Worst Dates you've ever had



  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    So I went to see a guy I didn't particularly like much for one last date. Let him down easy, you know. I found him to be really unattractive and kind of obnoxious, though we did share some interests.

    He's late AGAIN (he was an hour late for first date, 20 mins late for this one). And he asks how I like his shirt.

    First, read these reviews for this item:


    Yep, he was wearing a very similar Wolf Shirt. I burst out laughing, thinking he was aware of the internet sensation, but it turns out he isn't and genuinely thought it was a good choice in attire. And I had to explain the joke. And the rest of the date definitely was rather awkward after that.
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    internet dating

    1) Guy contacts me I read his profile says he walks with a bad limp due to a work accident and is a widow. He was not good looking but I learned you cannot go by pictures and figured he gets point for saying up front he has a bad limp. I figured if he is a good guy I can overlook a limp and agree to meet for dinner and a movie.

    I drive to meet him at an agreed upon place for dinner. First he was uglier than his picture and gets out of his truck and reaches in and pulls out a cane to walk with. Okay he said he had a bad limp. Then he asks if I can help support him to get into the place. Okay - I am starting to think this is more than a bad limp but didn't want to embarass the fellow so I say sure and let him hold onto my arm.

    While we are waiting for the waitress he pulls my picture out of his top pocket and says he keeps me close to his heart. Umm dude you just met me. Oh, yeah he gave me a red rose with a note that said "to my someone special". CREEPY. Dumb me goes to the movie with him and when we get ready to leave after the movie he almost falls down. I had to grab him and hold him up. By this time I am thinking Okay how do I dump this guy without making it sound like he is less than a person cause of his disability. OH he made that real easy when he called the next day.

    He thanks me for not letting him fall at the movies and then decides he wants to tell me about a recent trip he had to the ER. He tells me his leg is partially paralized and so are nerves in his back. He then tells me how because of this his rectum or some part of him fell out of his butt. I KID YOU NOT! He complains because the hopsital left him laying there for a long time with this hanging out. He also makes sure to tell me don't worry EVERYTHING still works. EWW. He then tells me all the meds he is on and one of them is Vigra . LOL.
    He says he believes his dead wife sent me to him and that I should give him my work address so he can send me flowers. I decline and tell him this is not going to work out. He proceeds to continue to call and leave me voicemails demanding my work address so he can send the flowers and he just knows I am the one for him. I finally had to get my oldest son to call him and tell him to leave me alone. Lets just say he was not as polite as I was and I never heard from him again.

    2) Guy says his works fire and rescue and did I want to see some pics of some rescues he was on. Sure I'll look. He hands me a picture of a helicopter crash with someones head not attached to their body!
  • ciaobellakiss
    Went on a dinner date with this guy and ordered macaroni and cheese, breadsticks, and a soda. He proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't be eating that or I'll ruin my figure. I then ordered dessert and he got really mad, and was left to pay the bill. Hahaha.
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    1) This was back in high school so Idk if it really even counts as a "date" but the guy picked me up after school to go to the mall and as soon as I got in the car he pulled out a bong! He asked me if I want to get high... I refused and he proceeded to light up while driving to the mall.... Once we were there he was checking out other girls HARDCORE... like smiling at them and turning around to look at them... while I was right next to them. I texted my two best friends and they came to the mall and "ran into us". We all went to the bathroom so I could tell them what happened and one of them told him they were taking me home. LOL! I think I was 16.

    2) I met this cop at the taste of Chicago, he took me out to dinner then next night. I met him somewhere & then I got in his car to go to the restaurant (which I was already uncomfortable, I don’t like getting in cars with men I don’t know, even if they're a cop!). He took me for a nice dinner and drinks, he was a gentleman, attentive and we were having great conversation. We stayed there for a while, I know my limit but apparently he did not. He was a big muscular guy but he was taken them down, quick. I remember thinking, "Is he drunk or just a d-bag?" He started telling me how he has a child and how he's been on & off with his baby's mother and how he left one girl for his baby's mother. I finally told him I needed to go home but when he got outside he was all over me. I told him I don’t kiss on the first date but he kept holding me and trying to kiss me! After repeatedly pushing him off he finally got in the car to drive me to my car. Well he was swerving, not paying attention to the road, I had to tell him to focus. Thank goodness it was only a few blocks away. Well, he called me for MONTHS after that date & I never responded... In fact, he was still calling me about a year after that.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I had a guy tell me he had to make sure we only kissed on the cheek because he was "too good at that stuff" and it would lead to me "making decisions that would lead me to think we were in a relationship". He also told me that he didn't want to tie himself down and assume that this girl 'sitting in front of him' (me) was the right one.

    I assured him that hideous attitude and perception of my self-control would certainly prevent my clothing from disintegrating as a result of one of his kisses, which I also assured him I didn't want.

    He called a week later trying to take me out for coffee...NO THANKS, I can make that at home and my coffee maker doesn't insult me.

    what an idiot! haha i love ur response!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Went on a dinner date with this guy and ordered macaroni and cheese, breadsticks, and a soda. He proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't be eating that or I'll ruin my figure. I then ordered dessert and he got really mad, and was left to pay the bill. Hahaha.

    that sound like an awesome dinner! and u are gorgeous btw :)
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Not as bad as most of these, but still painful at the time.

    I had met a guy while out having drinks with one of my roommates. I wasn't really into him, but he seemed nice so I accepted when he asked to take me to dinner the next evening. I tried to tell him that I would rather meet him out as I didn't let guys pick me up from my house til I knew them better. He said okay and told me where to met him.. 20 minutes prior to our set time he pulled up in my driveway. Needless to say I was more than shocked when he knocked on my door. He then told me he had found my address online, creepy.. but I could see he was trying to be nice. I went with him and we ran into another couple who he was friends with at the restaurant, (pretty sure he had planned it). I spent the next hour at dinner getting questioned by the 3 of them.. I felt like I was at an interview for a job I didn't want. Afterwards they decided we needed to go somewhere else to hang out, I told my date that I was tried and would rather go home.. he insisted that we wouldn't go for long, fine whatever.. at the next location, they 3 of them pretty much planned a vacation for the four of us and tried to set up times for all of us to do this again the next night. I started faking having a migraine so he finally took me home.. by this time he had already given me the pet name of "Bear" WTH?? Needless to say, I avoided all of his calls from then on. He wouldn't get it if I tried to explain I didn't feel the same.. understanding much of anything didn't seem to be his strong point.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    anyone have more? i cud use a few more laughs before the end of the day hehe :laugh:
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    oh god!

    my friend set me up with his cousin. he picked me up from the station and we went to his friends house where we stood awkwardly watching them play computer games for half an hour. then he took me to the park to go on the swings, then dropped me back at the station. i was like wtf. no food.

    needless to say i never saw him again!

    LOL, wow
  • tonyamc1234
    mine was when i met a guy online a few years ago on a match making site a friend of mine referred me to. in his pictures he was very attractive, nice smile and beautiful eyes. so after talking online and on the phone for a few weeks we decided to meet at a public place, for safety reasons on my part lol. after arriving i noticed a guy waving me down and im thinking theres no way this can be him. as i get closer i noticed that this isnt the guy with the beautiful eyes i had thought. long story short the pictures he had posted had been altered to fix his eyes to make them look straight when in fact one eye was straight the other looked off to the other side and his smile wasnt so nice either. the picture made them pearly whites but only to find out they were chipped and yellow :( guys be honest up front about EVERYTHING! lol
  • Determined1980
    I think I have everyone beat! I went on a date with a guy that seemed to have a few lose screws, but I continued on with the date because I didn't want to be rude..........needless to say after a couple of hours on the date I couldn't take it anymore and decided to end it. He said that I was I was rude because I didn't want to continue and ended up holding me hostage at gunpoint. NO JOKE!
  • Alishia_655
    My first date with my husband was TERRIBLE! We went to Outback Steakhouse. His ex wife (now a good friend) kept calling and threatening to kill me. We ended up leaving because he thought she would show up and start something.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Online dating has left me with a few gems. I was living in Charlotte, NC at the time and a guy wanted to come pick me up at my apartment, drive me to his place in SC where we would get drunk in the hot tub and then I could stay the night in one of his guest rooms. Needless to say, I declined. He refused to meet me in public so we never went out.

    Another date was with a guy who would NOT make eye contact for more than 2 sec. His eyes went straight to my bustline... and stayed there while he talked to me. I know that's not that weird for most people but I'm an A-cup and it wasnt a low cut top. It had never happened me before and I was mortified.

    Does anyone else get annoyed when their date texts while s/he is out with you? It's such a pet peeve for me. If you want to talk to someone else, then go talk to someone else, don't waste my time.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I think I have everyone beat! I went on a date with a guy that seemed to have a few lose screws, but I continued on with the date because I didn't want to be rude..........needless to say after a couple of hours on the date I couldn't take it anymore and decided to end it. He said that I was I was rude because I didn't want to continue and ended up holding me hostage at gunpoint. NO JOKE!

    wow that's terrible! glad u made it out safe. that really is crazy!! wow!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx for the laughs guys. i wish i had more stories to tell but i don't date a whole lot. I've been in 2 long term relationships and I usually hate dating. now i remember why. lol there are some crazy weirdos out there!
  • knight_owl
    1. I had a guy insult me the whole night and refused to be seen with me. I had to walk behind him. I was told that I wasn't pretty and that I was a dirty b****. Lovely.

    2. I went to the cinema with a guy and he complained that he had to pay for my ticket and that I should have paid for his.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    bumping for later
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    I was seeing this guy, and we had plans for him to come hangout at my house. Well he decides to bikeride to my house in mid summer. Shows up dripping in sweat with terrible BO. Asks to borrow my deodorant! I was so grossed out. Never saw him again.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    The only one I can think of was the beginning of this year. I went on a "first" date with a guy I had a date with back in high school. We reconnected on FB and I thought he was still pretty cute. Well, we live like 3 hours away from each other, so we met halfway and decided to grab a bite to eat. On the way to the restaurant, he ripped *kitten*. TWICE! He didn't apologize or anything! I was like GROSS!

    Then at the table, he ate like a sow...He chewed with his mouth open and talked with food in his mouth. He made some stupid comment about what I ordered (a burger without the bun), and then when it came time to leave, he just set out enough money to pay for his meal.

    He farted once more before I got out of the car and left for the night.......

    We went out once more, because I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He brought me back to his place, where he had racist roommates making derogatory remarks. The place was disgusting. He made me watch some stupid man movie that I had no say in....and his room had garbage everywhere and stains on his sheets.

    I never talked to him after that and deleted him off of FB...
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    haha i gotta take notes cause i never been on a date b4..