How did every 1 gain weight



  • pbird12
    pbird12 Posts: 1
    This is my first post here, I hope it's okay to pop in :)

    I was always fairly slim but was wrongly diagnosed with thyroid disease and took a lot of meds for 5 years, I put on almost double my body weight in just over 10 months.

    Now I'm trying to get my life back, but with PCOS and all the health issues that came with such a rapid weight gain, i find it very very difficult to lose weight.

    I hope to find lots of inspiration here! :flowerforyou:
  • Sheriemae
    Sheriemae Posts: 248
    Plain and simple. I got lazy and ate junk.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    I stopped playing rugby and stopped working out and still thought i could eat and drink what i wanted i went from 224 to 260 in 10 months

    I'm down to 233 in 4 months

    1. I got lazy.
    2. I got married.
    3. With marriage came a wife who can really cook great tasting fatty foods in large portions.
    4. I started aging.
    5. Worst thing I ever did. I took a desk job. Humans are not meant to sit on our fat buts in front of a computer all day. I hate riding a desk.

    I've always struggled with my weight, but the older and more settled down I got. The worse it got. So.........We as a team are trying to get back into health. With the arrival of our new son, we want him to see healthy living and not struggle with weight like we did growing up.
  • iloveboysthtsparkle88
    I am an emotional eater. past life experiences have made me that way especially not being taught another way to cope besides eating. I have always ate way too much and excercised very little to none. I then lost 80 pounds in high school by not eating right (starving) and exercising excessively and also a combo of topamax(Headaches) figuring out i had severe constipation and getting on medication for that. However the way i lost it was not healthy . I moved in with my skinny boyfriend who had awesome metabolism and could eat whatever he wanted...I gained back 30 of the 80 i lost. so when i got pregnant with my son I ate way to much and gained 71 pounds. i am now 23 and 266...I am determined to get the weight off and then some, slowly and the right way. I can no longer use the excuse of "baby weight" since my son is now 4 years old and i now know that is not the full cause of my weight gain. I have now lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks and i am happy with that. Thanks for reading
  • iloveboysthtsparkle88
  • ValHallaGirl
    ValHallaGirl Posts: 73 Member
    I started plumping up at age four and just never quit...until now!!

    I have PCOS and Type 2 Diabetes now (from age 12ish) ..I had lots of issues and was an emotional eater.
  • Fit_and_Healthy
    Mostly beer. Lots and lots of beer. Also, was hooked on world of warcraft for a while which resulted in uncountable hours sitting on my *kitten*.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I comfort ate through sexual abuse from 14years to 17 years old
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I got busy with my 4 kids and live and forgot to eat breakfast and lunch and therefore stalled out my metabolism. My biggest challenge is remembering to eat and hitting at least 1200 calories per day. I have alarms set in my iPhone now to remind me to eat and no matter what I drop what I am doing and eat something. Still having trouble hitting 1200 calories per day, but at least I am eating 4 times a day now.
  • MinimizingMichelle
    MinimizingMichelle Posts: 96 Member
    Went on high dose steroids for a couple years. Gained 70 pounds off of it. :(
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Eating like my boyfriend when we were in college. Lots of pizza, buffalo wings, mozzarella sticks
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Eating too much and lack of exercise
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I stopped eating the right foods and starting eating too much, big portions in one sitting which mostly consisted of simple carbs. I love bread and cake, etc.
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Well several years ago I lost 85lbs, kept the weight off for a couple of years until I went to grad school. Over the course of three years I gained every ounce back! Always on the go, fast food, stress eating and I stopped exercising the last year of school, I literally said the words "I quit"...big mistake. That's when the last 30lbs came on, I have been on this up and down thing since then. It's really hard for me, but I will never quit again! I'm healthy and I want to stay that way, being hot would be the bonus!!!:drinker:
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I weighed 125 when I was a teenager, then met my ex husband and had two kids over 5 years. I gained around 60 lbs in that 5 years. Then for the next 20 years, I guess I dated or was in relationships with men that were thin or had fast metabolisms and I ended up eating like they did. So that was another 30 or 40 pounds on over the years.
    I won't let what a guy can eat change what I know I should have so that I don't gain that weight back again. It's not worth it. They can have the fries and gravy, and I'll have the salad, thank you very much! lol
  • booboorocksout
    I done got knocked up.
    This!! :bigsmile:

    Plus, after my last pregnancy, my husband was deployed so I'd lost the weight more quickly because I didn't have a husband buying me chocolate doughnuts all the freakin time! :mad: Lol!
    why do people do this? I'd rather get a card or something. I has no self control.
  • bellanena
    bellanena Posts: 74
    I stopped taking care of myself because I became very ill trying to take care of my drug addict fiance. There were many years of not giving a damn about myself. I ate my feelings away and basically did nothing with my time, except worry about what he was doing. It was a very long emotional road.

    I'm proud to say now these days are much better. I never sit home and sulk. I stay active, and I make better choices for just me now! :) He's doing great also!
  • ajclemons5
    having a baby. I was also a runner and ate fairly well. I didn't run a lot while preggo, but worked out. however, i ate a TON! mostly healthy choices, just a lot of it. I had morning sickness day and night for a straight 14 weeks. i only felt better when i was snacking. Anywho...i'm slowly, but surely, getting back to where i was pre-baby. I still overeat at night which slows my weight loss. at least i know how to fix it, i guess :) thanks for sharing!
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I got married....had a
  • bwattelet
    bwattelet Posts: 23 Member
    Oh wow! I got out of high school and discovered fast food at midnight and later :)