girls ... do you mind if your men go to strip clubs?



  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I would say yes it bothers me. Because I know how easily addicted people can get to strip clubs, porn, etc. And it can ruin people. I would rather be single for the rest of my life, then have my boyfriend/husband go to a strip club or watch porn. Those images that the men will get in thier head after going to the strip club, it is hard to get those images out of thier heads. Porn too. I was a prostitute at one time in my life, trying to pay the bills after my divorce. And alot of my clients were married men. Thier wives had no idea. The other thing is, do you think the strippers like what they are doing? No, but they do it for the money, the drugs, etc. They don't really know any better. I have some stripper friends, they are not strippers anymore thank God. But all of them were sexually abused as children, as teenagers got into drugs and then became strippers. Drugs are very easy to get when your a stripper. Do you really want your men spending thier hard earned money on these strippers? Dont forget thier are vip sections where they can get extra's. And some men once they have been drinking awhile. They will forget about thier wife, and they will think, hey a handjob or blow job isnt cheating, because we aren't having intercourse. Have any of you researched the sex trafficking industry? They make millions on stealing girls and women and pimping them out. Alot of these women don't want to be prostitutes but are forced into it. Keep letting your husbands induldge in strip clubs, etc. I won't be surprised when he ends up cheating on you, or giving you an std. Strip clubs are not harmless fun. They are disgusting. Open your eyes. I dare you women to go to the strip clubs by yourself. Talk to the strippers, hear thier stories, and see all the married men with rings on thier fingers, sitting thier acting like horny teenage boys. There is an epidemic, and more and more people are becoming sex addicts, because of the easy affordable sex there is out there. Porn, prostitutes, strippers, Adult personals. Yall might be normal people that don't know about this stuff. But I have lived it, and seen the devestation it causes.
    ...andhere's "Debbie Downer". Wow, not everyone gets addicted to stuff. I certainly don't. I've been to strip clubs maybe 10 times in my life...haven't been in about 10 years and don't miss it. Get a grip.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Yes I do mind. If he isn't happy at home then dont come back. I should be enough for him. Not to mention we are both Christians and he should not be lusting after other women. Those women dont respect themselves or anyone else. Marriage is supposed to be a sanctity. Our bodies are supposed to be temples of God's Spirit and there is no way I'd do anything like that so I expect my husband to honor me as I honor him.

    Not to put your beliefs down, however are you saying you never see a great looking actor or hot guy on the street and get turned on? This is human nature~ it is how the race survives~ and there is no shame in it. That I have meet some strippers~ a lot of them are students or moms who are workign rather then having kids do with out or using welfare! I will tip my hat to those ladies because if it's what I had to do to support my famity I would in a heart beat!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    as most have said - i don't mind as long as it's not all the time and he's not spending loads of money there.. and he's not doing anything with those girls. my bf really isn't a strip club going type. now, i did get annoyed when he was on one of those buses with one stripper and just a few of his guy friends, but that was mainly because he didn't tell me he was doing that.

    i still really want to go to one.. the ones around here are full of crackheads though. and they are nothing good to look at, just sad.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    if he doesn't care that I go somewhere and have guys grabbing and grinding on me all night long, then sure he can go to the strip club.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Yes I do mind. If he isn't happy at home then dont come back. I should be enough for him. Not to mention we are both Christians and he should not be lusting after other women. Those women dont respect themselves or anyone else. Marriage is supposed to be a sanctity. Our bodies are supposed to be temples of God's Spirit and there is no way I'd do anything like that so I expect my husband to honor me as I honor him.
    That's your religion talking, not typical common sense.
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    I honestly expected a lot of you to say the opposite. I know as a man, if my women went to some sort of male strip club I would be upset. Knowing that your significant other, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is getting lap dances from another male. I don't know maybe I'm a pansy.
  • mbroskey
    mbroskey Posts: 17 Member
    I think this is the core of stereotypes not every stripper is a druggie, or a prostitute you cannot generalize someone in that category. I think the main question was do women care if there men go? I think your taking this option to a whole diff level!! Women if your mom can go out a few times a year to the club with the guys and he’s never given you a reason not to trust him then shame on you. a once in a while thing is no big deal.. a every week things is excessive but different strokes for diff folks in my opinion!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I honestly expected a lot of you to say the opposite. I know as a man, if my women went to some sort of male strip club I would be upset. Knowing that your significant other, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is getting lap dances from another male. I don't know maybe I'm a pansy.

    Actually I think that is the male in you :wink: Basically the way that human functioned(like animals) is the male can have more then one partner to "fertilze" while a female is to only have one partner, this is biology. But I am married and my man is to have one partner,but he can look, I trust him!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Not at all, as long as he comes home to me. I've been a few times myself. Nothing wrong with appreciating a nice body.
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    As long as I'm not being lied to about it and invited every now and then I would be ok with it. Strip clubs have caused many problems in my relationship because I was getting lied to about where he was and he never had money. It wasn't hard to put 2 and 2 together. Especially when you know a couple girls that worked there lol.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Nope! I go way more than he does because my best friend works at one.
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I would say yes it bothers me. Because I know how easily addicted people can get to strip clubs, porn, etc. And it can ruin people. I would rather be single for the rest of my life, then have my boyfriend/husband go to a strip club or watch porn. Those images that the men will get in thier head after going to the strip club, it is hard to get those images out of thier heads. Porn too. I was a prostitute at one time in my life, trying to pay the bills after my divorce. And alot of my clients were married men. Thier wives had no idea. The other thing is, do you think the strippers like what they are doing? No, but they do it for the money, the drugs, etc. They don't really know any better. I have some stripper friends, they are not strippers anymore thank God. But all of them were sexually abused as children, as teenagers got into drugs and then became strippers. Drugs are very easy to get when your a stripper. Do you really want your men spending thier hard earned money on these strippers? Dont forget thier are vip sections where they can get extra's. And some men once they have been drinking awhile. They will forget about thier wife, and they will think, hey a handjob or blow job isnt cheating, because we aren't having intercourse. Have any of you researched the sex trafficking industry? They make millions on stealing girls and women and pimping them out. Alot of these women don't want to be prostitutes but are forced into it. Keep letting your husbands induldge in strip clubs, etc. I won't be surprised when he ends up cheating on you, or giving you an std. Strip clubs are not harmless fun. They are disgusting. Open your eyes. I dare you women to go to the strip clubs by yourself. Talk to the strippers, hear thier stories, and see all the married men with rings on thier fingers, sitting thier acting like horny teenage boys. There is an epidemic, and more and more people are becoming sex addicts, because of the easy affordable sex there is out there. Porn, prostitutes, strippers, Adult personals. Yall might be normal people that don't know about this stuff. But I have lived it, and seen the devestation it causes.

    Your broad generalizations are ignorant. I have had strippers for friends, I have known drug addicts, I'm totally aware of the sex trafficking industry, and yet I still somehow live with myself every day while enjoying strip clubs. Everybody's gotta get paid somehow, and if strippin' keeps the lights on, I think that's great.

    Her information isnt ignorant. Not all woman in that situation are there against their will or being abused or on drugs, but there are ALOT that are. You just never know which one is and isnt. How can you enjoy the "show" knowing that the sex indistry is made up of mostly women that are not there by choice. BUT I guess if you would be ok with your wife or daughter up there with men lusting over them (some innocent and some not so much) then enjoy. But its not a healthy lifestyle for anyone involved.

    I agree that she's not ignorant; I think she's brave to speak her mind like this when the majority here disagree. I'm a professional counselor and I work with many of the consequences of sex addiction, sex abuse, alcoholism and more. It is not harmless fun. Anything that promotes the idea of women as sex objects and sex as something divorced from love, intimacy and commitment directly contributes to violence against women and continuing exploitation. My husband feels the same so neither of us participate in things like this. There's also a big increase in sexual slavery all over the world, including in the USA, and it's built on making tons of money from people indulging their basest desires without regard for the consequences to those who do the work. I wonder if the women who indulge in or support all this ever really let themselves think deeper about all these things...and what their hearts would say if they did.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    I don't care at all. As long as he's not spending wads of cash all the time... usually it's been for bachelor parties with the aim of embarrassing the fool getting married and making him puke.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    I'm fairly certain that I enjoy them more than my husband does. LOL

    Niiiiiice! And that's just one more reason why I think you're balls *kitten* hot, Marnie!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Nope. We've gone together, mostly. But I don't mind at all if he wants to go. He just doesn't. He'd rather the show at home, although I wouldn't mind a quads are usually on fire as it is without the Private Dancer workout.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    Nope. We've gone together, mostly. But I don't mind at all if he wants to go. He just doesn't. He'd rather the show at home, although I wouldn't mind a quads are usually on fire as it is without the Private Dancer workout.

    Do you travel?
  • Monti_e_lmt
    Monti_e_lmt Posts: 189 Member
    I would say yes it bothers me. Because I know how easily addicted people can get to strip clubs, porn, etc. And it can ruin people. I would rather be single for the rest of my life, then have my boyfriend/husband go to a strip club or watch porn. Those images that the men will get in thier head after going to the strip club, it is hard to get those images out of thier heads. Porn too. I was a prostitute at one time in my life, trying to pay the bills after my divorce. And alot of my clients were married men. Thier wives had no idea. The other thing is, do you think the strippers like what they are doing? No, but they do it for the money, the drugs, etc. They don't really know any better. I have some stripper friends, they are not strippers anymore thank God. But all of them were sexually abused as children, as teenagers got into drugs and then became strippers. Drugs are very easy to get when your a stripper. Do you really want your men spending thier hard earned money on these strippers? Dont forget thier are vip sections where they can get extra's. And some men once they have been drinking awhile. They will forget about thier wife, and they will think, hey a handjob or blow job isnt cheating, because we aren't having intercourse. Have any of you researched the sex trafficking industry? They make millions on stealing girls and women and pimping them out. Alot of these women don't want to be prostitutes but are forced into it. Keep letting your husbands induldge in strip clubs, etc. I won't be surprised when he ends up cheating on you, or giving you an std. Strip clubs are not harmless fun. They are disgusting. Open your eyes. I dare you women to go to the strip clubs by yourself. Talk to the strippers, hear thier stories, and see all the married men with rings on thier fingers, sitting thier acting like horny teenage boys. There is an epidemic, and more and more people are becoming sex addicts, because of the easy affordable sex there is out there. Porn, prostitutes, strippers, Adult personals. Yall might be normal people that don't know about this stuff. But I have lived it, and seen the devestation it causes.

    I lost my bf/fiance of 4 years to sex addiction. At first I thought it was okay he watched porn, I was curious bc I'd never watched it. But after we moved in together I saw the extent of his addiction. It got worse and worse and I couldn't satisfy him, he would literally have to have porn in front of him to... you know... and it got to the point that women weren't enough anymore, he started watching child porn and when I found out, I kicked him out and tried to get him professional help, which he didn't want. So now he bounces from girl to girl using them until he can't be satisfied anymore. He is really sick and I still care about him and I wish he would get help :cry:
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Nope. We've gone together, mostly. But I don't mind at all if he wants to go. He just doesn't. He'd rather the show at home, although I wouldn't mind a quads are usually on fire as it is without the Private Dancer workout.

    Do you travel?

    Depends on who's asking! You? Yep.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    Depends on who's asking! You? Yep.

    <installs stripper pole and disco ball> I'll PM my address. :wink:

    *Don't forget the comic books.
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    personally, i don't care if my husband goes. i even tried to get his friends to find him a stripper for a bachelor party before we got married. absolutely nothing wrong with checking out the scenery.

    though his boss might care. i don't think the bishop would appreciate one of his pastors frequently attending strip clubs. :)