Are blokes only after one thing?????



  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    Yes - and yes they seem to be the same wherever you are - and they are getting worse and more disgusting and disrespectful with it also.
    Im not a man hater or anything but i couldnt agree more with this. In my experience they are getting worse and its a shame cause i just feel like u have to get thru so many of the bad guys just to find that special one.

    After nine years of it - I just do not bother anymore. Not worth my effort. In saying that though, I have previously been married, had kids, had the house - all of the things that young, single girls still look for. I know it's not what it's cracked up to be so no problems for me - but I feel sorry for them.

    Thats really sad. I just feel like theres no hope 9 times out of 10 tbh :ohwell: And as for what u said about ur friend. Theres so many men like that. Once on a night out, there was a huge stag do out and the stag was trying to pull me, like god's sake, he's getting married. Also one of my best friends, her bf was messaging me, he basically wanted to cheat. How dumb, if ur gunna cheat don't try do it with ur gf's best mate.

    A recent bucks night I was regretfully in the middle of recently (was travelling interstate and went to dinner) they were so revolting I had to leave the place because I felt like I might be raped if I hung around too long after I finished my dinner. They were so animalistic!!!!

    (oh and it was two friends - 2 since Saturday :huh: )
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Yes - and yes they seem to be the same wherever you are - and they are getting worse and more disgusting and disrespectful with it also.
    Awww...I hope your 20 cats will keep you company!
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    Yes - and yes they seem to be the same wherever you are - and they are getting worse and more disgusting and disrespectful with it also.

  • dragonc321
    can i just comment on what an outdated view of the sexes this thread shows.

    SOME Women want sex as much or more than SOME men. FACT.

    SOME women aren't looking for money or social status (really? thats a THING?) we are MORE than capable of achieving these things on our own, and in some cases (shock horror) its the woman who is the chief breadwinner.

  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I was told once - men talk to women to get sex, women have sex to have someone to talk to.

    Simple and well put!!!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    So, to generalize...

    Women are only interested in our money....

    Men are only interested in sex....

    Thats a load of crap. I'd rather not have money and be happy and in love then have money and be with someone that doesnt make me happy.

    But it is perfectly ok to have a 15 page thread on how men just want sex though right?
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    He was generalizing.

    Which is what a lot of this thread is.

    Generalizing is equally absurd on both sides.

    Thank you for seeing my point.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I'm willing to bet that with some of you there are some cool guys who have approached you that you turned down for a variety of reasons.

    If this is applicable, maybe look at the type of guy you seem to want to get with and that may fix your problem with finding primitive monkey guys who are texting you pictures of their hot abs and junk that you seem to find offensive...

    If you are wanting to get with the hot alpha males, be prepared to deal with the hot alpha males. Don't play the game if you are going to complain about it etc... etc... etc...

    So we're spose to swoon over guys we don't find attractive.

    Example. One of my best friends ( a guy) has told me he's in love with me. I tried soo hard to feel the same for him but i just can't force those feelings. Im not attracted to him in the slightest and whats a relationship without attraction. He's 6ft and underweight, he weighes 9stone. As a girl i wanna feel protected by a guy and not like he makes me look fat and not feel like ur sh**ging a rake (soz to be blunt). Theres nothing wrong with not finding this appealing. I know if i was to be his gf, he would give me the world and treat me how a girl wants to be treated BUT if theres no attraction then it just doesnt cut it. This all probs makes me sound so shallow but im finding it hard to explain.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    It could be three things, depending on how kinky the girl is.

    Only three? That shows a distinct lack of imagination! :tongue:
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    I'm willing to bet that with some of you there are some cool guys who have approached you that you turned down for a variety of reasons.

    If this is applicable, maybe look at the type of guy you seem to want to get with and that may fix your problem with finding primitive monkey guys who are texting you pictures of their hot abs and junk that you seem to find offensive...

    If you are wanting to get with the hot alpha males, be prepared to deal with the hot alpha males. Don't play the game if you are going to complain about it etc... etc... etc...

    So we're spose to swoon over guys we don't find attractive.

    Example. One of my best friends ( a guy) has told me he's in love with me. I tried soo hard to feel the same for him but i just can't force those feelings. Im not attracted to him in the slightest and whats a relationship without attraction. He's 6ft and underweight, he weighes 9stone. As a girl i wanna feel protected by a guy and not like he makes me look fat and not feel like ur sh**ging a rake (soz to be blunt). Theres nothing wrong with not finding this appealing. I know if i was to be his gf, he would give me the world and treat me how a girl wants to be treated BUT if theres no attraction then it just doesnt cut it. This all probs makes me sound so shallow but im finding it hard to explain.

    Poor guy
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    No. but if you're shallow then expect to find shallow guys in return. You get what you put out. Shallow guys are the kind that will use you to put it in your caboose then send you home with cab fare if you're lucky.

    I realize disney movies made it so that the pretty pretty princess gets the buff handsome hot prince who is charming but the reality is shallow begets shallow. There's much more to life.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Now, is this a London thing or are blokes like this everywhere??

    Guys in London simply have more opportunity to be promiscuous given the sheer amount of single (and usually attractive) women there are here but that does not mean they are only after one thing. It may seem that way but that is due to the numbers involved creating a false impression more than anything else.

    Having said that you are more likely to see a leprechaun riding a unicorn then meet a single, successful, attractive and down to earth guy in his 30s in London. Lots of demand mean they get snapped up quickly. If I was a woman I would look further afield or go for a younger age group...
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Yes - and yes they seem to be the same wherever you are - and they are getting worse and more disgusting and disrespectful with it also.
    Im not a man hater or anything but i couldnt agree more with this. In my experience they are getting worse and its a shame cause i just feel like u have to get thru so many of the bad guys just to find that special one.

    After nine years of it - I just do not bother anymore. Not worth my effort. In saying that though, I have previously been married, had kids, had the house - all of the things that young, single girls still look for. I know it's not what it's cracked up to be so no problems for me - but I feel sorry for them.

    Thats really sad. I just feel like theres no hope 9 times out of 10 tbh :ohwell: And as for what u said about ur friend. Theres so many men like that. Once on a night out, there was a huge stag do out and the stag was trying to pull me, like god's sake, he's getting married. Also one of my best friends, her bf was messaging me, he basically wanted to cheat. How dumb, if ur gunna cheat don't try do it with ur gf's best mate.

    To be honest most decent guys won't approach you, reason being most men would feel intimidated by your beauty or feel insecure being with you.
    Dunno whether to take that as a compliment or not lols. But thanks. Oh well, if thats the case then it looks like i'l probs never find someone cause how i dress and do my hair and make ect is for me and i wouldnt change for anyone cause it wouldnt be right. You;'ve always got to be urself. My ex was a nice guy, im sure if i could do it then i can eventualy find someone nice again lol.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Yes. Those that can they want it 1st. But there is more.
    You want it too as bad as we want it.:tongue:
  • Nitachi
    Nitachi Posts: 142
    Dunno whether to take that as a compliment or not lols. But thanks. Oh well, if thats the case then it looks like i'l probs never find someone cause how i dress and do my hair and make ect is for me and i wouldnt change for anyone cause it wouldnt be right. You;'ve always got to be urself. My ex was a nice guy, im sure if i could do it then i can eventualy find someone nice again lol.

    Sure you can, but you will have to do the hunting as I can promise you that most guys that approach you have just sex on their mind.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    the pattern I'm starting to read out of this thread is:

    "I want a hot guy but one with manners. All the "nice guys" I don't find to be attractive, and all the hot guys I want to be with are crude apes who seem to be after one thing."

    Am I missing something?

    Goes along with: "it's creepy if you hit on me and I dn't find you attractive, but it's a compliment or flattering if you hit on me and I do find you attractive"

    If you're married already, take 30 seconds right now this very moment to get on your knees and prostate yourself to whatever deity you may believe in and thank them for not having to be in the cess pool that is the singles dating game where there is a 1,094 page rulebook you must follow lmao.

    I'm going to go jam to some metal now and get all nasty in code. Hasta.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Yes - and yes they seem to be the same wherever you are - and they are getting worse and more disgusting and disrespectful with it also.
    Im not a man hater or anything but i couldnt agree more with this. In my experience they are getting worse and its a shame cause i just feel like u have to get thru so many of the bad guys just to find that special one.

    After nine years of it - I just do not bother anymore. Not worth my effort. In saying that though, I have previously been married, had kids, had the house - all of the things that young, single girls still look for. I know it's not what it's cracked up to be so no problems for me - but I feel sorry for them.

    Thats really sad. I just feel like theres no hope 9 times out of 10 tbh :ohwell: And as for what u said about ur friend. Theres so many men like that. Once on a night out, there was a huge stag do out and the stag was trying to pull me, like god's sake, he's getting married. Also one of my best friends, her bf was messaging me, he basically wanted to cheat. How dumb, if ur gunna cheat don't try do it with ur gf's best mate.

    A recent bucks night I was regretfully in the middle of recently (was travelling interstate and went to dinner) they were so revolting I had to leave the place because I felt like I might be raped if I hung around too long after I finished my dinner. They were so animalistic!!!!

    (oh and it was two friends - 2 since Saturday :huh: )
    Sadly i can relate to this story in some respects but i won't go into it. All i can say, thru my experiences with guys and ones like the ones you've just mentioned, i don't care how shallow i sound about my type of guy ect. I've been hurt a lot and feel i have a right to be fussy espesh cause having given a guy who i wasnt attracted to a chance, well he just proved to me why i shouldnt give guys a chance. Actualy readin this thread makes me think i'l just turn lesbian haha!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I was told once - men talk to women to get sex, women have sex to have someone to talk to.

    Simple and well put!!!
    Umm anyone knows when a guys is done...he falls asleep immediately.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    "I'll just turn lesbian" droll.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    "I'll just turn lesbian" droll.
    hey! You are ruining my mental picture...