Tell loved ones they are overweight this Christmas



  • well i can say first hand that doing this over the christmas period is a terrible idea. Recently visited my family who very insensitively came out with "you have put weight on, do you not go to the gym anymore" which really upset me - i haven't actually put any weight on and i go to the gym 2/3 times a week. Another family mmber then joined in by saying that going to the gym was a really good idea then proceeded to post this article 'tell loved ones they are overweight this christmas' on facebook blatently aimed at me! so safe to say im feeling rubbish now and feel like i shouldn't be enjoying christmas and all the treats that go with it! To put things into perspective im a size 12(UK) and have not put weight on, however if i had i still wouldn't appeciate being told over christmas and especially in such an insenstive way.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.

    The more of your posts I read, the more I find you to be a lovely, wonderful, warm and beautiful human being. Really, the Catholic Church should consider more people like you for sainthood.
  • I totally agree that overweight people dont need to be reminded during the holidays that they are overweight. Just encourage people to get healthy like suggest you two go walking 3 times a week together. I think I would be mortified if someone told me I was fat during at a holiday gathering......thanks for ruining my time of comfort and joy :tongue:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.

    The more of your posts I read, the more I find you to be a lovely, wonderful, warm and beautiful human being. Really, the Catholic Church should consider more people like you for sainthood.

    I'm not exactly a theologian, but as a Religious Education teacher, I feel the need to point out that the Catholic Church requires people to be dead first before the cause for someone's canonization can be begun. It also helps if the said dead person is Catholic. (My apologies to all dead non Catholics).

    *Yes I do understand sarcasm. My own sense of humor is rather dry before 7 am...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.

    The more of your posts I read, the more I find you to be a lovely, wonderful, warm and beautiful human being. Really, the Catholic Church should consider more people like you for sainthood.

    I'm not exactly a theologian, but as a Religious Education teacher, I feel the need to point out that the Catholic Church requires people to be dead first before the cause for someone's canonization can be begun. It also helps if the said dead person is Catholic. (My apologies to all dead non Catholics).

    *Yes I do understand sarcasm. My own sense of humor is rather dry before 7 am...
    Well, in Bobby's case, I really think they should make an exception. I mean, the world would just be a much better place if more of us were like him. Clearly, that whole "peace, love, joy" thing isn't working. We need to worry far less about being nice and kind and far more about what we weigh.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.

    The more of your posts I read, the more I find you to be a lovely, wonderful, warm and beautiful human being. Really, the Catholic Church should consider more people like you for sainthood.

    I'm not exactly a theologian, but as a Religious Education teacher, I feel the need to point out that the Catholic Church requires people to be dead first before the cause for someone's canonization can be begun. It also helps if the said dead person is Catholic. (My apologies to all dead non Catholics).

    *Yes I do understand sarcasm. My own sense of humor is rather dry before 7 am...
    Well, in Bobby's case, I really think they should make an exception. I mean, the world would just be a much better place if more of us were like him. Clearly, that whole "peace, love, joy" thing isn't working. We need to worry far less about being nice and kind and far more about what we weigh.

    I love my Church, I truly do, but the RCC does NOT make exceptions.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.

    The more of your posts I read, the more I find you to be a lovely, wonderful, warm and beautiful human being. Really, the Catholic Church should consider more people like you for sainthood.

    I'm not exactly a theologian, but as a Religious Education teacher, I feel the need to point out that the Catholic Church requires people to be dead first before the cause for someone's canonization can be begun. It also helps if the said dead person is Catholic. (My apologies to all dead non Catholics).

    *Yes I do understand sarcasm. My own sense of humor is rather dry before 7 am...
    Well, in Bobby's case, I really think they should make an exception. I mean, the world would just be a much better place if more of us were like him. Clearly, that whole "peace, love, joy" thing isn't working. We need to worry far less about being nice and kind and far more about what we weigh.

    I love my Church, I truly do, but the RCC does NOT make exceptions.

    Seriously. It was sarcasm. Why are you bothering to argue over it? Do you honestly think I want this guy made a saint or think it's going to happen? That wasn't the point of my post.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I tell my friends and family they're fat as hell all the time. Not like they don't know it. I'm fat, I know it. Not one of those things you can hide, so it's not shocking news. Honesty is what I expect from the people who claim to love me. I told my best friend she better do what I'm doing or she is gonna be a hater because I'm leaving her behind- fat by her damn self!!

    So then your best friend must be dieting and exercising now? No? 'Cause if this worked, she would be.
    I just severed all my connections with fat friends - SNIP!

    And when one asked why, I just said "my interests have changed. I no longer am much into an unhealthy lifestyle." And when I invited fattie to the gym for a workout or offered to write up a diet plan, he stopped calling.

    I don't need losers in my life.

    The more of your posts I read, the more I find you to be a lovely, wonderful, warm and beautiful human being. Really, the Catholic Church should consider more people like you for sainthood.

    I'm not exactly a theologian, but as a Religious Education teacher, I feel the need to point out that the Catholic Church requires people to be dead first before the cause for someone's canonization can be begun. It also helps if the said dead person is Catholic. (My apologies to all dead non Catholics).

    *Yes I do understand sarcasm. My own sense of humor is rather dry before 7 am...
    Well, in Bobby's case, I really think they should make an exception. I mean, the world would just be a much better place if more of us were like him. Clearly, that whole "peace, love, joy" thing isn't working. We need to worry far less about being nice and kind and far more about what we weigh.

    I love my Church, I truly do, but the RCC does NOT make exceptions.

    Seriously. It was sarcasm. Why are you bothering to argue over it? Do you honestly think I want this guy made a saint or think it's going to happen? That wasn't the point of my post.

    I know that. I didn't think we we arguing. I thought this was friendly banter. :ohwell: