worst comment ever made about your weight



  • VirginiaWoof
    someone stuck a "wide load" sticker on my *kitten* at college and I somehow did not notice for about three hours. Wasn't impressed. Although it's true that most of my weight tends to go to my bum.
    Aside from that, I've had people call me a skeletal freak when I was very poorly and in hospital last year. That hurt a lot.
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    I was training for a century bike ride in support of breast cancer research funding last year. When I started training I weighed 186 lbs but I was determined to put on the right gear for comfortable riding, i.e. spandex. I was out on the highway and as I passed a farm I heard "moooooo". I turned to find three teenagers standing in the lane, laughing it up. I cried the rest of the seven miles home. I think about them now, nearly 25 lbs lighter and 20+ inches smaller and wonder if they'd still do the same thing if I rode by again.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have always been big and there have been so many things that people have said or done that has about my weight.
    I NEVER heard the end of it from my stepfather. It was always "You're fat. You're ugly." I was around 9 at the time and it still continues today at 29. But some of the worst things was when he would lock me out of the house and make me run up and down the street in front of our house and around our block over and over again. Sometimes around our house and do countless sit ups and push ups and wrestle with my sisters and "I should win because I am so much bigger than them!" I was so embaressed to be seen and that continues today. I feel like I am never gonna be able to feel better about myself and I know that if he had just went about it differently then maybe I wouldnt look and feel this way now.:cry:

    This broke my heart. This is a form of abuse!! Wow, I can't believe thee way some people treat each other. You are beautiful, you are worthy, and your weight doesn't define you. Good work on your weightloss so far!

    It certainly is abuse! Oh my God, that's so awful. How is he still your stepfather? Your mom should have ditched him. Please put him in his place and then carry on with your life. You are indeed worthy of so much more. Hugs.
  • SVallatini
    I was told by someone my SR. year that I would be good looking if I lost some weight. I weighed a whopping 130 and was 5'4. People have always been so kind as to point out my thunder thighs! Now at 40, I weigh 140 a customer has told me on more than one occasion to watch the desserts, but don't eat them. Which is pretty funny actually because I am not a big dessert eater.

    When I said to my husband that I didn't want my breast to get any bigger, he didn't miss a beat and said well you are going to have to get out play basketball and sweat. He thought he was being helpful.
  • jewels68
    jewels68 Posts: 89
    I was at the gym the other day with my husband. I normally wear a t-shirt that coveres most everything. I bought a new yoga top that was really cute. Even bought it in a size larger so it wasn't snug on my tummy. A lady walked up to me and asked how much weight I'd lost. When I looked at her in shock, she said she noticed the flab under my arms. Still in shock I really didn't know what to say. She then went on to tell me to lose the weight on my thighs and butt I would need to start eating better.

    Telling this story at Easter, my daughter said I should have slapped with with my bat wings.
  • miss5fteleven
    I have had lots of hurtful comments over the years but last August I was at a football match with my boyfriend and after the game walking back to the tube a group of guys walked past and one shouted 'Look at the size of the *kitten* on her!!' and proceeded to slap my bum and walk off laughing. PRICK.

    Also had lots of 'Well you're obviously a big girl but you're tall so you carry it well'....wow thanks.

    I'm new to MFP by the way so any friend requests would be welcomed :D
  • Limajuliet
    Limajuliet Posts: 54 Member
    I was on a camping trip for my birthday a couple of years ago... at my heaviest (226lbs) and some random bloke asked when I was due. I was MORTIFIED.

    ****Men.... it is NEVER ok to ask this without having been told by a woman, a health professional or having seen a positive results on a pregnancy testing kit that the woman is definitely 100% preggers!!!****
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Like many other women, I think the worst comment made has been asking about a non-existent pregnancy. However, this comment was made to me by another woman. I had recently had a miscarriage (very early in the pregnancy) and she asked me if I was sure I had a miscarriage because I still looked pregnant. Made my day!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    This thread ... wow, it's so hard to even put it into words.

    I had one of those grandmothers. I remember talking to her on the phone when I was a kid.

    "Hello - how are you? Are you still fat? Oh. Let me talk to your mother."

    I can look at my "before" picture from a few years ago and see the progress I've made, but this thread brings it all back again.
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    my ex used to always call me names. once i stood infront of tv and he burst out laughing. i was like what you laughing at..he said my stomach looked like a football. he used to call me "hev" , meaning heather from eastenders, he used to grab my fat and squeeze it and move it going "FAT!!" he said because i had big boobs no clothes look nice on me , just tacky and slutty. if i put a nice dress on hed say i looked like a fat prostitute etc

    hed tell me how amazing other girls looked , and compare me to othe girls, like if you exercise you could get stomach like her etc. he would insult me but compliment other girls

    he actually cheated on me with a girl bigger than me with no tits and flabby body. i feel sorry for his new girlfriend. i hope she bullys him and doesnt take **** like i do
  • Doresoontobehealthy
    Doresoontobehealthy Posts: 189 Member
  • sdubya04
    sdubya04 Posts: 28 Member
    I have to add that being told you're "so skinny it makes me sick" is the worst thing anyone has ever said to me. It makes me so mad because I work hard at managing my weight and it doesn't come easy. Just because someone is skinny or thin does not mean it's a compliment to insult them on their weight. Some of us worry about it just as much.
    "God girl, how much do you weigh?" is none of your business
    "You look like you need to eat something" is an insult.
    If everyone could just remember "if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all"
  • manders628
    manders628 Posts: 3 Member
    When I was in 8th grade a kid on my bus got ahold of my yearbook (I had passed it to my friend a few seats in front of me and he offered to give it back to me) and wrote "someday you will be thin and pretty but I doubt it. Have a great summer Titanic" when I saw it I refused to give him the satisfaction of tears rolling down my cheeks so I waited until I got home and I let it out. Some people are so mean and they don't understand that some things you say or do to someone can stick in their memory forever.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    My grandpa sat me on his lap when I was about 13 years old and explained to me that if I didn't lose any weight I'd never find someone who would want to marry me.

    Oh. My. God. What is it with all these grandparents that are so damned mean? I'm sorry =(

    I think the most problematic thing about this is the age - who tells a child they're too fat? Just send them to play tennis or something lol
  • jjstaten
    jjstaten Posts: 43 Member
    I used to get called Shamu @ the pool when i was in school. Most recently my wife's grandfather said I looked like i had gained weight after I had lost 10lbs.
  • hhamilton1203
    hhamilton1203 Posts: 43 Member
    I know there are a lot worse stories than mine. However my story was when i was 19 i moved into a house with my boyfriend and we were "engaged" and i got hurt in an accident and i started gaining weight. He was 21 at the time and would go to the bars every weekend and it became more and more i noticed. Well i was finally able to go back to work after 4 months and i worked nights. I noticed our relationship started to change when non of my clothes fit anymore and had to go get new larger ones. One night he and i got into a fight and he and his friends went to the bar. I stayed home and cleaned and went to bed. At about 3 am i heard a loud noise in the kitchen and got up he brought his drunk friends home they were cooking mac and cheese. So i asked where he was and they said he is sleeping in the spare room so i went to go to bed and heard a girl. I walked in the spare room to find him with 2 other girls and he said "what you cant expect me to want to marry you anymore or have sex with you, your huge now" and the girls laughed and i walked out. The next morning i left him and never went back however my weight and self esteem just got worse after that...
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    I got asked if i was pregnant as i am apple shaped i felt like s@*$
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    All 36 pages of this topic were like a trainwreck and carwreck and an episode of the Real Housewives wrapped in one ... It was painful and sad but you couldn't look away. I guess at this point I'm just very lucky and thankful that I never actually heard the **** people were talking behind my back and people were always too "kind" or "respectful" to say it to my face.

    You guys are rockstars -- I don't care if you've lost 1 lb or 199lbs ... you're doing it. You're not sitting on the bench eating McDonalds; you're actually making an effort and for that we all deserve so much better than the swill that people have spit at us, well-meaning or not.
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    Growing up I was never fat (that happened when i got pregnant LOL), but I was larger than my (older) brother and (younger) sister, I actually had a more womanly figure with hips and boobs (whereas my sister was straight up and down).

    My dad used to introduce my sister as "the pretty and thin" one, and would always say to us kids that my sister was the best looking and that i was too chubby (fat, fatty boom-ba etc etc). I copped it my whole childhood that i was the *bigger* one, and the bigger I've gotten the more insults i've had from both siblings and dad thrown at me.

    Once when my mom came to visit (after not seeing each other for a couple of months), the first thing she's said once she had seen me was, "you've started eating again haven't you".

    Just the other day I was out walking our dog, and a car has driven past, and they've shouted out "which one's the dog" at me as they've driven past. That actually made me cry.
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    If everyone could just remember "if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all"

    Why must people share their negativity with others? You wanna hate? Keep it to yourself.

    I think you all are BEAUTIFUL!