What is "too skinny" (pics)



  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    HealthyWayorNoWay Posts: 83 Member
    I like the last 4...but they all are beautiful. None are too skinny or too big
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    "Too skinny" is when it starts negatively affecting your health. End of story. >_o

    Yup! This is exactly my thought too :]

    Thats how I see it.. It just bugs me a little when people call me too skinny.. I mean I'm 5ft 3 and weight 133lbs.. Yes its a healthy weight for my height but I'd like to be smaller.. I've never been small!

    I have no intention of going below my BMI so people shouldn't worry.. I mean I'm between 1 and 2 at the moment and I think its clear from the posts that I'm not "too skinny"

    I just wanted to make sure that others agreed with me and I'm not seeing things that others aren't.. I mean someone has actually asked me if I have a body dysmorphic disorder.. And thats a scary thought lol.
  • 0628mrs
    0628mrs Posts: 1
    I think the last one is too skinny! Enjoy your new body. Anytime I have lost weight, you get to a point where you do look too thin, and you have to allow yourself time in that new image. Enjoy life and don't stress about the too skinny look! Roundness with come with happiness as you grow into the new you!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I would feel fat as number 1 - thighs too big.
    No. 2 the best, the rest look a bit underweight.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Well you probably won't like how I put this but it's my honest opinion.

    1, 2 and 5 look healthy, as in they're not forcing their body to go against its healthy natural size. 5 obviously works hard for her shape but she has decent looking legs and a nice curvy shape. 2 could stand to bulk up a bit. 1 looks hot but I guess she could improve her long term health and fitness if she dropped a few lbs.

    3, 4 and 6 probably should go to therapy for a possible eating disorder and body image. Ew.

    I've been on the too skinny end of the spectrum, when I had anorexia. I didn't believe anyone until I regained the weight and in retrospect I can see that I looked rough. I was incredibly physically sick and have permenent damage to my heart and circulation not to mention what it has done to my reproductive and digestive systems. If people are telling you that you look too skinny, you should listen to them. They might be misinterpreting looking weak due to undereating as skinny.

    Oh and even at my lowest most dangerous weight, I was nowhere near as skinny as 3, 4, 5 or 6.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Who cares what people think, I don't! If they call you skinny or fat - they are just plain rude!
    The only person who needs to approve of what I see in the mirror every day is me.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    "Too skinny" is when it starts negatively affecting your health. End of story. >_o

    Yup! This is exactly my thought too :]

    Thats how I see it.. It just bugs me a little when people call me too skinny.. I mean I'm 5ft 3 and weight 133lbs.. Yes its a healthy weight for my height but I'd like to be smaller.. I've never been small!

    I have no intention of going below my BMI so people shouldn't worry.. I mean I'm between 1 and 2 at the moment and I think its clear from the posts that I'm not "too skinny"

    I just wanted to make sure that others agreed with me and I'm not seeing things that others aren't.. I mean someone has actually asked me if I have a body dysmorphic disorder.. And thats a scary thought lol.

    Are you my twin? xD

    I get called too skinny a lot too. 5ft4 and 118 pounds, but still not happy. I am healthy and eat 1700-1800 calories a day! People are just crazy i think. If you are healthy, then that is what matters :]
  • number 5 is my fave....and the rest are "fine"
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I think it's just as hard as as cruel to pass judgement on what is "too skinny" as it is on what is "too fat" - everyone is conscious about their bodies no matter their shape or size and so it's not really fair to pass judgement....

    Having said that - the temptation to comment is irrisistable :laugh: ...personally, I think picture number 2 is the most aspriational - and the only image I think of as "too skinny" is number 6, I don't like that you can see her ribcage.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Can I add something?

    I've noticed a lot of you are commenting on which body you'd wish to have and that you can only dream.. It is possible ladies and if you stick to it then you can get there.

    Who knows these girls could have been over 200/300lbs in the past (I know they're young so maybe not these exact people) but it has been done before!

    Bigger girls then all of you have become smaller.. Don't dismiss something because you think it's only a dream.

    I know if you all really really want it and set your mind to it you can all have a body you've always wanted and deserved :)

    No, I cannot look like number 2 onwards while remaining remotely healthy.

    I have been down to 16% bf, 5'7 and 125lbs, but the shape of my legs remains extremely bulky. I just have a lot of muscle mass - nothing will change that in a healthy way.

    Please do not perpetuate an idea that all women can be 'skinny' like this. We can not, not while remaining healthy. Naturally lean girls can, sure, but I cannot. Please don't say things that might and DO make people feel like they are just being lazy, or not trying hard enough if they are not becoming 'skinny'.

    I suddenly feel terrible about my body reading this thread, but I KNOW from experience of my own body that I cannot even dream to attain the #2 body.

    ugh... feel so crappy now.

    the most disturbing part is that i went to a pro-ana site to compare between that and the comments here and they are so similar, almost identical. the girls look just like the girls in these pics. i just feel sick. MFP...what the hell?

    Excuse me, I'm trying to help motivate people here.. And yes it is possible.. Its not easy but everyone can work towards a body they are happy with.

    And how can comments on here be reflecting things from pro ana websites when most people are saying they like 1 and 2.

    Stop being so rude, I'm only asking a question to get a variation of opinions and I thought I'd add a nice comment to try and motivate people.. I'm not calling you lazy I'm just saying it is not impossible.

    Nothing is.

    I'm not kidding, I can not get that skinny. Please read the bit where I stated my height, weight, and body fat composition.

    Do not tell me that I can get that skinny. Please don't tell others who may not know better that they can. It can have damaging effects.

    I have been as slim as I can be, and even at that weight my periods became irregular because I had such a low body fat.
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 122 Member
    1 has a little in the id-section - but not bad. 2 seems about right.... but the rest have not only no muscle mass, but you can see their bones! It just doesnt look healthy!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    I like 5 the best. 1 looks chubby and 6 is very thin. imo
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    Favorite body #2

    #6 is too skinny, and #5 is getting a tad slimmer then my ideal. I'm not a fan of #1 either, but that's just personal preference as to how id want my own body.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ok...just being honest in MY mind's eyes...

    1~too fat
    3~too skinny
    4~borderline too skinny
    5~borderline too skinny
    6~too skinny
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    And yes it is possible.. Its not easy but everyone can work towards a body they are happy with.

    THAT is a lovely motivating message. Thank you.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Can I add something?

    I've noticed a lot of you are commenting on which body you'd wish to have and that you can only dream.. It is possible ladies and if you stick to it then you can get there.

    Who knows these girls could have been over 200/300lbs in the past (I know they're young so maybe not these exact people) but it has been done before!

    Bigger girls then all of you have become smaller.. Don't dismiss something because you think it's only a dream.

    I know if you all really really want it and set your mind to it you can all have a body you've always wanted and deserved :)

    No, I cannot look like number 2 onwards while remaining remotely healthy.

    I have been down to 16% bf, 5'7 and 125lbs, but the shape of my legs remains extremely bulky. I just have a lot of muscle mass - nothing will change that in a healthy way.

    Please do not perpetuate an idea that all women can be 'skinny' like this. We can not, not while remaining healthy. Naturally lean girls can, sure, but I cannot. Please don't say things that might and DO make people feel like they are just being lazy, or not trying hard enough if they are not becoming 'skinny'.

    I suddenly feel terrible about my body reading this thread, but I KNOW from experience of my own body that I cannot even dream to attain the #2 body.

    ugh... feel so crappy now.

    the most disturbing part is that i went to a pro-ana site to compare between that and the comments here and they are so similar, almost identical. the girls look just like the girls in these pics. i just feel sick. MFP...what the hell?

    Excuse me, I'm trying to help motivate people here.. And yes it is possible.. Its not easy but everyone can work towards a body they are happy with.

    And how can comments on here be reflecting things from pro ana websites when most people are saying they like 1 and 2.

    Stop being so rude, I'm only asking a question to get a variation of opinions and I thought I'd add a nice comment to try and motivate people.. I'm not calling you lazy I'm just saying it is not impossible.

    Nothing is.

    I'm not kidding, I can not get that skinny. Please read the bit where I stated my height, weight, and body fat composition.

    Do not tell me that I can get that skinny. Please don't tell others who may not know better that they can. It can have damaging effects.

    I have been as slim as I can be, and even at that weight my periods became irregular because I had such a low body fat.

    READ my post love. I'm not saying people can be this skinny I'm saying have a little faith in yourself.. Actually read my comments from above.. At what point do I say "you can get this skinny"

    All I say is you can have a body you deserve, a body you're happy with. Everyone is saying they won't even come close but you can.

    If you're not going to assume that I'm putting you down because you can't be as small as number 6 then go to another post.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I wouldn't say any are MY ideal. If I had to choose a favourite it'd be #5.

    I'd say 3 and 6 are "too skinny", then again, I don't wish to judge, as they could be very healthy (it just doesn't look it in my eyes)
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    I think it is all personal ideals. Since all the girls (except maybe the last one) look healthy, they are all not 'too skinny' (though my standards are different). However, since I believe in being fit as opposed to merely just skinny, I do think they could all do with a little more muscle tone.
  • ili_s
    ili_s Posts: 66
    3 and 6 look gross to me. You don't wnat to see peoples bones. you can still be thin but have great muscles. These chickes are just skinny and undefined. *shudders*
  • i think the biggest problem with most the pics is muscles, fat levels dont look bad on any of them but coupled with little or no muscles makes them look very ill and probably would end up them underweight.
    as previously mentioned though looking ill but being ill are 2 very different things.
    personally i liked 2, and would happily date 1 :-)
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