Personal trainer wanting to help:)



  • stephzub
    stephzub Posts: 106 Member
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    In general, should people be eating less than their BMR daily? If so, for how long is that safe?

    Not ideally. your bmr is your cals you burn just to live, this doesnt account for any activity at all. If you go very low like a 1000cals you risk running into electrolyte and hormonal problems. When I cut I make sure to eat at least 2000 with about 300-400 cals of cardio 5 days a week.Also, if you reduce your cals too much you will lose muscle, and the less muscle you have the easier it is for you to put on fat.

    Thank you. Can we make this a sticky?
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and support. Any suggestions for us women who want to tone our upper body with out the bulk of a body builder. What exercises and weight should we be using?

    Bump to follow thread.
  • Keeleelee55
    Keeleelee55 Posts: 45 Member
    Bump to follow
  • SAHoeppner
    SAHoeppner Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm new here and I do have a question about exericse. I have a lot of trouble with thoracic outlet syndrome (both shoulders) and was wondering if you might suggest some alternate moves for someone who is giving circuit training her best shot. Thanks so much, hope you're having a great day :)
  • How often should one see their personal trainer? 1, 2 or 3 times per week?

    thank you.
  • MeStephy
    MeStephy Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Nate,

    I really hope that you can help me.

    I am a 34 (almost 35) year old mother of 6. I have been trying to get into better shape and it just doesn't seem to be happening.

    I am 5' 6' and currently weigh 156 lbs. I have been doing fairly well at eating only 1200 cals a day. My problem is that my muscles are in fairly good shape but you can't see that due to all of the fat covering them. My problem areas are my stomach, butt, hips and thighs.

    I am currently doing cardio 5 days a week 3 days of 60 min. or more and 2 days of about 30 min. On the days I only do 30 min. cardio I am doing 60 minutes of strengthening and toning.

    Is there any way to get the fat off quicker, or is there anything that I can change to help with the weight loss?
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
  • I have had an ongoing issue with mat work on abs. I feel like it just hurts my lower back and I never know if my form is right. I'm almost never sore in my lower abs unless I run. I have been told by a chiropractor that I have a significant curve in my lower back and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. When I lie flat on my back for ab exercises my lower back does not touch the ground unless my legs are raised almost straight up LOL. Any tips?
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Finding this interesting
  • I would just like information on how to start, and what to start with, i do not want to go all crazy with excercise because of time as of yet..But would like a beginers guide on how to start...I am aiming to lose weight...and tone..thank you
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • I would love some advice, as I've tried to follow the suggestions from all reputable sources and still cannot get the scale to budge. I'm female, 5'6", 44 years old. From age 16 to 28 I weighed 130 pounds. Started weight lifting regularly when I got married and immediately put on 10 pounds of what I assume was muscle, since my clothes still fit. Stayed 140 for the next 10 years. Hit perimenopause, got put on the pill, and within 3 months was up another 10-15 pounds, plus up a bra and cup size ha ha. Have been stuck at 155 - 158 now for the last five years and cannot get it to budge for anything. Was briefly down to 148 when I was able to walk 3 miles a day on top of my usual cardio and weights, but things have changed where I cannot spend 2 and a half hours a day exercising, which obviously was the only thing keeping the weight off since I went right back up when I had to cut back on the exercising, even though my eating has stayed the same. I lift weights 3 times a week and do cardio 6 days a week. VERY frustrated at the lack of progress. Experimented starting in February with bumping up my calories from MFP's recommended 1350 to 1500, and now my stomach doesn't growl all night but I still have a damned annoying belly roll and the scale hasn't moved, so I don't think that was the answer...

    "Eat less and exercise more" is not working for me - any suggestions??
  • Mia2891
    Mia2891 Posts: 54 Member
  • brandy_o
    brandy_o Posts: 1 Member
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi Nate, Im 47 y.o. 5'4, 168 lbs. My ideal would be about 145. But even when I was that, no matter what I did, i carried a pouch in my belly. Previously working out a year ago, wasnt paying attention to my intake, thus wasnt losing. Now I am.
    My questions are:
    1. I love elipitcal, is there any "upper body/core" cardio I can do? I am thinking Zumba but not very coordinated. Anything else?
    2. Is it true not to start strength training till some of this core fat is off?
    3. Not meeting my vitamin or calorie rec intake everyday. Can you look over my food too? (Minus the wine on valentines day that is)...
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi Nate, Im 47 y.o. 5'4, 168 lbs. My ideal would be about 145. But even when I was that, no matter what I did, i carried a pouch in my belly. Previously working out a year ago, wasnt paying attention to my intake, thus wasnt losing. Now I am.
    My questions are:
    1. I love elipitcal, is there any "upper body/core" cardio I can do? I am thinking Zumba but not very coordinated. Anything else?
    2. Is it true not to start strength training till some of this core fat is off?
    3. Not meeting my vitamin or calorie rec intake everyday. Can you look over my food too? (Minus the wine on valentines day that is)...

    PS. Thank you so much for being here. We all appreciate you so much!!!
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
  • randi80123
    randi80123 Posts: 1 Member
    bump! :)
  • Hi! I'm doing OK, but I want to ask a question for my friend who is not on myfitnesspal: How do you put on weight if you have a crazy fast metabolism? My friend is a 20-year-old guy who eats a lot, but is still rail thin. He's started lifting and has actually lost weight. Short of eating a bucket of lard, how can he reach normal weight? Thank you!