People who have pro-anorexia profiles



  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    Yes, I was not saying ban her, I wanted to report her so they could see what was going on.

    I absolutely agree. It's the moderators' duty to keep the site and it's users "safe," so to speak, and they can't be everywhere at once. I commend you for caring enough about peoples' well-being to start this topic, even though some posters have been very rude to you.

    Thank you. I am not trying to be nosy or rule the world as people have insinuated.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I know we arent friends on here, but I never make it to 1000 calories a day. I dont have an ED, I used to but not anymore. I just find it hard to get those calories up when I'm not that hungry, I'm not going to force myself to eat just to make it to my recommended 1200 a day. I'm sure there are others on here who are similar...

    You have hormonal issues thats why you arent hungry.
    This is probably due to your past ED.
    Ghrelin is what i'm referring to btw.

    If you started eating a regular caloric day say 1600-1800 for women 5'2" and above who work out 3-5 times a week you would actually trigger the hormone and start eating again.
    But this may not be to your liking so enjoy the catabolism as you lose muscle, fat and possible bone density.
    And the fact that unless you are below 4'5" you arent getting enough nutrients to vital organs like the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, thyroid etc...etc...etc...
    In essence you are slowly killing yourself.

    Please dont take this as a personal attack but sometimes the facts can be eye opening to the point of action.
    So far 2 of my friends started out just like you and now they are eating 1600-1800 cals/day and building lean fantastic bodies.

    So OP yes! Speak up if you see something wrong!
    I just did!
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    I doubt it. While I don't think it's healthy, it's a personal decision. Your definition of healthy may or may not be accurate.

    It is against the rules of this site that we are on.

    As I said, your definition of healthy may or may not be accurate. So may or may not be against the rules. It would be difficult to define "healthy."

    High salt consumption - BAN!
    High calorie consumption - BAN!
    Promoting consumption of over 48 ounces of water - BAN... (because that's contraindicated if you have CHF)

    My only caution, which I don't think was offensive, is to be mindful that you can't speak for everyone - but can only define "health" for yourself. And surround yourself with others that can support that same definition.

    I am not talking about my definition of healthy. I am talking about mfp.
  • PopcornPig
    Yes serious but what do you think your "reporting" is going to do? Change their minds about their pro-anorexic choice?
    I agree, just stay off their profile and don't be "friends" with them. There seems to be plenty of others MFP's on-line.
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    I think we should ban people who pass judgment on others. :)

    Aren't you passing judgement on the people who are passing judgement then??? I'm so confused! :huh:

  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Isn't overeating a disorder?

    Is it really up to us to decide who is wrong and who is right, who should be here and who shouldn't?
    I'm really not into policing other's actions/behavior...Do what you want. What makes you happy.

    Yes it is. It's the flip side of the coin.. Luckily most people are somewhere in the middle........imagine people getting reported for eating ''over" what someone else decides is the magic calorie number....There would be no one left here.!

    without knowing their health stautus ( have they just had chemo/ surgery? digestive problems etc etc) or knowing a lot more about them and their life ( more than their profile page, photo and stats) I fail to see how anyone can point the finger.
    It just amounts to bullying.
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    This is getting way out of hand. To call me a bully is not correct. I had a concern and a question and thank you for your thoughts and opinions.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I think that pro-ana and mia people should be banned from the site. They're only here to manipulate the tools given so they can keep track of how little they're eating, how much they need to purge later and so on. Anorexia and Bulimia are serious mental illnesses and should not be taken lightly. Many girls have literally starved themselves to death. I heard of one bulimic girl (1000 ways to die) who binged so much, her stomach lining ripped and she died. So please, nobody suggest we just ignore them when we can do something to help them.

    Interesting take. I think we are all abuse food in one way or another or we wouldn't be here. People do dangerous and unhealthy things with good resources all the time, but I wouldn't ban someone from using MFP just because they are sick. If she's promoting abuse in a forum, that should be banned. But as far as her profile, she has the same rights as the rest of us. I know recovering anarexics who use food diarys to transfer control issues to healthy habits. Ya never know. One size certainly doesn't fit all. Just because I don't share that particular food issue, doesn't me I don't have a list of my own. I'm just grateful to have MFP to help me overcome them.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    This is getting way out of hand. To call me a bully is not correct. I had a concern and a question and thank you for your thoughts and opinions.

    You've handled the replies very well. Nicely done.
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    I do not like to eat this here but I think about posting about eating healthy as a role model. I think i would protest if it was an open group doing this.. I have seen pictures of profiles here that was so thin it was very sad.. I don't have friends you eat to less I have had an eating disorder so I do know about it.. I am older now I wished someone would have spoken up to me.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    How about you leave them alone? I understand the sentiment of wanting to help disordered girls (though some go too far and say it is "disgusting"... get over yourself, it's a mental illness) but they are not going to take advice from internet superheroes or feel like eating healthy when their account is deleted. As someone who was anorexic, I can tell you I did not need MFP to count calories or starve myself. The only real danger you should be concerning yourself is these girls encouraging others to starve, which is a very real problem on the internet.

    If she wants to have sharp collarbones, sunken eyes, and no boobs, it is really none of your business. Sad, but not your body. If it were against MFP terms to eat under 1000 cal a day or something then I could understand. Hell, sometimes I burn too many calories lifting weights that I don't want to eat back, which I don't consider any worse than the handfuls of people falling off the wagon and overeating for a day. Trying to control people's behaviour is a slippery and stupid slope, especially when it is a mentally disordered person you do not know.
  • cip1
    cip1 Posts: 31 Member
    Well yes, if they happy to live on a glass of water & a leaf of lettuce, because they're so desperate to stay skeleton-skinny, oh well, so be it. Sadly, nothing that we will say will change their minds. The issue is to serious - they need a help of a pro & only if they decide to have it :(

    However - if they're PROMOTING anorectic behaviour, it (thread or profile) probably should be reported & inspected by the mods. Guys - this is how girls get the idea of 'finger in the throat' 'solution'! Reporting active pro-ana profiles/behaviours is not about judging - it is about not helping them to spread the message.

    If you reckon it is 'not your being business' unless it is your sister/close friend - you are passively letting the pro-ana message to spread. If you ok with it - fine. Just don't get mad because someone else actually cares.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    Well yes, if they happy to live on a glass of water & a leaf of lettuce, because they're so desperate to stay skeleton-skinny, oh well, so be it. Sadly, nothing that we will say will change their minds. The issue is to serious - they need a help of a pro & only if they decide to have it :(

    However - if they're PROMOTING anorectic behaviour, it (thread or profile) probably should be reported & inspected by the mods. Guys - this is how girls get the idea of 'finger in the throat' 'solution'! Reporting active pro-ana profiles/behaviours is not about judging - it is about not helping them to spread the message.

  • piari
    piari Posts: 50 Member
    I have been added by so many anorexia-promoting girls that I put a disclaimer on my profile. I just don't understand why anyone would ever promote or want to have an eating disorder.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I add everyone who adds me, but when my comments on someone's profile are changing nothing except feeding their need for attention I just defriend them and move on.
    Yes, it is admirable to want to help these girls but at the end of the day we are here to support each other in HEALTHY eating and lifestyle, not pandering to people who suffer from an E.D.
    I'm here for me, I can't let myself be affected by another user in a negative way (Oh, I ate 500cal today, I'm such a whale, etc) so I just cut them out.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    For those in the "mind your own biz" just that. If she wants to report it, that's the OP's biz.

    I've seen profile's that do state "pro-ana, report me for it if you like!". I read it the same way as if someone posts that they are planning to commit suicide, and call the cops if you wanna!

    If you are in recovery for ANY behavior, you deserve respect and kudos. You have both from me.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I think this really is the same argument as governmental involvement in people's lives. What gives the powers that be the right to police these people's lives, or anybody's for that matter. Is it really up to a "governing" body (like MFP in this case) to stipulate how people choose to treat their bodies? If they are in danger, or promoting dangerous habits, shouldn't judging or helping them be the responsibility of their parents, friends, teachers, social network??

    Yes I think anorexia is bad. Yes I think they need help. But unless it is your daughter, sister, student etc...stay out of it. It's none of your business.

    Wow, comparing me to big brother? Mfp is here for people to be healthy. They are clear this is not allowed. I am a member.
    Yes I believe this makes it enough of my business to inquire.

    No I compared MFP to big brother.

    That would make you like..... ... a little brother minion.

    Actually this whole thread makes me visualize old ladies staring out the window at the young women neighbors passing judgment through their lace curtains. :laugh:

    You really are not getting it. Advocating anorexia is against the mfp rules. You may need to look them over again.


    I know it's against the rules. That's why I said:
    Is it really up to a "governing" body (like MFP in this case) to stipulate how people choose to treat their bodies?

    MFP can't tell people how to treat their bodies but they can stipulate what you can post and promote
  • Structured_Chaos
    This while thread from beginning to end is incredibly sad. No one chooses and eating disorder, no one discovers bulimic behaviors and becomes bulimic, ALL eating disorders (Anorexia, Compulsive Overeating, Bulimia, etc., etc.) are deep rooted psychological issues.

    If we lead by example, if we (even indirectly) show her what healthy nutrition does to the mind and body, then we send a message. That message is despite what your issue is, (over OR under eating) it can be overcome.

    When I came onto MFP six weeks ago, I ate terrible. Too little, too much, junk, healthy…it was chaos. In six weeks my diet has been overhauled. I am more in control of my food choices, I feel inspired by the stories, the dedication, the support and the wellness that occurs here. I read diaries, blogs and community threads.

    I overcame an eating disorder in 2004, and have since gained a lot of weight. I joined MFP to try and reconnect to that eating disordered self I had left behind.

    Instead, I found myself wanting what most you have; balance and health. You lead by example, and for me it has been a gift I am incredibly grateful for.

    Give her that chance too.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    This is getting way out of hand. To call me a bully is not correct. I had a concern and a question and thank you for your thoughts and opinions.

    You've handled the replies very well. Nicely done.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    This while thread from beginning to end is incredibly sad. No one chooses and eating disorder, no one discovers bulimic behaviors and becomes bulimic, ALL eating disorders (Anorexia, Compulsive Overeating, Bulimia, etc., etc.) are deep rooted psychological issues.

    If we lead by example, if we (even indirectly) show her what healthy nutrition does to the mind and body, then we send a message. That message is despite what your issue is, (over OR under eating) it can be overcome.

    When I came onto MFP six weeks ago, I ate terrible. Too little, too much, junk, healthy…it was chaos. In six weeks my diet has been overhauled. I am more in control of my food choices, I feel inspired by the stories, the dedication, the support and the wellness that occurs here. I read diaries, blogs and community threads.

    I overcame an eating disorder in 2004, and have since gained a lot of weight. I joined MFP to try and reconnect to that eating disordered self I had left behind.

    Instead, I found myself wanting what most you have; balance and health. You lead by example, and for me it has been a gift I am incredibly grateful for.

    Give her that chance too.

    This...ladies and the winner of the night for me.. *applaud*