Most Embarrassing Gym Moment...



  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Yesterday when I was training with my personal trainer, i totally farted!

    BUT, I'm sticking with the story that it wasn't my fault! He had me on some sit-up bench with a bouncy medicine ball, I had to sit up (angularly) while bouncing the medicine ball on either side of me for 10 reps on each side. It just happened! haha

    What's your most embarrassing gym moment?
    Did that...
    And though I tried to look as shocked as everybody else and looked around as though it wasn't me, they all knew.

    I was known from that day on as "Fart Man".
  • cecejoy
    cecejoy Posts: 76 Member
    I fell asleep during pilates class
  • most recently i tripped at zumba class :D my shoe was untied and someone stepped on the lace... on my glorious way to the ground i managed to fall on top of some other girl ... she was not happy :D
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Totally farted in yoga class. Not just a little, polite *poot* but a long, juicy fart with teeth. Ok and it STUNK like it had just rolled right past a turd. It was awful. I was on a juice cleanse and sometimes you don't have control and your farts just can't be trusted. I heard someone trying to suppress their giggles, another person said "gross" under their breath. Mortified and frozen in place, I didn't how to damage control this one. I finished class as best I could and then as soon as they went into final relaxation I immediately got up, ran out of the studio and never went back. When I got home I discovered that yes, I had *kitten* myself a little.

    OMG this one has me crying from laughter I mean tears came into my eyes:laugh:
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    bump for later
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    Oh I have been howling through these, thanks for brightening my day!!

    Mine: I had been to the gym only a few times, and had gotten a little cocky. I started doing a pre-set workout on the treadmill (slow then fast in intervals) and I was sweating like a glass blowers *kitten*. I didnt want to look like a wuss in front of the skinny gym bunnies either side of me so I took a good chug on the water and carried on......

    ........ All of a sudden I started to feel a little nauseaous. Still I carried on. Out of nowehere I felt all the water come back up, there was no time to go to the bathroom. I clamped my mouth shut and hoped it would go back down but instead it shot straight out of my nose and splattered on the mirror in front of me.

    The skinny gym bunnies did not see the funny side!!

    Thankfully, it was all clear liquid- and no chunks.

    OOOHHHHHhhhh MMyyyyyyyy:noway: :laugh:
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Best thread ever:bigsmile: Thank you for the laughs:happy: :laugh: :wink:
  • These are totally awesome!!! I've been feeling so depressed today, but these posts have completely lifted my mood. I cannot stop laughing.! Thanks!!!
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    Well, this didn't happen to me but I was there and I sort of felt embarrassed for her. This lady was on the elliptical next to me and she was pretty intense about the whole thing. About 10 minutes into it, she let out a killer loud never-ending fart and then I suppose she got all flustered and embarrassed over it, and somehow lost her footing and fell off the machine and got wedged in between my machine and hers? It took all my strength not to laugh hysterically. Luckily she wasn't hurt though... aside from her ego.

    tears streaming down face over this:laugh:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I had a huge hole in my gym shorts and didn't realize it till a guy came up to me and told me. I had bright pink boyshorts on too.
  • This is the funniest thread ever!
  • awadm
    awadm Posts: 252
    Can't even believe I'm sharing this...

    The other day, I got off the elliptical (after about 50 minutes of working out on it) and started to walk down the stairs to go to the locker room. My knee totally buckled and I fell most of the way down the stairs on my butt. Pretty sure the entire gym stopped and stared before someone asked me if I fainted and fell down the stairs. Yupp, this is my life lol
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    This thread is just awesome! I have been laughing nonstop.

    - I was watching "She's the man" in the gym's theatre while running on the treadmill, there is one scene where Amanda Bynes is having a bad dream of playing soccer in a dress and trips and falls... and I fell right with her, and smacked against the wall, in front of a ton of people.

    - I ate a chipotle burrito for lunch, decided to run on the treadmill extremely fast, and out of nowhere, puked it up everywhere.... the treadmill... the floor... the woman next to me.... yeah, it was bad.

    - I was in the locker room, in the corner, quietly minding my own business trying to get my clothes on and one of my college professors happened to go to that same gym and greeted me... topless... while I was also mostly naked. Couldn't look at her the same ever again.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    (double post, sorry!)
  • When I tried to look good in front of someone quite cute :') and step off the treadmill for a minute using the flat bits on the side, instead of stopping the whole machine. Did it happen? Nope! Didn't put my foot out far enough and went shooting backwards off the end. Safe to say, it wasn't the best look I've ever had...
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    First kickboxing class EVER....We were doing a series of back kicks so we were bent over. I was wearing a new tank top and BOTH OF MY BOOBS WERE HANGING COMPLETELY OUT OF IT. I was not aware because I was concentrating so hard. that is, until the instructor yelled at me to "put them away!" into his microphone. The whole class saw my girls, thanks to his loud mouth and each wall being a mirror. There were approx. 20-30 people in attendance. :blushing:
  • MickeyEstes
    MickeyEstes Posts: 19 Member
    bump so I can find this tomorrow :)
  • bump
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    First kickboxing class EVER....We were doing a series of back kicks so we were bent over. I was wearing a new tank top and BOTH OF MY BOOBS WERE HANGING COMPLETELY OUT OF IT. I was not aware because I was concentrating so hard. that is, until the instructor yelled at me to "put them away!" into his microphone. The whole class saw my girls, thanks to his loud mouth and each wall being a mirror. There were approx. 20-30 people in attendance. :blushing:

    nice... :tongue: i recommend tata tamers by lululemon. my lady friend swears by it.

    ps, i take cardio-kickbox 1-2/week. it's awesome!
  • MrObundles
    MrObundles Posts: 41 Member
    I was about to dumbbell bench press and before I could rock back, I Pinched my junk with 85lbs dumbbells.