when DID this becomer more attractive?!?! (pic.....i hope)



  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I saw this posted on FB last night. The problem I have with this pic is the women on the top are caught off guard in unflattering poses where as the women on the bottom are posed with a prof. photographer. I think it's ridiculous to slaughter women. If you want to be stick thin, beefy, or round who cares as long as you love who you are and can accept any consequences that MAY come from your size. Get over bashing (period).
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Every body is beautiful.
    It's not fair to knock someone down for what they look like, you know?
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Every body is beautiful.
    It's not fair to knock someone down for what they look like, you know?

    Agree. There are so many other issues that our energy would be better spent on. Like those that can't afford food, homes, to feed their kids, to clothe their kids.. and we are fighting about how hot someone is for their body types.

    It kills me to see what some kids have to go through in life. I act all tough, but when it comes to kids I'm a huge softie. My wife thinks I go overboard every year with programs like operation Christmas child, Saint Judes, and etc. but I can't help it. The pictures and faces of the kids tear me up.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    this is ridiculous.

    Personally, I think the top row of girls could stand to eat a cheeseburger. if they eat cheeseburgers and look like that well then yay for them and continue on.

    as far as the "bashing" goes.. get over it. get some confidence and realize that nothing about this thread was intended to rip YOU down. how could these people possibly know YOU?

    *I use the term YOU in a general sense.. not to be confused with bashing an individual. God forbid I hurt a strangers feelings over an open forum on the internet.

    It's called "body shaming", one part of a huge collection of shaming techniques primarily used towards woman to demean, debase, and subjugate them into submission or obedience.

    The picture posted here is shaming the bodies of those who are naturally thin, or those who have EDs. Was that the intention of the OP? Possibly not. But I've seen that image, and countless others, which promote the idea that being that thin or skinny is wrong and is never okay, even if you are naturally like that. Now, that kind of shaming is not necessarily equal to body shaming overweight people (you have more privilege if you are skinny than if you are fat), but it's still NOT OKAY.

    I will continue to stand up against all forms of shaming, especially those against women, because it hurts the world I live in.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    this is ridiculous.

    Personally, I think the top row of girls could stand to eat a cheeseburger. if they eat cheeseburgers and look like that well then yay for them and continue on.

    as far as the "bashing" goes.. get over it. get some confidence and realize that nothing about this thread was intended to rip YOU down. how could these people possibly know YOU?

    *I use the term YOU in a general sense.. not to be confused with bashing an individual. God forbid I hurt a strangers feelings over an open forum on the internet.

    It's called "body shaming", one part of a huge collection of shaming techniques primarily used towards woman to demean, debase, and subjugate them into submission or obedience.

    The picture posted here is shaming the bodies of those who are naturally thin, or those who have EDs. Was that the intention of the OP? Possibly not. But I've seen that image, and countless others, which promote the idea that being that thin or skinny is wrong and is never okay, even if you are naturally like that. Now, that kind of shaming is not necessarily equal to body shaming overweight people (you have more privilege if you are skinny than if you are fat), but it's still NOT OKAY.

    I will continue to stand up against all forms of shaming, especially those against women, because it hurts the world I live in.

    I agree with your post, but I noticed something as well.. If you change out shaming with shaving your post is hilarious.
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    I do not think it ever did, I also think this is an unnecessary if not a silly comparison.

    I understand asking the question "why has the fashion industry become more obsessed with rail thin models and why are other women beginning to strive for that look" but this is just some random collection of skinny women of ranging levels of fame vs. 4 curvy women. There are plenty of other women in Hollywood who are curvy (and who would be more appropriately compared to Marilyn and Elizabeth from a fame/career point of view) and others who are skinny.

    And not only from a fame/career point of view but also from a body type point of view the women on top do not even belong in the same category at least not Keira who is muscular not just skinny.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Re: Eat a cheeseburger?

    I'll admit, I'm guilty of being catty and snarky and saying that about very thin women. Usually, I say "loaded baked potato," though. Cheese, sour cream, bacon, chives... heaven! And I'm just as apt to say it about anyone who's grumpy. Carbs = happiness! :heart:

    I'd love to look more like the bottom row. I'm not quite built that way. I've always been shaped more like a Skipper Doll than a Barbie Doll, and gaining weight didn't turn me into Barbie. It..... it turned me more into a Weeble.

    Believe me. If eating a cheeseburger would make me look like Sofia Vergara (who I LOOOOVE) I'd have a Whopper every night! Unfortunately, she's genetically gifted and I'm not, and the only way I'd get her body is with surgery. I'm not going to buy boobs so I fit into someone else's idea of what a healthy, sexy woman should look like.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Ugh. Photos like these bother me. It's not "empowering" to idealize any one body type over another -- whether it's thin and athletic or heavy and curvy. Phrases like "real women have curves" is well-intentioned, but honestly disgusting. Women come in all shapes and sizes, none more legitimate than the others.
    I see it SO often too (including in this post) that it's not so much about weight as it is about body type. When guys say they want a "curvy" woman, what they are really saying is that they want a woman with boobs, hips and a small waist.
    We can't choose where our fat goes, and not all of us have genes that put fat in the "socially acceptable" areas.

    Why can't we just accept everyone's body types? To each his/her own. If someone naturally has a certain bodytype or prefers a certain body type, that's their business. No need to shame women without natural curves (or shame anyone WITH naturally curves either).

    Also, I definitely support what someone else mentioned. The bottom row is made up, airbrushed, corsetted, and posed whilst the top row is full of unflattering shots caught candidly of women without flattering makeup, poses, etc. Apples and oranges.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Mmmm Bettie Paige
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Honestly, the biggest difference between these two rows of photos (aside from one being candid and the other professional) is their breast size. Their weights honestly don't seem notably different (their legs are all just about the same size, in either row).

    The top row has genetically smaller breasts (and a tad more muscle mass), and the bottom row is "well endowed". It's genetics.

    Stop shaming women for their bodies. Period.
  • healthyJenn0915
    Ew! I totally agree! The girls on top are way too skinny! They look like they are sick!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ew! I totally agree! The girls on top are way too skinny! They look like they are sick!

    ewww the blond on the bottom looks like a pig.....................not cool either way
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Ew! I totally agree! The girls on top are way too skinny! They look like they are sick!

    Yeah gross.. I'll go home and tell my wife that she is gross tonight.. "sorry honey I saw on an internet message board you are gross looking. Eat a cheeseburger damn it... you make me sick"... Wonder how well that'll go over.

    as I said earlier.. Posts like yours makes Audrey Hepburn cry. audrey-hepburn-76047.jpg
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    blah blah blah-these threads make ME sick!
    didn't your mother ever tell you "if you have nothing nice to say-then don't say anything at all"???
    thin bashing-fat bashing-it all adds up to the same thing-Rude Hurtful and Pointless.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I just think people are taking the picture the wrong way entirely. The point is not that skinny people are ugly. it says since when are they MORE attractive, not attractive in any way. I take from it that it means skinny or big no one is really more attractive than anyone else. We each have something different we like and want to look like and a lot of us have that one person we see as perfect and special. I love my husband and I am not even attracted to other people, so big or small, it never makes a difference to me as long as it is my husband. It just goes to show that any size is beautiful and it is about the person inside or who we are meant to be..or be will with in the case I mentioned. Everyone has a unique body shape and frame to work with and make fit their own style. xoxo

    P.S. I prefer to be a little in between these two rows. I would prefer the bottom if I had to pick, but I am naturally curvy and comfortable with that part of me so I would like to keep it of course. I also am not fond of Kiera's thin frame, but either is she and then again some people with the same frame are okay with it. I say if they are happy then it is no one else's business how they look! Even if they are unhappy it is no one's business but their own to make a change in their life.
  • gennybunny1
    This is such a sticky topic. Yes there are girls/woman who are naturally very thin but I think this post was truly to get upset at the clothing industry. Back in the day what was the smallest size? Size 3 maybe? When did 00 be a size for young girls to strive for. Heck I want to be a size 5 does that make me fat by industry standards?

    To all the ladies out there who are naturally thin, god bless you. All you have to do is work out for health not weight loss.

    As a former size 5 and now a size 18, I understand both sides.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Christ on a bike! GROWN WOMEN using the word "Ewww" to describe other grown women. I despair.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Ew! I totally agree! The girls on top are way too skinny! They look like they are sick!

    ewww the blond on the bottom looks like a pig

  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    This is such a sticky topic. Yes there are girls/woman who are naturally very thin but I think this post was truly to get upset at the clothing industry. Back in the day what was the smallest size? Size 3 maybe? When did 00 be a size for young girls to strive for. Heck I want to be a size 5 does that make me fat by industry standards?

    To all the ladies out there who are naturally thin, god bless you. All you have to do is work out for health not weight loss.

    As a former size and now a size 18, I understand both sides.

    A size 12 back then is a size 6 now. Elizabeth Taylor would be a 00-0 size in today's sizing charts.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Ew! I totally agree! The girls on top are way too skinny! They look like they are sick!

    Yeah gross.. I'll go home and tell my wife that she is gross tonight.. "sorry honey I saw on an internet message board you are gross looking. Eat a cheeseburger damn it... you make me sick"... Wonder how well that'll go over.

    as I said earlier.. Posts like yours makes Audrey Hepburn cry. audrey-hepburn-76047.jpg

    True, I forgot about Audrey. She's unbeliavably gorgeous, AND rail thin.