Why are carbs so bad?



  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Weird...bull s*** has a high carb content but yet you seem to be so full of it? Odd...isn't it?

    Bulls*** is mainly fiber so it doesn't count towards your net carbs.

    Stay away from processed bulls***.

    But pepperoni is still ok...right?
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    But pepperoni is still ok...right?

    Only if dipped in mayo.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So. to summarize the takeaway messages here....

    Weight loss and muscle preservation/building success can be had with and without carbs
    If you limit carbs too severely you may turn into a raging *kitten*
    Paleoman ate a diet rich in cheese and pepperoni
    Paleoman fanboys get very angry when other people eat carbs
    My oatmeal and banana tastes delicious this morning

    This literally made me LOL.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?

    With a spear, I assume?
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    But pepperoni is still ok...right?

    Only if dipped in mayo.

  • Okay i think i am hungry after all xD

    Pepperoni with mayo sounds amazing right now :D
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Okay i think i am hungry after all xD

    Pepperoni with mayo sounds amazing right now :D

    lol! Or some chocolate...:D
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?

    Very carefully. It takes many days of stalking the pepperoni. You have to study the pepperoni's habits. It is best to try and take a pepperoni at night, as the pepperoni cannot see well. Oh, also you will be required to obtain a special permit from the pepperoni authority board, they only approve permits once a year on February 29.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?

    Very carefully. It takes many days of stalking the pepperoni. You have to study the pepperoni's habits. It is best to try and take a pepperoni at night, as the pepperoni cannot see well. Oh, also you will be required to obtain a special permit from the pepperoni authority board, they only approve permits once a year on February 29.

    Scientists have uncovered some rudimentary pepperoni hunting tools dating back to the Paleolithic period. It included a thin square box, a 300lb celll phone and a magnetic sticker with the 2 digit phone number.
  • I hear people saying that they have to avoid carbs a lot, but I don't understand why. I eat bread or pasta or potatoes all the time and I'm still losing weight. Also I thought they were good for you because they keep you full?
    Can anyone explain? (:

    Healthy carbs--whole wheat pasta, brown rice, wild rice, beans, cream of wheat healthy grain, oatmeal...are actually pretty good for you and should be part of every meal:)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    I hear people saying that they have to avoid carbs a lot, but I don't understand why. I eat bread or pasta or potatoes all the time and I'm still losing weight. Also I thought they were good for you because they keep you full?
    Can anyone explain? (:

    Healthy carbs--whole wheat pasta, brown rice, wild rice, beans, cream of wheat healthy grain, oatmeal...are actually pretty good for you and should be part of every meal:)
    Yeah but, that's a lot of carbs in one meal. j/k
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?

    Very carefully. It takes many days of stalking the pepperoni. You have to study the pepperoni's habits. It is best to try and take a pepperoni at night, as the pepperoni cannot see well. Oh, also you will be required to obtain a special permit from the pepperoni authority board, they only approve permits once a year on February 29.

    ...I heard they're close to being considered a "threatened species" as they have been hunted since 8500-6500 BC. Fact. Wikipedia told me so.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?

    Very carefully. It takes many days of stalking the pepperoni. You have to study the pepperoni's habits. It is best to try and take a pepperoni at night, as the pepperoni cannot see well. Oh, also you will be required to obtain a special permit from the pepperoni authority board, they only approve permits once a year on February 29.

    Scientists have uncovered some rudimentary pepperoni hunting tools dating back to the Paleolithic period. It included a thin square box, a 300lb celll phone and a magnetic sticker with the 2 digit phone number.

    LOL! Isn't the "bag phone" from the Stone Age?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    yeah, i started the KETO 3 weeks ago, but that pic is from early 2011. months ago, but nice try.
    also, i am a powerlifter, there for, actually i had a "balanced" diet with carbs in the pic (standard bulk up diet). come at me when you can deadlift 500lb or squat 400lbs.

    follow whatever diet you want lol

    nice physic bro! tell me more

    don't really know what this means, but i'll subscribe anyway. looking forward to future posts from you. teh crazies are what really make MFP tick.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Wow....this thread went places I never anticipated.

    There are plenty of ****ty studies out there. I love PubMed, but responsible use consists of being able to weed out the bullsh*t, not just searching terms that will support your argument. There are plenty of papers that support both sides based on what metabolic parameters you're looking at.

    I like low-carb because (as I mentioned previously) it's some YUMMYASS FOOD and ketones, fat, fiber and protein all have appetite-suppressant effects, either through hormonal regulation or by filling up your poop machine.

    Non-low-carb contains those things too, but some in lower amounts. NOT A BIGASS DEAL.

    Bottom line--if you're an as*hole, no one will care about your science.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    How does one hunt pepperoni?

    With a spear, I assume?

    Actually, I think you'll find the recommended weapon is a toothpick. One of those ones with the frilly cellophane on the end.....
  • Dundreggen
    Dundreggen Posts: 41 Member
    Before low carb became trendy, people lost plenty of weight doing low fat. Back in the day I was happy to live off pasta (with no-oil tomato sauce) and jacket potatoes with baked beans (but no butter) for months!

    Different things work for different people - you may find you get dry skin from low fat, not enough energy to run from low carbs or bad results from resistance training if you don't have enough protein.

    A good balance with enough of everything (including my favourite micronutrient red wine!) works best for me and helps me achieve my weight-loss goals without compromising my fitness goals, which are probably more important, or feeling hungry.

    Low carb was trendy LOooooNG before low fat. Low carb has been around for loosing weight since the 1700s (some prince or other lost a lot of weight eating just meats and green veggies) It was purported back at the turn of the century. It wasn't until the mid 1950s that fat became 'bad' and the whole idea that one should eat lots of empty carbs and limit fat and protein. Flawed studies in the 70s (now refuted) showed that protein was bad. Its due to these that there has been a large campain to push carbs.

    I am not saying don't eat carbs lol. I am saying if you try just cutting cals and it doesn't work, or you are miserable try cutting carbs. I have never been so relaxed and happy about food... even forgetting weight loss. I only need to figure out how to get more veggies in.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Carbs are very good. Just as good as fats and proteins. But like others have said if you overeat any of those 3 then yes it's bad. Carbs and fats are easier to overeat cause all the bad tasty food is made of these. Haha. Just think of donuts, soda, and tinkies!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Carbs are very good. Just as good as fats and proteins. But like others have said if you overeat any of those 3 then yes it's bad. Carbs and fats are easier to overeat cause all the bad tasty food is made of these. Haha. Just think of donuts, soda, and tinkies!!
    Tinkies are the worst! :wink: