So far, so good!
  • I'd love to join this challenge. I just started the c10k w/ the end goal of running a half marathon. My 2 day of running this program is tomorrow. I can run 20min, but i wanted to start at the begining. I just joined a local running group called the Pasadena Pacers too.
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Week 4 starts tomorrow! Runs are getting longer, but so far they're not too bad.
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    W4D1 complete. I seriously thought my legs would give out on me on that last 5 min run, but surprise, surprise - they didn't. I did try to pace myself, backing off my previous run pace of about 9:50/mi so that I could be sure to run the whole time. Maybe by the end of the week I'll have a better time.

    Here's details on my run:

    Distance: 2.6 mi
    Walk Pace: 14:48/mi
    Run Pace: 10:18/mi
    Calories: 268

    Does anyone want to make a pact to exercise on Turkey Day?
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    Finally got out and did Day 3 of Week 3! I was afraid that being sick would really set me back and maybe I'd have to redo week 3, but I felt good. I even felt like maybe I could have run 2 more minutes! So I'm planning on continuing on to week 4 later this week. So glad I'm back on track!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    sonyachan I am glad you are feeling better. Sounds like a couple of rest days have done you good :smile:

    With my Husband doing afternoons this week I probably won't be able to get to do my runs outside. I did'nt make it to the gym yesterday, TTOM giving me grief but even though I woke up with a headache this morning I was determined to workout and do W4D1 on the treadmill at the gym. I was quite relieved that it was not as bad as I was thinking it would be, did the 5min runs quite easily!! Even ran a bit extra to get up to 4.5km :happy:
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member

    Does anyone want to make a pact to exercise on Turkey Day?

    I would but it might be cheating seeing as I'm in Australia and we don't actually celebrate Thanksgiving :laugh:
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    ok guys! u might be noticing that i log in and leave a one-liner, without telling what I am upto!

    Actually this challenge was supposed to be started on Oct 31, and on 1Nov I got my pregnancy report and it was positive. I have conceived for the very first time after 4.5 years of TTC.

    During all these years i was not working out esp after ovulation days with the apprehension of what if I lose if i have conceived. and i gained 10kgs in this period. this September i promised my self that ill workout no matter what happens, because this time my Internist was telling that all this stress can be manged with working out.

    I started a 3 months challenge for myself before going for IVF, during the 1st month i got myself used to working out again and due to knee pains i did Pilates,yoga and leslie sansones walk away the pounds and I worked out 22days and by the end i was able to workout for 60mins then.

    then i set this challenge Jillian micheals Killer buns and thighs and C25K on alternate days. This C25K was a sub-challenge actually but just 1 buddy joined me on JMKBnT and almost 15 people joined this C25K challenge.

    I was very confused what to do? then i decided ill not disclose it till the challenge ends, so that u guys keep on doing your workouts, So i tried my best to keep this thread working.

    Now most of u guys r doing so great and almost halfway through it. Keep doing this.

    I still want to end this thread by the new year in very conclusive way. i would like that u guys post in weight and inches lost in the last week of C25K.
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    That's awesome! Congratulations!
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member

    Does anyone want to make a pact to exercise on Turkey Day?

    I am planning on exercising that day! Too busy today, traveling all day tomorrow. So Thursday it is! :)
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member

    Actually this challenge was supposed to be started on Oct 31, and on 1Nov I got my pregnancy report and it was positive. I have conceived for the very first time after 4.5 years of TTC.

    I'm so happy for you!!!! Congratulations!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member

    Does anyone want to make a pact to exercise on Turkey Day?

    I'm packing workout clothes, so that I have no excuse not to!
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    Have not done W4D2 will do it Thursday.

    Starting Weight: 288
    Bicep: 17-Nov 13-16.5
    Bust(fullest): 44-Nov 13- 45
    Waist(narrowest): 45 Nov 13- 41
    Belly around navel: 50-Nov 13- 49
    Hips(widest): 53-Nov 13- 52.5
    Thighs (widest): 28-Nov 13- 27
    calves-20.5R, 20L: Nov 13- 19.5, 20L:
    Mini GW challenge-278 -
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I didnt get a chance to run yesterday and I dont know what my day will be like tomorrow. So, I decided to knock out two workouts today....Week 3 Day 3 & Week 4 Day 1 Done!
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member

    Actually this challenge was supposed to be started on Oct 31, and on 1Nov I got my pregnancy report and it was positive. I have conceived for the very first time after 4.5 years of TTC.

    Congrats! That is awesome. Take care of you and that little one!!!
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    W4D2 Complete today. It was easier than day 1 this week, but still tough at the end. I think I'm going to repeat this tomorrow as my work out. Stats below:

    Distance: 2.66mi (most yet)
    Walk Pace: 14:13/mi
    Run Pace: 10:11/mi (faster than W4D1, but still slower than the other weeks)
    Calories Burned: 266

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
  • midonhau
    midonhau Posts: 108 Member
    Week 4 Day 1 in the bag! Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone!
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    W4D2 Completed Be of track for a couple days. the first 3 min was really hard for me.
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    It wasn't much of a workout today, but it was something - a 40 min walk with the dogs. I came home from Thanksgiving lunch with the start of the migraine so it was all I could really manage today. It was something though.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    Week 4 Day 1 down! Had my own Turkey Trot today. :) My phone and my app were driving me crazy, so I ended up doing a couple extra short runs. So ended up running about 18 minutes. Can't believe the difference in calories burned with more minutes running! Also can't believe I can now jog for 5 minutes! We are doing aren't we girls?! :)