The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318

    We've been at this for 15 weeks already, crazy! Well done, girls :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Wow, I can't believe its been 15 weeks already. Between the ups and downs and plateaus I lost 12 pounds. Not bad. We started with a large number and now we are down to the faithful 6-7 people that I have truly grown a bond with. What an amazing ride this has been and to tell you the truth the only thread I look forward to checking, posting on. Losing weight is such a challenge, especially as you get closer and closer to your goal. Sometimes you feel as though you are running into a brick wall in this journey, you get discouraged and then you look around and a great support in people such as yourselves who are going through the same struggles. You can celebrate victories and talk about struggles! Love Love Love yall bunches!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    15 weeks already....WOW You guys are my reason to keep coming back here. I don't check any of the other post, just this one, because that's where my friends are. I feel closer to you than my physical friends at home. I don't even talk to my friends at home as much asI talk with you. I need all of you to keep going on with this weight lost and struggle.

    I went to buy some batteries for my Wii fit and decided to weigh-in...When I saw the little Mii grown bigger and bigger, I got scared. I have that they do that. I don't need to see my Mii that fat, but my BMI (by Wii standard) was -3.0 from almost a year ago, so I was happy-ish, because I had not weighed on this at the start of this I was a bit hesitant to see my heart almost stoped when I saw's 243.5 !!!!!!!!! I lost 2.5 lbs since I lost my job and seriously, I have not starved myself. All I do during the day is surf the internet on all the job website search and it looks like everytime I feel horrible, I eat. I have not moved as muched as I was hopping for, but I go for my walks/jog every second day. I'm starting to really enjoy the fact that I don't need to dress up all pretty to imress my boss...I can stay in my PJ's all day and no one will ever know, well actualy, that's what I do. I drive my daughter to school in my PJ, come back home, surf the internet, watch soap's all afternoon and eat...all in my PJ's Loving it, plus I still get paid...sweet!

    Tomorrow I have an interview with a work placement agency. they will find me a job. Also, i'm going for lunch with a friend who is having a problem pregnantcy and has to terminate it (again...her first pregnantcy had to be terminated. Her second gave her a sweet, smart, healthy little boy). I hope she will keep positive and I hope that she know's that she will be able to get pregnant again and will create another masterpiece like her first boy...I'm going to give her my support in this hard and unfair situation.

    Have a great evening my lovelies!!

  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hi my fave ladies. Sorry Ive been MIA for a while but Im back now! I have gained 5 lbs, so Im 160 now. I'm going to lose it so Im not to worried about it. Cheers :-)
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    I totally agree with you ladies, we've got a pretty good thing going on here! You lot inspire me so much, and especially since I'm not logging at the moment, this little thread is what keeps me coming back. We've never met in real life (dang, I don't even know what Kendra looks like :wink:) yet I feel so close to you girls. Love you :flowerforyou:

    Very happy with this week's number: 161.4 - great to see that the work I've put in last week is paying off! I have two christmas parties this week and I'm definitely feeling LBD-ready so bring it on!

    The meeting with the ex went really well. I can now finally say that I am completely over him, I've moved on, and that the break-up was a good thing. That's not to say I don't miss him in my life, and this feeling seems to be mutual, so I am very excited that we can now be friends.

    Aside from that I also had a major personal NSV today.... I went to boxing class over lunchtime and for the first time ever I looked into the mirror and found myself looking skinny. Other people have started saying it to me and it's of course always great to hear.... but for the first time I also thought it myself and it's just the best NSV ever. Yay :happy:

    Have a great week my lovelies :flowerforyou:
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!! i hope you all had a wonderful Holiday. I expected to gain over the holiday but i got a lot of workouts in and weighted in at 216. I'm totally stocked. I may actually be able to hit my goal of 200 by the end of the year :)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Sorry Joni - I guess I like to stay hiding, be a little on the mysterious side I guess :happy: One day soon I will share pictures just not in that place mentally yet.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Weighed in at 178.2 this morning :( and about to leave for my first gym session in almost 3 weeks! 26 more days till Christmas, let's do this!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I'm back SICK you guys! :-( Just when I thought I was getting better, my oldest daughter re-infected me and now I am yacking, coughing, etc...yall pray this doesn't turn into pneumonia :-/
    I didn't get on the scale. I haven't worked out since Thanksgiving and can you believe I am still sore. Leave me at the same weight this week and we will see what next week has to offer. ugh.
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Leave me at the same weight to... I have been so lazy this week, so I'll weigh-in next Monday...

    Ali, I hope that you get better soon...being sick is not fun and you can't workout the way you usualy do if you can't breathe properly.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Will weigh-in next week!!!

    Work went well yesterday & today...I hope that I really like it once I get my caseload figured out and start meeting with kids next week!

    Sidenote: Andrew & I started our own weightloss race...The first one to lose 5% of their current weight first gets a $50 cash prize! haha cheesy I know but we're both slacking off since early summer (terrible, i know) and it's a good incentive :smile: and it's always fun to prove that girls are the superior gender, so hopefully I can kick butt!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318

    I figured the week after Thanksgiving would be a bit tough.... however girls, we are 4 WEEKS AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS!! So let's give it everything we've got to get as close to our goal as possible! I believe in you and I know we can do this :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    You guys any advice for me :-/ I haven't exercised since Thanksgiving. This cold is kicking my tail! I really want to get under 200. Biggest Loser finale is Dec 13th and my gold was 199.5. Can I do this?? Any advice? I've been eating my homemade chicken veggie soup for lunch every day, with lean shake for breakfast and a low carb chicken fajita for snack. Dinner is usually really light. I must say the last couple of days I have had my share of nuttin butter snack cookies ( I dont know I just been craving them). But between coughing, sore throat, runny nose and now stopped up nose, ugh!. I been taking Thera Flu for night and day and herbal teas, water, hot baths... today I am going to get some mucinex to see if that will work a miracle to get some of this phlegm up. But I do welcome any advice from my girls on getting under 200, I am way too close to not have a small victory in that, right?:wink:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    When I first started here I was sick with a head cold, it was horrible but I decided to work out through it anyways. I honestly think that working out through the head cold helped me get better sooner. You can sweat out all the bad stuff, the breathing helped to clear my nose and I honestly felt better after the workout than I did before I had started. It is worth a shot and who knows maybe it will help you.

    Hope you feel better soon, it is the worst being sick :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Great advice. I am going to try and do the Shred tonight and see if that will help. I am so weak right now....just woke up after taking a hot bath and drinking nighttime thera flu...I feel like my mind is alert and awake, but my body is still sleep. But you may be right I may need to exercise at home at least to push through. I am holding off on the gym, since I would have to be out and about and I am not going to run either its really Shred it is. I will let you know how it goes. I stayed off from work today, will be going back tomorrow.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Well I didn't do Shred that night or anything else the next night, but I did go to work. However, today I went to the gym for the first time since Thanksgiving and boy oh boy. I did 60 min of the elliptical (performance style), then 20 minutes of spin, then 60 minutes of body pump (strength training) and then came home and cleaned- up ( still not finished and its 3pm). I have burned almost 3000 calories and most likely I am still burning...I'M BAAAAAACK! Right! People always say I have ridiculous calorie burns and I must say they are absolutely correct. When I go hard it's on, but even when I walk I burned a few hundred....hmmm...I am answering the charge of Joni...we don't have much longer to get close as we can to our goals for December! So let there be no excuses, let's get there YAY! Have an awesome weekend everyone! ttyl
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hope you're feeling better now my dear! I remember once I didn't feel too good and went to a cardio class and that litterally sent me straight to bed. The theory behind it was that when you're ill, you're body needs all the energy it can get to fight off the illness so best not to "use it up" by exercising. But then last week I was feeling a little under the weather too but instead of cardio I did strength training and I came out feeling a lot better than when I went in. So who knows :-) But I heard somewhere that as long as the illness is above the neck i.e. headache, blocked nose, you can exercise but anything else you should pay attention.

    I should really take my own advice onboard! Ok, so last week has been AWFUL! Two reasons, really: 1) it was the week of my company Xmas party and I indulged A LOT, and 2) I'm suffering from goal-meeting euphoria so I've been letting myself go a little.

    But we're 3 weeks away from Christmas and I'm going to give it everything I have now! So I guess the plan for this week is to get back to the number I saw on the scale last week, and use the last 2 weeks to get as close to my goal as I can!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I agree with everything you said Joni. I am feeling better, its still lingering a little but I am baby (8 year old) seems to be coming down with it, hopefully she will be okay...I am in meetings if she has to stay at home any of those days, I will have to drop her with her dear old dad. I didnt even get on the scale for fear of feeling a few pounds higher possibly with having the cold and no workouts....and TOM is around the corner, boy I tell you, when you send TOM packing, he comes back way too soon, right?? We can do this everyone! Keep me at the same weight and a note to self, self we WILL BE 199.5! I don't care if I don't make the goal of 195 by Christmas...just get me to ONDERLAND BABYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey ladies, I hope everyone is having a good week thus far. Joni, can you just keep me as the same as last week? This weekend was super stressful and I'm still recovering sleep-wise. Thanks!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hey ladies, I hope everyone is having a good week thus far. Joni, can you just keep me as the same as last week? This weekend was super stressful and I'm still recovering sleep-wise. Thanks!
    Is everything okay babygirl? Let me know. Praying for you.