Angry Deleted Fitness Pals?



  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    This is not real life. It's not like you know them in person & tell them you won't be their friend. I don't know why people care so much & take friending sites (Facebook, MFP) so seriously. It's not life or death.

    Srrrrrsly. I would never even know if someone removed me as an MFP "friend." I like to be encouraged by others in the same boat and I try to reciprocate, but beyond that.... sorry, but I can't even make myself care.
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    Much easier with the approach I take. I try and get my friends to delete me.

    LOL. Different but effective I'm sure.
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    I think it would be AWESOME to be a legal giant....well maybe better as a guy.

    It's definitely fun being married to one!!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    How do you know someone deleted you and who it was? Sorry if this is a stupid question. :ohwell:
    lol. I was about to ask you. Unless they message you. I have no idea how you 'd know.
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member
    Somebody deleted me once with no explanation. At least this was the only person I've noticed. I didn't need one though. At the time, I wasn't being as supportive as she was so I completely understood. I also deleted one person, not becuase it was personal. I just couldn't keep up with her posting and felt like she needed more then I could give. I didn't tell her that though. It's an interesting etiquette question.

    It's the same with Facebook. People get very sensitive about things and read into things too much.
  • elliejmoore
    elliejmoore Posts: 35 Member
    My month and a half experience has been drama free thankfully. I have deleted people along the way, but they hadn't logged on in weeks. I could probably trim a lot of folks I don't interact with.

    Ive just deleted people that havent logged on for over 2 weeks...just wanted to share that.....
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I've never deleted anyone and got hate mail. My situation was someone ranting on her status whining about me deleting her then making up all kinds of crap about me so that her friends would send me hate mail. She, herself, never sent me anything though.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    It's very unfortunate that people have 'forgotten' the reason for being on MFP. I hate to say this but most females just don't make the best friends, whether in real life or cyber world. As I stated on Monday, this journey is ALL about me. If I had NO friends on here, I would still be doing fine and changing my life for the better. You control who you allow in your circle and if they can't handle that, oh well. Life will continue to go on....

    gotta agree on the about me journey. I got to where I needed to by myself. This place and the friends I did make on here are a bonus. If I feel there is no connection, since I try to support my friends, I expect the same in return and will delete if there is no interaction. I also make it very clear up front about that, too.
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    Really?? :huh:
    Ugh, life's way too short for needless junior high drama. Put on your big girl panties (or big boy underoos) and move on!

    I'm not the best rah rah cheerleader so I really choose not to have too many friends. If asked, I'll tell you how it is ... good or bad. I'll say congrats when something is great. Or give advice as necessary. Some folks need more than that, so if I'm not meeting that need, then please defriend love lost. (I'm not trying to sound harsh...just matter of fact)

    --Don't sweat the petty stuff... and for god's sake...don't pet the sweaty stuff! :bigsmile:
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    I signed up for MFP for myself...when I first joined I didn't even know you could have "friends" on here! I have a few now, but when it comes down to it I am still here for ME. If I make friends along the way great, if not I have lots of them in real life.
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    I never delete anyone. I happy with my MFP friends but if they feel the need to delete me for their own reasons I wouldn't let it bother me much. I am slowly getting to the right place with exercise and diet, and I repeat slowly. I am not a big rah rah guy as far as posting on everyone's update statuses but I read them all and wish them all well through their journey. I hope that makes me a good enough MFP friend for some.

    amen to this man, I am very much the same...if i can i will offer support advice, if you feel you don't need it any more then im not going to get all upset.. if you add me without a message then thats fine too... i am here for me... if somebody else gains something from me being here too then thats great as well ...i dont have any rules, or stipulations or limitations if you want to be friends with me then thats fantastic, if your near me (unusual cause i UK) then thats great too .. ive spent too many years worriying stressing getting miserable about all this sort of thing .. and yanno what, im too old (its my birthday today lol) for all the *****ing.. positive reinforcement is where it is at
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I've never deleted anyone and got hate mail. My situation was someone ranting on her status whining about me deleting her then making up all kinds of crap about me so that her friends would send me hate mail. She, herself, never sent me anything though.

    that actually pissed me off, because said person had to get minions to do her dirty work. Bull crap. Move ON, people....
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    So far I have not experienced it, but always read about people getting upset by being deleted. Sorry you had to deal w/ it. Really this is about your personal journey and it's whatever you decide is positive and conducive to your success. I have deleted a select few who were just over the top having issues, drama, just negative and I don't have time for. I have also been deleted but hey to each is their own - no sweat my pet (in my Urkel voice).

    Do you Mel! Do you!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I've never deleted anyone and got hate mail. My situation was someone ranting on her status whining about me deleting her then making up all kinds of crap about me so that her friends would send me hate mail. She, herself, never sent me anything though.

    Seriously? She was that much of a coward she had to try and rally people to do it for her? Sounds like you're better off without!
  • heathero76
    heathero76 Posts: 8 Member
    I got deleted by someone who I thought was a "good" real life friend. She was looking for huge amounts of praise from any source possible and turned to "internet" friends. Plus, there were a ton of double standards with what she said and did and it showed in her MFP activity.

    But, my opinion, is that we all have different goals and we all use MFP differently. And I would suggest thinking twice about deleting people you know personally. Good luck to everyone! :smile:
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    OP - That is bananas that she did that to you... :noway:

    I like to have some rapport, laughs and mutual support from my MFP friends.

    If that isn't reciprocated... you're toast. :devil: :bigsmile:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I have done this before... not to you... however... guilty as charged... as far as I know it doesn't break the rules if you call said person out in your own status or blogs... only if you do it on the message boards.

    I guess since it doesn't break the rules then it's ok for you to talk badly about people and harass them?

    I lost several good friends over that crap... and I'm doing much better now. I never said I was proud of it or that it was "ok". I was in a really bad place for awhile, and it's very sad that I lost the friends I did, but I'm very grateful for the ones who stuck with me as well.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Ive only deleted people who have driven me crazy by treating it like FB or Twitter. I dont mind a lot of posts if its about food, exercise, motivation etc, but just general crap just annoys me. Ive only ever deleted 2 people. If someone has deleted me (not that ive noticed but you never know!!), then I just think that not everyone always gets along. I may annoy them! Buts its up to them, like it was up to me.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I've deleted people because they never interact with me. I have numerous of times supported them, say hi etc and never not once have they return the favor. Then I go and delete them. I pretty sure I've neen deleted as well by others, which my very first MFP friend deleted me, but that's ok I can't get mad at that. She needs to do what's best for her :) I like to interact with my friends regarding health related topics and just everyday life topics. As long as the support continues I love to read about how people's day went etc. Everyone should be mature about things :)
  • heathero76
    heathero76 Posts: 8 Member
    Girl, I love your phrases! You must have a great sense of humor!