kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, this group came about from one of my posts.... It seemed that a lot of us are in the same spot (I'm in the middle of my second week) so we thought how fabulous to start a group for all of us on the "same page" so to speak.
So, for now, I am identifying us as JUNE STARTERS becuase we haven't came up with a name yet :happy:

Ok, in this post....
People in this group need to have started their new journey to weight loss and/or a fitter person in June....recommittments count...that is where I am right now.... I'm a recommitter and I started two weeks ago... So, if you fit this description, welcome! :happy:
We want to start by you posting your starting weight, current weight (ew, I know) weight goal and any mini goals that you may have. If you want to share a little about yourself that is fine too.
We want to really good a good idea of who our group members are, so be sure to reply to this post!!!


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Ok, I'm Kandy and here's my stats so far

    Start weight: 230
    Current weight: 228
    Weight Goal: 140
    Mini Goal: be under 200 lbs by first week in August.

    I'm a mom of two, wife to one :laugh: :laugh: And I'm from Texas....

    Ok, next....:happy:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    OK I just started a little over two weeks ago!
    Starting lbs 222
    Current lbs 211
    first goal 202 by July 2nd (vacation!)
    Second Goal 190 by August 16 (Birthday)
    Final Goal 155

    I live in Canada just outside of Toronto with my bf of almost 2 years, we plan on getting married inthe next year or two and I don't want to be a fat bride!! PLus when I have kids I want to be able to chase them all over :-)
  • My name is Leigh

    Start weight: 222
    Current weight: find out tomorrow
    Weight Goal: 165
    Mini Goal: weight 180 or less by October 1st
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member

    Welcome to our "club" Daisy May!!!:flowerforyou:
  • dlhenry511
    dlhenry511 Posts: 57 Member
    I technically started earlier this year, but have been so busy trying to concieve baby#2 I have not been following. But I am back and I would love to join the June starters.

    SW: 174
    CW: 172
    GW: 120
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Welcome leighoconnel!!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Awesome, Dlhenry511!!! Welcome!!!
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    I'm Laura ..

    Start weight: 181
    Current weight: 179
    Weight Goal: 150
    Mini Goal: under 170 by Aug 13

    I'm a grad student (M.Sc.) living in Ottawa, originally from New Brunswick

    next! :happy:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I went to college in Ottawa and visit NB every summer! That's where I'm going in July
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    I went to college in Ottawa and visit NB every summer! That's where I'm going in July

    Wow, what a small world! What part of NB do you visit? I'm from just outside Fredericton.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    St. Andrews, my favorite place in the world :heart:
  • dlhenry511
    dlhenry511 Posts: 57 Member
    Fun to see and read about people starting the journey. Lets all keep it up. :bigsmile:
  • starting weight: 286
    just started today =]
    my goal is to be 160 lbs but i'm taking it slow so i can keep it off
    my mini goal hmmm lose 6 lbs by july 19th (my bf's birthday)..

    I'm 21 currently living in richmond, virginia w my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years... we have 2 dogs (labs) and 2 cats who are our kids for now. I look forward to talking with all of you and if any of you need any help or anything please feel free to contact me and i'll do what i can. :flowerforyou:
  • sassycat
    sassycat Posts: 108
    I'm Stacey & here are my stats:

    Start weight: 183
    Current weight: 176
    Weight goal: 150
    Mini goal: 160 by August 18

    Wife, mother of 3 girls (16, 13, & 7), work full time (desk job), go to school part time. I'm from Missouri--the Bootheel to be exact (southern part-ha ha) :laugh:
  • firepixie
    firepixie Posts: 65
    Hi Everyone,

    I have been half a$$ed trying to lose 20lbs for the last year, literally. I just found this sight on monday so...

    Starting 150lbs
    Goal 128lbs

    I would like to be in the 130s by end of july and run 10k with out stopping by the end of june.
    Also, I am wearing size 10 jeans right now. I have 1 pair and they are ratty and torn at the knees. I would like to fit easily into an 8 with in a month. Realistic??? We will see.

    I have a soon to be 3 year old son, stay at home mom, and vegan.

    Greetings to all other June Starters!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi there... My name is Liz and I've lived in the phoenix-metro area my entire life. Been on the journey to lose weight since November, I did well until January and then fell apart. Now I'm back at it with a vengance! :laugh:

    Start weight: 219 (Nov 08)
    Start weight: 214 (June 09)
    Current weight: 210
    Goal: 135ish (I say ish because I might be okay with 140 or not happy until 130, we'll see when I get there)

    Mini-goal: Getting under 200 by Aug 1st. Haven't been under 200 in over 5 years!
  • bmjeffri
    bmjeffri Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Brittany and I started two weeks ago.

    Start weight: 246
    Current weight: 235
    Weight Goal: 180
    Mini Goals: 210 by July 15 ( no beef and pork for me.....hopefully)
    190 by Aug 15
    180 by Sept 1 (Cruise Body.....Here I Go!!!...WOOHOO)

    I have been married a year and found myself getting a little too comfortable...I am hoping my husband will follow track with me to better health....
  • dlhenry511
    dlhenry511 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome! I notice you quit smoking too. May I ask how you did it?
  • jubear113
    jubear113 Posts: 3
    Hey, I'm Julie. Technically I started for New Years (haha) but I'm recommitting now.

    Starting: 207
    Current: 181
    Goal: 130
    Mini Goal: size 12 by the end of the summer. (currently between a 16 and 14) and to run 3 mi in 1/2 hour.

    I'm single and work for a church in a college town...not much else to say!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Welcome! I notice you quit smoking too. May I ask how you did it?

    Me? I quit using the nicotine patch. I'm actually using the generic brand because I had bad skin reactions to the NicoDerm CQ brand (and it made my arm feel REALLY weird). Only two weeks left and I'm off the patch. woo hoo! :bigsmile:
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