ever been told you werent good looking?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    yeah I was told that but the last time I remember, it was by some stupid pimply boys in elementary school so it doesn't count. I'm quite sure not everyone thinks I'm good looking, but it's not as if I go around asking people, and I guess the people I know (and who might think I'm not good looking) aren't rude enough to let me know lol
  • Inacay
    Inacay Posts: 47 Member
    I'm not the prettiest one in the bunch, but I just rock it my way! I have this attitude, my response to someone that has something to say about my looks, "I've got two cheeks, pick one and kiss it!"
  • To me Ugly people are ones that are mean hurtfull and just have a rotten attitude towards people and life. Beautiful is who u are as a person. not what you look like. iave never been called Ugly Now fat on the hand and r u pregnant yes. I never judge a book by its cover. im a people person. i love all sorts of people i find them interesting. but negitive and hurtful people i dont have the time for them. and i find alot of people that seem stuck up are usually shy. and that friend that called u Ugly shes no friend. friends like that who needs Enemies. I use to tell people if u dont like the way i look then dont look. U just need to Love your self. as long as u do that it shows and people are attracted to that the good ones. the bad ones kick them to the curb...
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i haven't been told i was ugly...my sister used to taunt me with a lot of fat jokes, so that made me feel ugly. most of my friends have told me i have a pretty face, and so i'm wasting it by being heavier, which i think is something they somehow intend as a compliment but it's rather insulting....i'm the same person no matter what my weight is, and outer beauty isn't what i look for in people so i would hope that isn't all they look for in me!!

    when i've lost weight, i feel a bit different about guys approaching me but i honestly think it has more to do with the fact that i feel more confident in myself, so i give off that vibe.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    A guy once told me that although I had beautiful eyes, I was not beautiful. Gee thanks a lot!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I'm not the prettiest one in the bunch, but I just rock it my way! I have this attitude, my response to someone that has something to say about my looks, "I've got two cheeks, pick one and kiss it!"

    I've actually thought about having a tattoo on my rear end that is in a little heart (like the Valentine's candy." It will say "Kiss mine."
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I've never been the pretty one. Rest of the girls in my family are all gorgeous. I'm the ugly duckling cousin. I'm always being compared to them in intelligence, talent, and no one really needed to remind me about the beauty part. Though a certain close family member has degraded me once or twice. They meant it teasingly, but you know how those things are. Haha, yeah funny...

    Through out school I was never the attractive one either. I was the fat, ugly friend with a great personality. Awesome to take a long. I always made everyone look good, and I was good company to boot. An EX friend of mine, in high school, once said to me, "It's okay, hun. You're only MEDIUM fat." WTF!? Thanks? That makes me feel SO much better about the situation. Of course, you also had those people who would talk just loud enough for you to hear them insult you.

    Just once it would be nice to be "Hot!". I've never been that before.
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    Yes, I have been told that I wasn't good looking along with the popular line "I just want to be friends", which is the same thing.
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    I've never been the pretty one. Rest of the girls in my family are all gorgeous. I'm the ugly duckling cousin. I'm always being compared to them in intelligence, talent, and no one really needed to remind me about the beauty part. Though a certain close family member has degraded me once or twice. They meant it teasingly, but you know how those things are. Haha, yeah funny...

    Through out school I was never the attractive one either. I was the fat, ugly friend with a great personality. Awesome to take a long. I always made everyone look good, and I was good company to boot. An EX friend of mine, in high school, once said to me, "It's okay, hun. You're only MEDIUM fat." WTF!? Thanks? That makes me feel SO much better about the situation. Of course, you also had those people who would talk just loud enough for you to hear them insult you.

    Just once it would be nice to be "Hot!". I've never been that before.

    Ummmmmmm... you are hot!
  • Everyone is Beautiful to Somebody :heart:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I've been told I wasn't good looking since we all had to watch that horrible video about the chances in our body. Purberty is a horrible thing. I'm still getting the "ugly girl" looks from people.

    I was hanging out with one of my chick friends and her sister and realized I'M THE UGLY FRIEND!

    There's no way you are the "ugly friend", you're beautiful.

    Yup I totally agree.....gorgeous. NO WAY you are the ugly friend....I agree..beautiful
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I was told I was pretty...not beautiful....just pretty
    I was working in a barber shop one day and this guy came in and said that they should have beautiful people working there....
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    When compared to my siblings, I've been called the fat one or the ugly one many times by many different people from when I was a child up to this past summer. I think it bothers me more now than ever.
  • I've been told I'm hideous, revolting, ugly.. And I've been told I'm pretty, cute and all that as well. Unfortunately, it wasn't until my mid twenties the nice comments started to stick. I would forget whatever compliment I might have been given, thinking they were just saying it to be nice... And still dwell forever on the insults, instead of writing them off the same way ("only saying it to be mean").

    Initially, the ugly-comments what part of what fueled my love-hate relationship with food, but now I've learned to take compliments. I'm also lucky enough to have some supportive friends helping me keep my head straight and not take one persons opinions to seriously. I mean, if I'm not attracted to someone, and right now..If they're not my boyfriend, why would I care that I'm "ugly" to them? It's a really rude way of saying "you're not my type", really. And if they're rude, they're not my type either.
  • Yes. And this girl doenst sound worth knowing
  • I live in the UK and some of the guys here are HORRIBLE. I've been called ugly, fat, dog, doghead, heard them say 'nahhhh' (as in to go near me). Ive had food thrown at me on a night out with them saying 'eat that you fat cow'. I've had stuff like 'oh my god you're really pretty......HAHA AS IF YOU FAT *****' Umm I could go on and on and ON AND ON!! I've had so many horrific incidents. They really are s**theads!!

    But you are so pretty..why would men behave like that? I'm sure they are upset because they have tiny ****s..
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I am thankful she was honest.

    How unloving was it of me to let myself go, knowing that when we married, I was a guy in peak condition?
    Love is neither blind nor unconditional.
    We've been married 28 years and she's in peak condition and expects to be equally yoked.
    If I had not lost the fat, she would have divorced me for sure.

    And I would have had ONLY myself to blame.
    Further, not that it would ever be, but if she was the fat one, same deal.

    I could never be married to that.
    In the dark, all cats are not grey.


    Thank GOD my husband doesn't think this way!

    seriously!!!!!!!!!!! my husband loves me for me and THANK GOD for my husband not thinking that way!! luckily some people out there know beauty isnt just whats on the outside

    The only thing I could think of is how shallow is this marriage? What happened to "for better or for worse"? This is one of the reasons why divorce has risen - people just don't understand that love is deeper than the looks of your mate.

    Tell me about it! But, somehow they've made it 28 years...
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Yes, my whole life. My brother was especially cruel. Even though I was a kid then it is still hard to get over that. It's funny that my mom never made him stop or apologize to me. Boys in school were bad too, especially Jr High. I still have the worst memories of that period of my like. It has taken me 46 years to think I may not be so bad after all, but that is only on good days.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Of course I have never been told that. I don't associate with people who would say that! WTF is wrong with her????? She wants to be "friends"? Friends would never be mean like that. If she did feel that way, she needs to keep her mouth shut.

    I'm sorry that you were treated that way. I would NOT hang with her and I would tell her that I didn't think she was good enough to hang with me.

    Sorry, but this post really got to me. I really wonder what people are thinking when they open their mouths.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    And how is someone who tells you that you arent good looking your "friend"? Thats horrible!
    I used to be told that I had "such a pretty face". Translation: the rest of you is not so hot. Women get pretty mixed messages about what is beautiful. We start out thinking the epitome of beauty is our Barbie doll. If a Barbie were build to scale, it would have the bust of a grown woman, the hips of a teenager, and the waist of a child. Pretty unrealistic.
    As teens we become interested in fashion mags... when I was a teen the modeling industry was into the "waif" look. I'm doomed there.
    Then we get older and dont have a clue what we are supposed to look like.
    After all that programming we get told that "noooo, being skinny isnt healthy. men actually like curves. being thick is a good thing. blah blah blah"
    Too confusing. Im feeling comfortable now.... getting there anyway. My wonderful fiance met me when I was chunky and loved me the way I was. Not to say he isnt thrilled with how I look now! What matters is what You think of you. Everyone else can piss off.