Why don't I get hit on?



  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'd hit it Cory!... just wanted to throw that out there. :wink:
    Between you and _snw_, I've almost had to rethink my whole "I'm totally straight" thing...


    I'm only 5 ft tall.. I hope that's not a problem. :tongue:
  • legmotor
    legmotor Posts: 197 Member
    It certainly looks like you are willing to "bend over backwards" so that is an awesome characteristic to have. = )

    I'm really dumb when it comes to knowing if I am being hit on. I either don't notice it or I think they are just being nice. I was for a long time so paralyzed by rejection that I wouldn't even ask someone out unless I was absolutely positive that she would say yes. Heck I wouldn't even dare speak to someone I didn't already know or was introduced to.

    Be confident, it is sexy and that will automatically get you noticed. = )
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I've found it to be attitude and how you carry yourself. If you've ever been in the first few weeks of a relationship, you'll notice that all of a sudden, guys seem to come out of the woodwork. That's probably because you have a spring in your step, are confident, and happy. People are probably going to be more attracted to that.

    If it's ok to share this, it's a neat article on how happiness is attractive. :)

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I don't either. I know that my weight being up makes me feel like I don't want to be approached even though sometimes i do, so I'm sure it spills over and people unconsciously pick up on it.

    I don't understand it in your case though, you're very pretty.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    i haven't read any of the responses my dear cory. but. sometimes if your self esteem is low, it gives off a vibe. you may not make eye contact. you may not act flirty. you may not be forward. and sometimes, just sometimes, that's why the boys will outwardly hit on a girl.


    you're hot though. i'll hit on you when i get there.k?
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Still hasnt worked like the adverts :grumble: ...
    but maybe they have a womens one?
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    There is a book I perused recently called...Do gentlemen really prefer blondes by jena pincott
    it has the science behind mating and attraction.

    One of the key things was eye contact. If a guy looks at you and you look down or away supposedly
    it signals disinterest or something.

    Book has lots of fun blurbs in it.
  • i never get hit on in bars... yet all my friends do (and believe me when i say i AM NOT the ugly friend) so i feel your pain. i was told its a vibe i give off and was told i get checked out all the time but i just dont notice (the hubs told me this one)
  • This is probably going to sound really conceited, but I get hit on pretty frequently. I don't think I'm a supermodel or anything, but I think it's because I carry myself with a lot of confidence, usually have a smile on my face, and I think men (and people in general) are drawn to that. Women often strike up conversations with me as well.

    I had this friend who was SUPER cute, great figure, really good looking all around, but she almost NEVER got approached by men. Why? It was 100% her attitude. I kinda observed her once when I saw her at the store but she hadn't seen me yet, and I realized that she was just totally unapproachable even though she was very attractive. Her resting face said to me "I'm a b!tch, don't even try talking to me" and she just didn't carry herself in a way that made her open to a stranger talking to her.

    Now, I'm NOT saying that's the situation with you, because obviously I don't know you in real life, but I think the way we carry ourselves and present ourselves in public is like 95% responsible for who approaches us and how often it happens. Strangely enough, once I stopped hanging out with that particular friend (turns out, she actually was a b!tch), I noticed SO much more attention from people in general. A man hitting on me, a woman complimenting my outfit, just like night and day, because I think her attitude rubbed off on me when we were friends.

    It's almost impossible to say what you just said without it sounding conceited....but I know that it isn't being said that way, bc I totally agree with you. I smile alot, I talk alot, I am bubbly and happy and I get hit on. Cory, you are really strong, you are probably very intimidating to guys who are like "damn, I can't talk to her". Guys are looking though, I have seen guys check out all kinds of girls (Im not saying you are ugly) so it's probably you aren't noticing. Get yourself a good pair of heels (or equally awesome shoes of your style) and rock your confidence. COnfidence goes soooo much futher than we know!
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    It's all in attitude I think! When I am happy, open, smiling, etc I get hit on all the time but when I am in an angry mood I definately give off this 'don't mess with me' vibe and everyone leaves me alone.

    Use it to your advantage when you want people to leave you alone! lol
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 499 Member
    You are very beautiful!

    I have the same problem too! Not the beautiful part......the "guys don't hit on me part"! :(
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    noone hits on me either, its ok
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    i haven't read any of the responses my dear cory. but. sometimes if your self esteem is low, it gives off a vibe. you may not make eye contact. you may not act flirty. you may not be forward. and sometimes, just sometimes, that's why the boys will outwardly hit on a girl.


    you're hot though. i'll hit on you when i get there.k?
    Yes, please. :)
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Well, I had an experience that made me smile.

    I was walking past a guy in the gym who was totally interested in his phone. He had just come in the door that I was about to leave through. I expected him to look up at me as I walked by but was disappointed when he didn't. (hey, im proud of my weight loss and I want to know people notice!)

    In any case, I watched his reflection in the glass as I opened the door and TOTALLY saw him check me out, he completely turned around to look at me!

    So, guys try to be sneaky about it but you *can* catch them sometimes :D Maybe you just aren't seeing it.
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    I would so hit on you, but then my wife would kill me in my sleep. She's got these crazy "rules". :)
  • newcomer9
    newcomer9 Posts: 38 Member
    ur just so sexy they dont think they have a chance, just like when a guy doent text u back for a while, they were just sso happy u texted that they fainted!!! so just keep singing the song in ur head saying i'm sexy and i know it!!! and some guy will just sweep u away. cuz u will be the most amazing thing in someones eye. even if its not now.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    who says guys have to be the ones to hit on you.

    get out there and find what you likkkkke girl.
  • Also, I've got to ask the question, ppl are hitting on you here? lol, I guess my MFP is scary then, bc that isn't happening to me, haha.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    UHHH...some guys have low self esteem also...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    i've always wondered this about myself. as much as i want to change about myself, i think i look pretty good when i decide to dress up and go out. i always figure it's cause im with my boyfriend but there's been a few times where i've been out alone or with girlfriends or when i'm going to the bathroom or waiting somewhere alone...and i still get nothing! >=(

    Actually I used to get hit on WAY WAY more when I was out with a boyfriend or a date. Do men want you more when you're not available?