worst comment ever made about your weight



  • amandathegreat320
    amandathegreat320 Posts: 25 Member
    Every time a person says, "You look good...for someone who's had 3 kids..." I just want to scream!!! Why can't I just look good--period?! Oh, and my fiance said to me one time, "Wow, Babe...You were the best looking woman at that party! The biggest, but the best looking..." I think he thought that because he said I was the best looking I would not notice the "biggest" comment!
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    One Lady *Stop and looking at my 20 month Daughter in her Stroller *
    & This is how the Conversation went

    Lady: How Beautiful She is !
    Lady: are your her baby sitter?
    Me: No i am her Mother
    Lady: she must look like her Father then Cause she look nothing like you want happen to you?
    and she laughed and said but your so big and ugly at lest your Daughter is so Small and pretty.

    I simply didn't want to let my anger get the best of me so i just walked away

    oh my god! How do random people have the balls to say stuff like this to complete strangers? I would be worried about getting belted in the face from saying something like that!

    it was a complete stranger i was getting out the train station some people in new York can really be cruel
  • JBlunt22
    JBlunt22 Posts: 12
    My mother used to be awful and subversive to me. She would "casually" mention a new health or weight loss fad she had heard about, or try to make me feel bad about how I looked by asking things like "Are you sure you want to go out like that?" in order to make me rethink my appearance. I eventually told her to just cut it out, and pointed out to her that being passive aggressive and stressing me out made it harder for me to lose weight. Now that I'm getting smaller and she's getting bigger, I think she's finally backing off.

    Isn't that the worst when your own parents do that?!

    My mother was similar. My sister begged her for money to get breast implants. Instead of telling my sister she looked fine as she was, she called me downstairs and proceeded to lift up my shirt and say 'you don't want boobs, look at what they've done to your sister. She's fat and has ugly stretchmarks!' They laughed about it and I went back upstairs sobbing.

    This was at least 6 years ago now, but it still hurts.

    Oh my gosh!! That is terrible!! I wish I was witty and could tell you a good come back but I am not so just wanted to send you some hugs!! I hope you NEVER have to experience that again! No matter what size or shape you are you are a beautiful person with feelings and you do not deserve to be treated like that!
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I've been debating sharing, but :: takes breath :: here we go.

    This guy older than my dad was hitting on my friend at the bar. He randomly turned to me and told me not to worry about ignored. I'll find a guy who likes women as voluptous as me. Someday. Hopefully.

    I wish I could write it off considering the source (and his level of intoxication) but I obviously haven't yet.
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    Someone asked me if I had my baby yet and I wasn't pregnant!
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    I've been debating sharing, but :: takes breath :: here we go.

    This guy older than my dad was hitting on my friend at the bar. He randomly turned to me and told me not to worry about ignored. I'll find a guy who likes women as voluptous as me. Someday. Hopefully.

    I wish I could write it off considering the source (and his level of intoxication) but I obviously haven't yet.

    what a jerk!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Had somone ask me if I knew what I was having. I wasn't pregnant.
    So not only did she think I looked pregnant she thought I would be far enough along to know what I was having. :(
    It was on my birthday a few years ago. Left the store in tears.
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I've been debating sharing, but :: takes breath :: here we go.

    This guy older than my dad was hitting on my friend at the bar. He randomly turned to me and told me not to worry about ignored. I'll find a guy who likes women as voluptous as me. Someday. Hopefully.

    I wish I could write it off considering the source (and his level of intoxication) but I obviously haven't yet.

    If I was your friend I would have gone 'On that note we are off... but don't worry... You'll find a girl who likes a**holes who are shallow and insensitive like you. Someday. Hopefully.'
  • Jojo1859
    Jojo1859 Posts: 58 Member
    Mine isnt that bad I guess but whenever I see my grandma she just says "Have you gained weight? You're looking fat." I don't take it too seriously though because she's in her 90s and says it to everyone.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Are you sure you aren't pregnant?

  • k8kish
    k8kish Posts: 4 Member
    I've been accused of being pregnant a few times; another time a kid pointed me out in public and squealed, "Mommy, she ate too much candy!"

    Most recently, my MIL held up my old jeans and said, "these must not be your current size. They're HUGE!" Um... those fit me 2 months ago.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I am a person who says, "You have such a pretty face". I'm also fat, so that may help. But I say to people with all sorts of body types. I just like to compartmentalize.

    I also say, "You have a banging body!" but that totally doesn't mean their face is jacked. :(

    I apologize for any possible upset caused.
  • elri1908
    elri1908 Posts: 160 Member
    When I moved to Korea last year my co-teacher told me that hiking would help me "lose the weight." I was 120 lbs at the time. I have since learned to just ignore anything Koreans say about my weight and just pretend it's a translation issue.

    Ha-ha. Good for you to have learnt that lesson early on - I learnt it too (but only after a few years and MANY MANY TEARS!) Now I just shrug it off and thank my lucky stars that I don't have to live in this country forever! It's really a cultural thing - they do it to each other ALL THE TIME. I feel so sorry for the Koreans who are overweight - they must have it VERY BAD! And it's not just about weight - whenever anyone doesn't fit the mold, they get ridiculed. No wonder this country has the highest incidence of suicides.
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    I get alot You have such a pretty Face But Damn you have to lose alot of weight because pretty face and hair is all you got for now
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    The first time I went to meet my husband's family was over Christmas. They wanted a picture of all the kids and their significant others. All six of us went to sit on the couch and my husband's step father said that if I was as skinny, like the other two girls (I was a size 10, one girl was a dedicated cross-country runner and the other is anorexic/bulimic), then everyone could fit. Now, both of the other girls have baby weight and I've lost 15 pounds. And the last 2 times we've gone to see them they talk about how good I look and won't talk about the other girls...so now I'm terrified of having kids!
  • cathyplym
    cathyplym Posts: 3 Member
    A few that I can remember:

    My mum: "you should really weigh less then me" (not entirely sure what criteria she's basing this on...I think she means because I'm younger I should weigh less? She is super fit and obsessed with her weight...)
    A workman a few years ago, to his mates: "oh my god, look at the flab on that!"
    A sleazy friend-of-a-friend: "you'd be really hot...if you just lost a few pounds".

    Also I used to be friends with an incredibly judgemental woman who would kind of monitor my eating; she'd say things like "that's plenty" about my portions. We're not friends anymore.
  • I am a dance instructor. I teach ballet, lyrical, jazz, cheer and hiphop.
    I was always really skinny until I was blessed with my beautiful daughter, and ever since, I have struggled with my weight.
    Anyways, one of the dance moms so kindly stated "I always thought dance teachers had to be in good shape"
  • mum32008
    mum32008 Posts: 37 Member
    mine wasnt a comment as such however made me feel so bad, was out with my friends who are all skinner than me, dancing away made an effort as i dont go out much so thought i looked good, where i was dancing was a window to outside and a group of men walked past so one decided to measure my bum with his hands making sure it was nice and big(now i find it hard to think maybe that is really how big my bum is) then laugh with his friends:embarassed:
  • Heartmyjrt
    Heartmyjrt Posts: 10 Member
    Ugh! I have dozens! Sometimes it's not even verbal. I went to lunch and ordered vegetarian panini and water. My skinny friend got a burger and soda. The waitress assumed the high cal order was my order and reversed it when she served us. One that still stings happened 20 years ago. My friend's college age brother told me I looked like I weighed 200 pounds. I still don't know what would possess a man to pick on a child. And my friend laughed about it. People can be very mean! But let's focus on the positive! Positive, happy thoughts help me stick to my goals!!!