What is your weakness?



  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Chips and dip. I still have them, but I don't sit down with the bag of chips and a tub of dip anymore.

    ^^ Chips and Salsa for me. I can't go to a Mexican restaurant w/out eating them. LOVE!!
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 324 Member
    ice cream, fries and chocolate...
    i crave them so bad but i cant eat them... it sucks but all i can do is avoid them and pretend they dont smell like heaven
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139

    Also, sushi rolls of the crazy sauced up variety...

    OH, forgot about Sushi. I'll turn a trick for some good sushi. LOL
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    peanut butter...oh how i miss thee!
  • jesss5885
    jesss5885 Posts: 187 Member
    savory and salty! not much of a sweet tooth, but i love pizza, chinese food, cheeseburgers, steak, and all that good stuff! (which actually can be good when homecooked and portioned out correctly)
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    Cookie dough - Sugary Coffees - Pepperoni Rolls - Funny now that I have been eating really well I don't even miss it.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    CARBS! The high fat ones! Salty & Sweet....bring it on!

  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Alcohol and crisps although I haven't had much to drink since last November.
  • BigRedgw2010
    BigRedgw2010 Posts: 127 Member
    Women with nice legs and a tight butt....oh, you mean food. Nachos then. :laugh:
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Chocolate and peanut butter. YUMMY!!!
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    Currently my weakness is Cadbury Mini Eggs that I stupidly decided to bring to work. This weakness is not controlled...

    I am in agreement with those. Luckily I have been able to stay away this year. Ice cream is my other one and my wife just brought a bunch of it into the house.
  • ennazus1
    ennazus1 Posts: 1
    A mixed bag, sometime sweets and other times salty snacks.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I would say alcohol. It doesn't taste better and its not more satisfying than a plate of nachos, but I find it difficult to avoid for very long. I go meet friends for a drink on a regular basis, we go out to celebrate or indulge after a hard day up the hill. Of course I can order soft drinks, but I go home dissatisfied.
    I can go for a run to earn 2 glasses of wine and limit myself to the two, but then I'm still more inclined to make bad food choices later on.
  • Fresh bear claws and Reese's peanut butter cups. Fortunately, they are items I don't stock in the house. I,ve also been happy to find that I don't miss sweets as much since I broke the sugar habit. Yea! Thought that was impossible!
  • martin_chicago
    martin_chicago Posts: 263 Member
    girls and hot wings
  • catio23
    catio23 Posts: 38 Member
    Candy. Especially this time of year - Jelly Beans. I will eat myself sick on some jelly beans...
  • mareAbe
    mareAbe Posts: 13
    EATING AT NIGHT!!:explode: !!!!!
  • Pretty much anything that is open around me that is bad for me. I have a problem not eating something if its there. Solution, I don't buy them, if they are around however... well I am still working on that.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    Savoury foods, though I combat this craving with wholegrain crackerbreads, nuts and seeds :D
  • Icedancer94
    Icedancer94 Posts: 108
    Chocolate, jam, most sweet things...