countdown to christmas challenge continued...



  • Charlene_91
    You know what stinks? I am having a big Thanksgiving dinner later today. I know that it will be relatively healthy - me and my two sisters will do our best to make lighter versions of the family favorites. I will will TRY to make good choices - only sampling the things I love and don't have very often. But even so, with a couple of drinks, the dinner, and pie for dessert, I'll probably be up two pounds tomorrow. :sad:

    I am the biggest advocate of "you gotta live", so I am going to go and enjoy every minute of it, and I am not going to lose control and binge, but IS frustrating. :grumble: Know what I mean????

    Don't worry about it, it wont hurt for one day :)

    Good Luck for weigh in everyone x
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Hey everyone, I won't be weighing in until tomorrow because I need to buy a new scale

    I hope you all did well with your weigh ins I have no idea what to expect tomorrow?

    Have a fantastic weekend :bigsmile:
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    Hey guys hope you all had a great week... How was everyone's weigh in?
  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    I actually forgot it was Friday, and I forgot to weigh myself! :embarassed: The holiday yesterday really screwed me up lol so I will have to weigh myself tomorrow. :laugh:
    I AM A FATMAN!!!!1
  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words - I ate a lot but not as much as in past years....I will be fine within a couple of days. :blushing:

    I did the same thing... I think it would be worse depriving ourselves of the holiday celebration. We'll just have to jump back on track and do a few more exercises in the next week, that's all. I can't wait for these leftovers to be gone now, though. I don't want any more temptation ha ha ha
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    Good morning guys have you all filled your new weight on the spread sheet? Is everyone still here with me?? I'm sorry I've been quiet lately I'm still doing the challenges :) this weeks challenge is as follows:

    1) no eating after 7
    2) add an extra 10 mins to your workout/walk everyday
    3) cut down sodium(don't add it to anything if you can help it)
    4) low carb or carb free for 2 days :):)
    5) drink all the water your body can take :)
    6) fill in the spreadsheet
    7) try come on here everyday or when ever possible

    We have less than a month to go let's try for 4lb for Christmas day.. As you all know I'm staying clear of the scales for a while if anyone wants to join me your more than welcome.. Fell free to add to this challenge I'm running low on ideas :/

    Mini challenge To be set by
    Monday = monkey
    Tuesday= cherrypop1
    Wednesday= Asil
    Thursday =rmdiaz
    Friday = Charlene
    Have a great weekend guys and kick *kitten* this week we are running out of time :)
  • Charlene_91
    Good morning guys have you all filled your new weight on the spread sheet? Is everyone still here with me?? I'm sorry I've been quiet lately I'm still doing the challenges :) this weeks challenge is as follows:

    1) no eating after 7
    2) add an extra 10 mins to your workout/walk everyday
    3) cut down sodium(don't add it to anything if you can help it)
    4) low carb or carb free for 2 days :):)
    5) drink all the water your body can take :)
    6) fill in the spreadsheet
    7) try come on here everyday or when ever possible

    We have less than a month to go let's try for 4lb for Christmas day.. As you all know I'm staying clear of the scales for a while if anyone wants to join me your more than welcome.. Fell free to add to this challenge I'm running low on ideas :/

    Mini challenge To be set by
    Monday = monkey
    Tuesday= cherrypop1
    Wednesday= Asil
    Thursday =rmdiaz
    Friday = Charlene
    Have a great weekend guys and kick *kitten* this week we are running out of time :)

    Great challenge as always :)

    Lost 3lb this week so happy finally feel back on track after a bad month :-D
    Going to be as good as i can over the weekend it's given me my determination back!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :)
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Awesome Challenge as usual :happy: I didn't do the best this past week with the food part but I am really going to put a plan together this week when grocery problem being that we are in and out busy busy busy!!! So I grab what is easy trying to add something healthy to it...this week I am going to be ready for it. Good luck to everyone...I am happy to say that I managed to mainitain this week and I was shocked but I want to see the scales go down next weigh in.

    Take Care
  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Ugh... a gain this week of 1.6 pounds. First gain since I've started back on MFP this time. No one to blame but myself (and the Thanksgiving holiday eating I guess).

    Gotta look forward and get back on track. Was gonna put the treadmill in the basement for the winter, but now there's NO way I'm going to do that... it would be way too easy to ignore it. LOL

    Hope everyone hangs in there with this week's challenge... we don't have much time left before Christmas... it's going to be here before we know it!!
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    I am still in but not sure again where to put my weight. I am the same though but really will be focusing on my tracking for the next 4 weeks....I want to be 4 more lbs down.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning guys have you all filled your new weight on the spread sheet? Is everyone still here with me?? I'm sorry I've been quiet lately I'm still doing the challenges :) this weeks challenge is as follows:

    1) no eating after 7
    2) add an extra 10 mins to your workout/walk everyday
    3) cut down sodium(don't add it to anything if you can help it)
    4) low carb or carb free for 2 days :):)
    5) drink all the water your body can take :)
    6) fill in the spreadsheet
    7) try come on here everyday or when ever possible

    We have less than a month to go let's try for 4lb for Christmas day.. As you all know I'm staying clear of the scales for a while if anyone wants to join me your more than welcome.. Fell free to add to this challenge I'm running low on ideas :/

    Mini challenge To be set by
    Monday = monkey
    Tuesday= cherrypop1
    Wednesday= Asil
    Thursday =rmdiaz
    Friday = Charlene
    Have a great weekend guys and kick *kitten* this week we are running out of time :)

    Hey all,

    So as you can see i have to set the challenge for tomorrow and here it is:

    50 x jumping jacks
    50 x squats
    50 x crunches
    30 x tricep dips
    30 x bicep curls

    Yes there is a lot but lets really start working it as time is getting shorter and shorter and christmas is getting closer and closer, lets make every second count!!!!

  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I found some pretty tasty/healthy recipes on here so I thought I'd share
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Hi everyone! I missed you all :) I'm up 2 lbs this week - we walked a lot, but we were constantly eating out at these coffee places and restaurants, so i definitely kinda let myself go... A lot will probably fall off since I'll be shifting from just eating whatever to eating well, drinking water, and running again.
    Love the challenge this week! I'll log in everyday, and do low-carb most of the week. A little less than a month!! Where has time gone? :noway:

    Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! We've made it over that hill - now there's nothing stopping us from the prize!
  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Hey all,

    So as you can see i have to set the challenge for tomorrow and here it is:

    50 x jumping jacks
    50 x squats
    50 x crunches
    30 x tricep dips
    30 x bicep curls

    Yes there is a lot but lets really start working it as time is getting shorter and shorter and christmas is getting closer and closer, lets make every second count!!!!


    Nice rounded challenge... c'mon everybody, let's have a great week so we can see those pounds drop before Christmas gets here!! Good luck everybody!! :happy:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hey all,

    how we all doing this monday?

  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Mini challenge completed !! ...except I already closed out my food/exercise diary so I didn't log it all under my exercises. Oh well, at least I did them... haven't been able to complete a full mini-challenge in awhile (kidney stones have been kicking my butt)... but it did feel good to finally complete it ALL today! Now I have to start working on my water instead of the lemonade I've had to keep drinking!

    Hope everyone had a great Monday... Christmas is right around the corner!!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Glad everyone is sounding so motivation. YAY! My computer has been really slow lately, and I actually couldn't get on this site earlier, so I am slacking a bit with my comments, BUT I am still here. Hope to stay on track for the rest of this week. Hope everyone else does too. :smile:
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Wednesday's mini challenge (posting now because I will not be on much until later tomorrow morning).

    Pulse Lunges with weights x50 (25 each leg)
    Glute Kick Backs x50 (25 each leg)
    Hammer Curls x25
    Shoulder Press x25
    Crunches x25
    Reverse Crunch x25

    I hope you are all doing well :happy:
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Where is everyone ??? It has been very quiet lately ... hope everyone is doing well !!! :)