The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Shopping should always count as exercise...because you have to carry all the clothes around and try them on & jump up and down in the jeans to get them on :laugh: jk


    (I packed a small salad and fresh pineapple for lunch today...and I am going to do everything in my power not to fall into some chocolate today like the last few days :blushing: )
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hi ladies, Sorry for my random checking in. I weighed in on sunday and my weight was 165.1 so I will not rach my goal for christmas. Today is going to be day three of p90x 2 and so far Ive done good. I really hope that I can do it this time and not give into temptation or give up.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I think you guys are doing a fabulous job, all of you, and daily check ins are a great idea a great way to keep in check and have someone to answer to.

    Keep up the great work everyone :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Girls! I started 2-a-day workouts this morning. Last night I did Just Dance 2 for 1hr and I burned 1265 calories alone (I wore my HRM) WOW! This morning I did Shred Level 1 and instead of bussing it to work from the bart (which is 8 long blocks) I walked it. I usually walk in the evenings, but I said why not get more exercise and save $2. Tonight I am going to do some sort of work out, not sure yet. Shred will be every morning M-F and tomorrow night I will probably take a strength class in the evening with a friend. I realize this weather and this season has really played with my weightloss, so I have to show it who is the real boss, take charge of my destiny. I got a big push from Biggest Loser Finale last night and they are already going to start a new season on January 3rd. I am like WOW...that is quick. Anyway, ladies I had for breakfast a Spicy chicken Italian sausage link wrapped in a whole wheat low carb fajita with a little sprinkled mozzarella cheese and a cup of coffee. I brought yogurt and jello for my snacks and will by me a small salad at lunch today...Not sure what this evening holds...but one of my goals is to plan meals out instead winging it...I need to get myself organized in 2012. My whole life I've been the organized one and for some reason when things in my life got out of control so did that...LETS do it LADIES! And by the way YES, shopping is exercise (mark it off at walking for however long you shop) shoot cleaning is exercise! lol I am not getting on the scale no more until next week (it is way too discouraging).
    Joni, I will make sure I consider your advice and if I start to feel overwhelmed I will make sure to take a break, but I am thinking that if my 2-a-day workouts cease on the weekends I will be okay. My Saturday workout usually is crazy anyway and Sunday I normally dont exercise, if I do I walk up this 1.5 mile straight up hill with my neighbor.TTYL
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    This is so wonderful, whenever I check the site there's always something new to read :-) Thanks for checking in Alyshe and Kendra! Kim - shopping is definitely a great workout! I did some myself tonight and I'm exhausted! Did you buy anything nice? Mandie, Alicia, your food choices sound great! Well done on the workouts as well, Alicia!

    I didn't get round to posting the chart today as it was way to busy at work but will try tomorrow. Let's face those red numbers and then do something about it.

    Today was a SUCCESS! I was super tired this morning but still got up and went to spinning class before work. I also feel I made very good food choices today and even though I did have a little bit of chocolate mousse I only had 2 spoons and didn't finish it. That was my proud moment of the day.

    Tomorrow I am planning on running into work (12k) as I know that tomorrow evening is going to be relatively bad alcohol wise as I have another Christmas party to attend. The key thing will be to stick to healthy foods during the day!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Today....I ate a cookie ice cream sandwich. LOL so much for good food choices. But I still came in under calories and I didn't log my shopping/running around Berkeley because I figured the cookies might have more calories than what I think they did. I definitely did not eat the healthiest today, but I felt good with my choices given what was available.

    And yes Joni, I DID find something nice...a PURPLE fleece jacket at the North Face Outlet :love: I am super excited that it fits and that it has a hood and did I mention it's PURPLE??? Hahaha, my friend was laughing so hard because I was literally jumping up and down when I found it on the rack.

    Mandie, how did your plan to avoid chocolate go? Pineapple is always a good substitute for chocolate, in my opinion :drinker: (pretend the cups are pineapples :tongue: )

    Alicia, you are definitely my inspiration. I don't know how you are able to do so much and stick to it, but your self-discipline is amazing!

    Tomorrow I plan to get up at 7 to go to the gym before heading off to brunch and pedicure session with one of my girls, and I'm supposed to hit the food trucks for dinner before Bible study, so trying to plan ahead for better on that note, good night!

    P.S. I :heart: you all!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hi My dear girls!
    Yesterday was awesome! But a extremely long day! I didn't get to bed until nearly midnight and slept right through my no morning Shred for me. Looking forward to some strength training tonight. Those extra 5 pounds dont seem to want to move and why does everyone want to shove all these goody goodies in your face. I resisted temptation for chocolates, pastries, cakes...and then last night, how did I succumb to a little 8 year old's oreo cookies...boy I tell you I think I ate like 6 or 7. I know I had a great burn yesterday, but geesh! Today, of course we had to finish off the cookies (we weren't going to waste but I am gonna drink plenty of water...FLUSH that fat right out of me...lmbo. Next week I get another colon cleanse, so another new start...that will be my 2 for the year...You feel so empty and clean after one of! I am equipped with yogurt and my spicy chicken italian sausage and whole wheat tortillas. I will have plenty of ruffage this evening and hopefully 102 ounces of H20! We may not get to our Christmas goals ladies, but we are well on our way to A BETTER US! I have no doubt I will reach my goals before my birthday at the end of March...that is more that enough time. Plus my church is starting their 40 day fast January 1st (no meats, no sweets) Good LAWD. If that doesn't get me to my goal and teach me creativity I dont know what will. ttyl
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I DID do pretty well yesterday! I didn't eat any snacks at work or at home and when I was at my aunt & uncle's house for dinner I ate 3 small christmas cookies (seriously, you have to beileve me that they were really small lol) And that was it! Everyone else, even my adorable 6 year-old god-daughter ate like 7 cookes :laugh: I think Andrew had at least 10! :noway: haha too funny...

    Anyways, I had a small bowl of cereal this morning for breakfast & am having a chicken alfredo lean cuisine for lunch with a banana!

    TONIGHT I am meeting my NEPHEW for the very first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is almost 6 months old and I can't wait to hold him. My sister & her family live in Germany because her husband is in the Air Force and they are coming home for CHRISTMAS and will be staying with my parents for over 2 weeks!!! (Well, my sister & her boys are coming brother-in-law is currently deployed to Qutar) So, I'm super excited to meet little Zeke and hangout with my nephew Eli, who is now 5 :happy: :happy: :happy: Oh yeah, and I guess it'll be fun to see my sister too :wink:

    Have a happy thursday girls!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    and I forgot to mention that even though it's cursed tom right now, the scale was down a bit this morning after eating right for 2 days and chugging my water...i'll get this figured out yet!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey girls,

    I'm so glad that we've decided to post daily, or somewhat close to it...

    Today I barely stayed under...I had breakfast and went to the gym early this morning but had a HUGE meal right after; I was sooo hungry it was ridiculous! Haha, but I ran around the rest of the afternoon doing errands and baking cookies (which I only had a bite of since it was a new twist on an old recipe) before racing to the food trucks. I definitely gave in to the temptation of crab with garlic noodles, but I am proud to say that while I did finish my half a crab, I only ate half of the garlic noodles, and I refrained from buying my own cupcake!! Small victory (I had a bite of my friend's) but still an improvement.

    Tomorrow should be easier because I get to choose or make my own dinner (between meetings at church), then I'm going to squeeze in a gym session before going to sleep. My goal is to up my water intake back to 9 or more glasses every day (I've been slacking and feel the effects).

    Mandie, I'm soo excited for you! I absolutely love babies and little kids, and meeting them for the first time is always an amazing experience. So glad you get to spend Christmas with your family :happy:

    Alicia, just out of curiosity, is your church doing the Daniel fast? That's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw 40 days and no sweets or meat.

    Have an awesome Friday ladies! Goodnight!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Yes, the Daniel fast. I have not done it in 2 years. Last couple years I've been doing no sweets, but my pastor challenged everyone to do it this time including himself and he is diabetic. I told my kids dont think our house will be a house full of sweets at that time. We are going to figure out plenty of alternatives. So now I dont kick myself in the butt so much if I have candy (especially given last night, my co-worker's wife and daughter made candy from scratch-AMAZING chocolates, white, milk, dark with nuts cranberries, toffee and marshmallows from scratch, omg). I just have to drink my water and get in work outs. No store bought junk anymore either!
    I am going to kill myself in the gym tomorrow and next all next week too.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    OH BOY, OH BOY!!!

    In the past 6 days of eating right I was able to go from 158.2 down to 153.6!!! I am soooo pleased with that number that I can hardly stand it :laugh: Now I just need to keep this up even with all the Christmas goodies coming up behind every corner!

    Have a great weekend girls :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Wow that is so AWESOME! That is nearly 5 pounds, great job! I tried to kill myself in the gym today if you saw my burned calories today over 4000. Too many Christmas goodies (homemade candies, homemade cookies, homemade everything)... I am paying for it to...I am sore and tired, took a nap and now I am up and dont feel like doing a thing. I am suppose to go running in the morning, it is going to be really hard I already know...praying I get through it...
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Over 4000??? Wow...I really need to up my game. This weekend felt like a bust food-wise. I had my cousin's wedding banquet (think 10 courses of Chinese food) and then more Chinese food today because we had an evening event at church and had dinner catered. Although I skipped all the fried food today and had vegetables, beef, and tofu, but added cupcakes since the event was called "Christmas Carols and Cupcakes". I also somehow forgot the first line of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" which I soloed :( I think I need to figure out how to stay away from the goodies, especially since I have a ton of baking to do this week...any suggestions? I will probably weigh in on Tuesday so I can get rid of the sodium and water. Hope you girls are having a great weekend!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    This morning I was up 1.2lbs from Saturday's beautiful number so I'm hoping it's just from too much sodium yesterday. I will be drinking ONLY WATER for the remainder of the day (I already had my morning coffee) but I will post my weight tomorrow no matter what it is.

    I only have 4 days of work this week...and then I get 11 ENTIRE DAYS OFF FOR WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, i'm excited to be working in the school system :wink: haha talk to you all later!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I know, I know...I was the last person to write on the topic, but I'm back again!!! I just had to report that I am at work and I am feeling soooooooo hungry so i'm coming on here to tell you all that i'm not going to eat the yummy chocolates or mints on my co-workers desk!!! Instead, (THIS IS FOR YOU, MANDIE) : drink lots of water, and prepare for the meeting in an hour :laugh: haha Because if you give in then we don't get pizza or a snack tonight and we've already planned for those. You must have strength...You must not give in!!!!!!!!!!! haha

    nice pep talk, eh?
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hahaha now that was a great way to pep talk yourself Mandie! lmbo. I've been working out like crazy yall to try and break even, but I dont think I am weighing in until Friday because Sunday is Christmas and this is the Christmas goal challenge and I am sure none of us will be logging in on Christmas to give progress. So I am gonna try to do my best this week and see what happens because I crew starts again after Christmas for our next goals and challenges... :-)
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    :ohwell: I've been naughty. I went for a super long run on Saturday and then I crashed out because I was tired and ate loads of bad food. December is just not my month - here's to detox January!!

    I'm leaving on holiday tomorrow, going to see the parents first then skiing in the Alps for a week. Do you girls feel like doing final weigh-ins? Feel free to post whenever and I will put up a chart when I'm back in the new year.

    Hope you all have a super fab Christmas and NY period and will look into creating a group thingie for us when I get back so we can all stay in touch!!

    Love you loads my girlies :flowerforyou:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Aww, have fun Joni!! And I agree, good pep talk Mands :D I don't think I can do my final weigh-in this week, TOM arrived yesterday so I don't want to use the number I saw this morning, especially since I know it's not accurate. Maybe we can do final weigh in at some point next week? (just an idea) I'm up early and eating breakfast as we speak so I can run errands and hit the gym before noon. Have a great day ladies!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Holiday...Holiday...who said you could go on Holiday Joni (joke) Have an awesome time, but it already sounds like you will...skiing in the Alps for a week (must be nice) ;-) I am sure we will all weigh in sometime before the new year to finish off the numbers for this challenge, so we can start the next phase of our group. Merry Christmas to everyone. My last day at work is Thursday and then I am officially on Holiday, but I am not going anywhere a staycation it is!