Personal trainer wanting to help:)

Hi, I'm a personal trainer and I see a lot of people that seem to be "lost" in their attempts at weight loss/ fitness goals. So if anyone has any questions regarding cardio/lifting/nutrition I would love to help you. Either reply in the forum or send me a message and I'll get back to you asap. You can also add me if you like, I try to make every effort to support and motivate everyone to reach their goals because I know a lot of people may have little to no support offline.


Certified NSCA Fitness Trainer
Studied Kinestheology and Nutrition


  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    I am interested to see the questions you get and the answers you give - thanks for your offer of help!
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    Any workaround to TOM? Between the bloating and general craptasticness, my body has been hanging onto these 3 pesky pounds before I get down to my next mini-goal and I'm NOT happy about it.
  • tatertotfishstick
    tatertotfishstick Posts: 91 Member
    ideally how many "rest" days should you have? Again, this is a lifestyle change.. for the past month I do cardio 4x (60 min) week and strength training 1-2 x (30-40 min) week. Some people say rest a day between cardio exercise while others say once a week.

    Also, any advice to help with shin pain while running? Signed up for my first 5k in 6 weeks... but shins are killing me while doing C25K.
  • bikerb422
    bikerb422 Posts: 64 Member
    Bump to follow this thread. Thanks
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    How many carbs do u think is ideal?
  • Hi,
    I've recently joined the gym going on a month now and im trying my best to eat the foods that are the healthiest for me. Since i've started I haven't lost an ounce and its very discouraging. I workout 5 days a week, doing about 30+ in cardio and twice a week weights alogn with the cardio.
    My question for you is:
    To jump start my weight loss at a quick and healthy rate 2+ lbs a week, what would be the best thing for me to do?
  • trinajoy7
    trinajoy7 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, I need all the help I can get, add me as a friend.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Soo many questions... I am interested in what you recommend- I am 28, 4'11 and about 117. I am pretty healthy but want to tone up and could loose a few pounds. I am a graduate student so I am always short on time- or late already:) I tend to do a 30 minute circuit workout in the mornings and cardio (usually jog, sometimes elliptical/bike or both) for 30-45 min 3x per week. My diet is quite healthy, no meat, I do eat other proteins, lots of veggies and mostly unprocessed foods. Thanks for any input!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Hi, I'm a personal trainer and I see a lot of people that seem to be "lost" in their attempts at weight loss/ fitness goals. So if anyone has any questions regarding cardio/lifting/nutrition I would love to help you. Either reply in the forum or send me a message and I'll get back to you asap. You can also add me if you like, I try to make every effort to support and motivate everyone to reach their goals because I know a lot of people may have little to no support offline.


    Certified NSCA Fitness Trainer
    Studied Kinestheology and Nutrition

    i am one of those lost people,lol... I will give you a little bit of info on me 1st:
    5ft 2"
    start weight 140
    goal weight 125
    current weight 133
    was on 1200 calories till 2 weeks ago and changed by info on mfp from 1 lbs loss a week to .5 lbs this gave me 1310 calories a day, so now i am over my bmr :)
    i seem to have been loosing about 2 lbs a month before, my goal was to loose all the weight by march 20th ( 5 months), i started trying to loose the weight since Oct22nd. I have been stuck for 1 month now, no change.

    My exercise is all over and not consistent as i have a very busy life, as most do.... when working the only time i have to exercise is from 8-9pm, that's it. So when i started exercising i was doing 5 days a week 30-45 min on the elliptical or treadmill, then in DEC i added jillian michaels dvd 30 day shred. I lost no weight but 1 inch off my waist, and 2 inches off my hips and belly. Then i stopped exercising in jan, thinking i would just do it diet wise as i wasn't having time to exercise, etc... I started exercising again as of last week as a month plateau wasn't going away. I started doing cardio again 5 days a week 30 min and i'm doing the 30ds again daily.

    what i would like to know is the exercise i'm doing ok? is it fine? I don't want to get so involved in workouts that i won't carry on with it once i reach my goal weight, i want to do a average amount that i will stick with for the rest of my life daily.....once i reach my goal weight the exercise will be mainly for just staying healthy, right.....daily living. PLUS i only have 1 hr a day to get anything in.... is what i am doing good enough to keep the weight falling off, will i reach my goal of march 20th? any suggestions will be appreciated! :) thanks, lin
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,119 Member
    Bump to follow, in case i have questions
  • Bump
  • bump. =D
    Interested in the questions and answers in case someone thinks of one I cant.
  • ThinkThin85
    ThinkThin85 Posts: 140 Member
  • sxyfitmomandwife
    sxyfitmomandwife Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, I'm a personal trainer and I see a lot of people that seem to be "lost" in their attempts at weight loss/ fitness goals. So if anyone has any questions regarding cardio/lifting/nutrition I would love to help you. Either reply in the forum or send me a message and I'll get back to you asap. You can also add me if you like, I try to make every effort to support and motivate everyone to reach their goals because I know a lot of people may have little to no support offline.


    Certified NSCA Fitness Trainer
    Studied Kinestheology and Nutrition

    This is a great post! I'm a trainer too! don't you love this job?!
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, I'm a personal trainer and I see a lot of people that seem to be "lost" in their attempts at weight loss/ fitness goals. So if anyone has any questions regarding cardio/lifting/nutrition I would love to help you. Either reply in the forum or send me a message and I'll get back to you asap. You can also add me if you like, I try to make every effort to support and motivate everyone to reach their goals because I know a lot of people may have little to no support offline.


    Certified NSCA Fitness Trainer
    Studied Kinestheology and Nutrition

    LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS- such a great idea Nate and so nice of you to support others with there low points. Will follow with great interest.

    Im sure this will keep you busy?!!!! x
  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm interested in your replies too appreciate you taking a look at my food diary and let me know what you think. I'm 5ft6 and now 10 stone 8 so I'm thinking I've reached my target weight but may loose a few more pound. Mostly I want to firm up now. I go the gym around 5 times a week for between 1-2 hrs. Any advice and best cardio etc to do? Cheers
  • Bump
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    bump.. to follow thread!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I sent ya a FR... I need all the smart ppl in my life I can get.:happy:
  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    wanna follow this as well.