
  • aliceh69
    aliceh69 Posts: 6 Member
    Lose 8lbs in February:drinker:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello again ladies & welcome to new friends.

    I'm re-starting tomorrow after loosing my way completely since Christmas. Just stopped my portion control. Carried on with the gym, water & veggies so things could have been worse.

    I've prepared lunch for tomorrow - Salad Sistas, you would be proud:laugh:

    Any tips on motivation to exercise? I'm still so self concious about going to the gym plus when I get there, I never quite sure what to do.

    I've decided to set definite goals rather than a wishwashy loose weight etc.. So this week I will loose 2lbs.

    Have a great week ladies & good luck with your surgery Jane.

    Geri in England.
  • laila101
    laila101 Posts: 32 Member
    This looks like a group that I could fit in with. Looking at all of you makes me feel like I can do this. I restarted a week and a half ago. #2 down...here we go.
  • laila101
    laila101 Posts: 32 Member
    I just ordered the Zumba dvd's. I know what you mean about the gym. I feel the same way right now. So, I will let you know how it goes. For now, I am using my daughters slim in 6 wks dvds Doing 30 minutes and actually love it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: m, when I started MFP three years ago I thought I was hopeless and the best I could expect was to keep my weight from increasing and to find a solution to my inclinations to eat mindlessly. It helped me so much to put “losing weight” at the top of my priority list. I spent time reading posts from MFP members, responded to the posts from others and logged my food and exercise. Before I ever started eating healthy, I started with a plan and a commitment to stick to the plan no matter what. It worked on day one, so I did it again……it was later that I began to learn from my reading and my food diary how to better budget my calories so I had a lot to eat with the fewest calories.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I kept my calories very close to 1200 for a long time until the day I came from a two hour walk feeling frighteningly light headed. That’s when I upped my calories on days when I did a lot of exercise. I continued to do that throughout my weight loss and it worked for me……..I am concerned about staying healthy and I don’t want to try to keep my body running on insufficient or low quality fuel.

    :flowerforyou: Darlene, I recently read “The Thin Commandments Diet”. I highly recommend it. The first commandment is “Strategy is stronger than willpower” and I think that might address your question about why you can’t change your eating habits or why you don’t have willpower.

    :flowerforyou: Geri, there are so many ways to exercise without going to the gym…..walking, DVD’s, buying and using some exercise equipment (I recently started the at home strength training program I learned from reading “Strong Women Stay Young”). My reasons for not going to the gym are time, money, and inclination. Don’t wait for motivation……get up and start moving right now….put on music and dance, turn on the TV and walk in place, do 20 squats or jumping jacks or something. Start doing something and you’ll start to feel like doing more.

    :flowerforyou: On the subject of goals, it never worked for me to set weight loss goals
    I already know that I losing weight is the goal----I set goals that I can control like drinking a certain amount of water each day, or doing a certain collection of exercises, or a specific change in what I eat. When I started MFP, my goals were 10,000 steps a day and drinking 8 or more glasses of water a day. Sometimes I’d have to walk up and down the hall at bedtime while drinking water in order to meet my goals, but I was determined to make a change.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    My life today is so great today it should have background music

    February goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • Marking my spot for now. My plan for Feb? - to get my sorry butt back on track.


    Well done.. I'm there with you! :laugh:
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi ladies...

    This group is so inspiring....when I look at the weight loss tickers under everyone's name, it tells me "I CAN DO THIS"...it is feeling really good.

    Last night's early Valentine's Day dinner at the Italian place went well...I even lost .2 pounds from yesterday, so I was thrilled. Today I have been very faithful to the plan, and have selected a Weight Watchers recipe for Shrimp & Chicken jambalaya for dinner. Also found a really good healthy looking recipe for blueberry muffins, and they are baking as I type. They smell scrumptious! With Oat Bran, wheat flour, brown sugar and applesauce as main ingredients...they should be good for you.

    Barbiecat...I could definitely see being with MFP long term...I am loving the site, and the fact that it is FREE! I tend to forget to cancel things when I stop using them and they end up on the credit card way longer than needed.

    Laila---welcome...I haven't been with this group too long, but they are a bunch of awesome women and so much encouragement is offered.

    Geri... I am another who am not motivated to do the gym. I do enjoy walking, and try to get in 2-3 20 minute walks a day. I know I need to add strength training, but haven't done it yet.

    Alice...that 8 pounds will be history in one month...go for it.

    Jenny...I have coupled MFP with Weight Watchers and have found it helps. I'm doing 1200-1300 cals with MFP and 26 points with WW. I like to see the actual calories I am consuming.

    Darlene...menopause...'nuf said...I do think it makes losing weight more difficult, however, it seems to enhance the gaining weight thing. Once it started for me I packed on 15 pounds in 2 months, and I wasn't eating much different...

    Shmogo..oooh...dental surgery is a hard way to lose weight. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Rita...dehydrator sounds interesting...I hadn't given that a thought.

    JB...you've got the right attitude...focus on the prize...and think how wonderful it will be!

    Sherry...isn't it amazing how much space such a little body can take up ? Sounds like you had a great night with your grandson.

    Pam...I find that the thing helping me most is to "plan" meals. Not just stopping at the store on the way home & grabbing something. I know it is helping me make smarter choices.

    Darlene...glad you're feeling better!

    Amanda...hope you're feeling better !

    Genealace...It was cold here in the south this morning too...13 degrees in SC. It didn't get out of the 40's all day.

    Vypeters....can't wait to see the new avatar...I'm sure you'll look very classy!

    Michele...Beet skins are easier to remove after they are cooked...they just kind of slip off. I remember my mother-in-law doing it that way. I guess that it depends on you are using them though.

    Kackie...what a beautiful family you have on your weight-loss ticker.

    Sharon...love your avatar...

    Well ladies..hubby is asking for assistance moving the washer/dryer (I'm sure I will be a HUGE help ;0) Tile being laid tomorrow & Tuesday in laundry room & bathroom.

    Ugh...just saw what I have to help with...cleaning up 5 years worth of dust-bunnies under the appliances.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: So far, I am having a skinny eating day. Heavy on the fruit and veggies, hold the fat. And no, I wouldn't like fries with that, thank you very much :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Renny
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Hope you are all well. To those who are suffering the flu; hope you all get well soon :flowerforyou:

    Jane - I really hope your surgery goes well, my thoughts will be with you :smile:

    Shmgo - I hope you are feeling better :flowerforyou:

    We have gotten a lot of snow over the weekend, but it is about time, we have been very lucky :wink:

    I went up north to visit my step mother this weekend, it was good to see her. I talk to her every couple of weeks but I onkly see her a few times a year as we live quite far from each other:wink:

    My bosses, the lawyers are headed off on 2 weekd holidays as of Wed. this week, so I will be in charge with lots of closings to do and tons of work to do and the other girl ready to mutiny!! Not good, but I can only do what I can do and that is that, right?

    Well, I will try to stay on track and have a good week and hope you all do too!!!

    Love, Cathy xx
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello again ladies & welcome to new friends.

    I'm re-starting tomorrow after loosing my way completely since Christmas. Just stopped my portion control. Carried on with the gym, water & veggies so things could have been worse.

    I've prepared lunch for tomorrow - Salad Sistas, you would be proud:laugh:

    Any tips on motivation to exercise? I'm still so self concious about going to the gym plus when I get there, I never quite sure what to do.

    If you can afford it, working with a trainer once or twice can help you figure out what the heck you should be doing and get an exercise program in place.If you can't afford that, you can find all sorts of work outs on the net. As to being self-conscious, try not to be (easier said than done.) You are going to the gym to get fit and that takes time. I joined my own gym when it first opened and there were a lot of us in dire shape. It's been inspiring to me to see how we've all changed and got fitter. Although I haven't lost all the weight I wanted to, other people tell me how great I look. I also am able to gauge how much stronger I am when I can move up the weights I use or do an exercise which was impossible when I started.

    Good luck!

    I've decided to set definite goals rather than a wishwashy loose weight etc.. So this week I will loose 2lbs.

    Have a great week ladies & good luck with your surgery Jane.

    Geri in England.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :heart: Being back with this group kept me on track today! All in all...a good weekend. Went out to eat after church and said no thank-you to the rolls! Hello!!!! Did I say that?! lol Also, cut my portions in half and brought up supper. I did not get exercise in today but had a nice workout yesterday.

    I am trying the Biggest Loser/Cardio Max DVD and just love it. Does anyone have it? I have a good "sore" feeling the next day after the workout. I know it is doing some good. I got it at Walmart and highly recommend it!

    Have an awesome week skinnies! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    How can anyone resist these sweet dogs asking to go for a walk?
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @Sarah – I’ve been working on the 30-day Shred too. I only do it 3 times a week, so it’s gonna take more than 30 days (it wouldn’t matter if I did it 3 times a day, every day – it’s gonna take way more than 30 days for me to get anywhere close to being “shredded” :bigsmile: ). Still on Level 1, but noticing a definite difference in what I can do. I have to substitute another movement for the jumping jacks – my knees just won’t tolerate them right now – maybe 50 lbs from now!

    @all the new joiners – Welcome! It’s so much fun to read about everyone’s triumphs and exchange ideas with others. Very inspiring place to be!

    @everyone who lost lbs, inches, or had other successes – CONGRATS!!

    @those considering dropping calorie totals below 1000 – PLEASE DON’T!!! I’ll try to post more in a day or 2 on this topic – I have an assignment due tomorrow that I have to work on tonight – but this is something that I feel very strongly about. If you’re not able to lose weight without dropping below 1000 calories, the most likely reason is because, at some point in your past, you went on a restrictive diet and it caused your metabolism to slow down. Restricting your calories again will just cause your metabolism to slow down even more, and you’ll get caught in a vicious cycle where you have to eat fewer and fewer calories. The only way to break this cycle is to INCREASE the number of calories you’re eating daily, and ADD strength training to your workouts. I know . . . it doesn’t make sense to lose weight by increasing the calories that you eat – and you will probably gain a little bit in the beginning while making the transition – but you WILL start losing again, faster than before. It works!! I also know that, for many women, strength training is a dirty word. Don’t know why – strength training is a dieter’s best friend! More to come . . .

    I don’t believe it – we’re getting snow! :noway: Not much, mixed with rain, and it’s not cold enough to stick around. Must have missed a weather forecast somewhere . . .

    DH took me to Red Lobster yesterday for an early Valentine’s dinner. Happy to report I was very good – got the Garlic Grilled Jumbo Shrimp with wild rice pilaf and steamed broccoli. A little confused though – when I logged it, it said 370 calories for the 2 skewers of shrimp, which I thought was possible depending on what they put on it. But it also said it had 40 g of carbs!! As far as I could tell, there wasn’t anything that should have given it any carbs – boiled shrimp doesn’t have any. A little marinade might have had a few, but 40?!? Did the 370 calories include the rice pilaf and broccoli – does anyone know?? The 40 g of carbs sounds like too much for just the shrimp, but 370 sounds kinda low for the whole dinner. :huh: :huh:

    Gotta go translate English sentences to ASL. Hope everyone gets a great start on their week!!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Our Bonspiel (curling, if you were wondering) was a blast :happy: !

    The theme was “Disney” and, as some of you know, my team dressed as hockey players from the movie “The Mighty Ducks 1” we wore our jerseys to play and got up in full hockey gear for the Saturday night fashion parade. We identified with this bit of dialogue:

    Coach Bombay, “What, do you guys like loosing?” :huh:
    Player, “Not at first coach, but you kind of get used to it!”

    That said, we played five games and won one (quite usual for us). Had a fantastic time and by our last game on Sunday were curling rather :smile: well but by then we were so far down on the roster that it was hopeless. I kept my calories within reasonable limits and logged everything except the Saturday night banquet (just too complicated) so hope that the weekend did minimal damage to my long-term plans.

    One thing to count on the positive side, I got a lot of exercise! Anyone who says curling is not a sport should give sweeping a speeding rock down a sheet of ice a try! :explode: I wore my HRM so can verify the 300 calories an hour burn.

    Just got the book “The New Rules of Lifting for Women”. Pleased to read that, in the author’s opinion, I am doing quite a few things right. Now to try the new workout routine and see where it takes me.

    Salad sista’s, rock on.:wink: This week’s veggies are prepped and ready to go for lunches.

    Skiing again on Wednesday. I am tired out tonight. :yawn:

    Hasta pronto,

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I just joined MFP yesterday after not having great success on WW. I need to see the numbers and measure the exercise I'm doing against actual caloric intake. I have been faithful to the WW program - tracking fastidiously:happy: and attending meetings. I am not losing even the minimum range of .5 pounds per week. I am hoping to have greater success with MFP. Jenny

    Hi Jenny, I did Weight WAtchers for two years. It did help me get the first 50 off but then I reached a point where it wasn't working. I found MFP is helping because there's nothing "free" here. Those carrots and apples really do have calories! lol (gosh, who knew? lol) I did keep on WW for a few months while i figured out what the differences were and which program was really helping me. If you are really tracking then you'll love MFP. I find the database to actually be more complete than the one on WW, at least for the food I was eating.

    Keep at it, it WILL work and you WILL have success!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    So many posts for the weekend. I'll just say "howdy" and call it good. lol

    My daughter had her first "real" contraction today. I knew it was real from the look on her face. She just looked at me and said, "I may be rethinking this all natural thing" . Then she laughed. She'll do fine but I remember that first contraction can be a doozy if you don't know what it's going to be like. So maybe baby will be here close to due date (Friday). I keep telling her to plan on late though, better to plan late and be surprised that late and miserable.
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Sunday evening

    X country skiing today and my HRM said 1691 calories burned over 3 hours which MFP said was X country skiing for 3 hours at a light/slow rate..... sure didn't feel light to me!! My legs were jelly at the end of the day.

    My kids have been really supportive of me on my journey to lose weight and get fit. My tracker may only say 6 lbs here, but I have lost over 30 now, and have got a lot more fit since I started this all three years ago. Anyway, my eldest daughter is doing her PhD in English with a focus on rationing and food in WWII literature. In her research on food propaganda in England during the war, she came across this suggestion that if you eat your bread or toast, butter or jam side down, you will get more flavour because all your taste buds are on your tongue, not on the roof of your mouth. Thought that might be worth passing along.

    Have a good week all, I am taking my very tired butt to bed.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Pam - I'm like you, I only note my "formal" exercise. I don't log things like "cleaning the house".

    What helps me lose weight? Not eating after dinner (which is hard). Also, have a large lunch but a light supper. Wish I could do that more often

    Oh, how I wish we could get my pool! I really, really want that. Since it doesn't look like it, I'm pushing to see Bryan this year. I'd like to go to Italy. I know Vince isn't that enthusiastic, tho.

    shmogo - hope you feel better fast.

    darlene - I wear no line eyeglasses. What kind of problem are you having?

    Jenny - Welcome and best of luck to you! We're here for you any time at all

    laila - welcome. Glad your daughter told you about us. You'll find lots of support and helpful hints here.

    Meg - I roasted the beets, but it was still a bit of a chore to get those skins off. Now these were small beets. See, I really don't want to have the red beets. I had them once and the next day at 6a.m. I went to the bathroom and my pee was pink. The day before on Dr. Oz's show he mentioned how if your pee is pink he worries about lukemia. At 6 in the morning, that was all I could think about. After I woke up a bit, I realized that beets will turn your pee pink. That was enough to scare me into having only the golden beets. I just wish these skins had slipped off.

    harmony - welcome

    Did an hour of Wii training games then an hour DVD of yoga. Needed to try out that DVD to be sure there wasn't a problem. I really liked it. Has anyone done any DVD's by Gwen Lawrence? I really liked the way she really explained things, especially because at times you just can't look at the TV (like when you're in down dog).

    Tomorrow I'll take the extremepump class then go for the reclast infusion. There is a free bowl that I'll probably go to from 1-3. Tomorrow night there is some sort of fitness meeting here in my town. I'm thinking that I'd like to go, if anything to meet others who are into fitness. I swear, sometimes it is so hard here in the South. People just aren't into fitness or healthy eating. You go out to eat, and almost everyting is deep fried!

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! Didn't really make specific goals for January. For February, at least for the rest of the month are
    4 hours of cardiac a week, weight training 2x per week. Drink more water.