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worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    My Grandmother wouldn't let me have a slice of cake with my cup of tea one day and then proceeding to get all annoyed at me when I couldn't finish the enormous dinner she put in front of me later that day!

    I've also had my dads ex not believe what size I was when I lost weight before. That really hurt because it felt so pointless to have bothered and surprise surprise I put it back on!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    I was never overly huge for my height...my highest was 154, 5'3". I have always had muscular legs and never fully stopped exercising, mainly struggled with thyroid and food allergies searching for the best diet overall for myself. Anyways, we had a ver warm St Pats parade day one year and I wore my black cheer shorts and crazy green knee highs to the parade. After the parade ended, literally 5 or 6 different random people (some drunk, some not) yelled insults directly at me that I am too fat to wear shorts, hide those nasty legs, yuck you should never be wearing those, etc etc. I cried a lot with my friends and even they were completely shocked by the insults because well 1) they are my friends and 2) they couldn't believe that much hate could be placed on a size 8 girl for weight issues! Needless to say, that stung and to this day, despite being down to size 2 and in better shape than I was ever in my life from running and strength training, I am incredibly nervous to wear shorts. In fact, most of my summer apparel are crops. I even am nervous to wear shorts in the summer when I run races! I have purchased a couple pairs of shorts that fit me now though and will face my fear head on once the weather breaks.

    I absolutely still have those fears of not looking right etc. IN fact, I am starting to finally buy jeans and such that fit right and aren't a bit loose, but its hard because doing so is me admitting I did it, I'm here and I'm not going back. I love MFP for the ability to share these stories without judgement at all, only understanding and support!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    My boyfriend said to me that my *kitten* was getting wider. He said this while I was getting dressed. Even though I've lost all the weight I needed to, I'm still uncomfortable with him seeing me naked.

    I think it's time for a new boyfriend. That was nasty.

    Why? You like people better when they lie to you?

    There are a lot of mean comments people on this thread got about their weight, but also some comments were not that bad.

    It just confirms that there is no "polite" or correct way to tell someone, not talking about strangers, but family and friends -- hell, even the person you are sleeping with! -- that if they want to stay/get in shape, now would be a good time to do so :p As a society we won't beat obesity by ignoring it. No matter how shocked that person is, it's a lot better than a blood pressure medication prescription or diabetes diagnosis...
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    "You lost weight! I thought you looked good in your vacation pictures, but then I figured it was just good trick photography."

    "Where'd they put the other half of you?"

    "How do you FEEL?"

    "We had to watch Fashion Police together, to pick out your present, since we're not used to shopping for your body type." The present was literally so big it didn't stay on my body.

    --All said in one day, by people I have never talked about my weight with, and one of the people I didn't even remember meeting before. And people were so excited/relieved. I've never hit the obese or "medically in danger" category, so I didn't think me losing a few pounds would matter so much. Whatever happened to, "You look nice!"

    Now people who know I am trying to lose weight, they can bring on the compliments. :) Then they are acknowledging something they know I am trying for, not something THEY think I SHOULD be trying for.
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    Dad (as I got in the van and his drink sloshed): "I didn't know we had an elephant in the back!"

    6th grade math teacher: "You're a WHALE!" (in front of my ENTIRE class)

    "BF" in elementary school: "So what's it like being fat?" (I guess now she knows she we could probably share clothes now)

    Those are the ones that have really stuck out to me. People that are supposed to be there for you cut the deepest.
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    When I was at my first 5 k practice and one of the kids at school with my daughter asked her Why is your mom doing a 5 K while pregnant? I was so chubby I looked like I was 7 months pregnant. once that comment was made it was time for me to get to work on my weight loss journey.
  • wmako
    wmako Posts: 36 Member
    People can be such idiots. I know how you feel, I used to get the pregnant comment too. It would get me down for days. You look beautiful in your photos so just keep focusing on the positive.
  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 97 Member
    My nick name as a child (my mothers live in boyfriend for over 10 years called me this religiously) was *Lard *kitten**. And he was the best of our step dads. Wait... does that qualify as a comment since it was lengthy in use????

    Anyway... since I started losing weight in January of this year, my ex mother in law said to me..... "well once you get all that weight off, you might be a nice looking young lady"

    ...... no I didnt punch her....... but there is still time ;-)
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I was in a school play, and I won't say what I was dressed up as, but one of my teachers asked me what did I use for stuffing? When I said nothing, he turned and walked off, totally embarrassed. I think I went on a diet soon after that!
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    At about 12 years old, I was walking home from school and had someone yell from a moving vehicle, "Lose some weight." It was crushing at the time, but seems kind of ironic and funny now 16 years later.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    I was in Mexico visiting and there are these fruit and vegetables wagons that are pulled by a horse..my ex mother in law said stop him when you see him pass I want some tomatoes...I thought it was cool to see one of those again after so many years..so I told her I would buy them for her..when I stopped the wagon the man said what can I get for you? Some papaya? I said no I dont like it, he said some mangos ..I said no thanks dont feel like eating mangos, he said how about some kiwis? I said nope dont like them either...he was talking so fast he didnt let me ask what I wanted...then he said if you dont like anything WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?

    I thought that was pretty bad...I cussed him out and went inside..told my ex mother in law what just happened and she asked me Where were the tomatoes at???
  • lynnanne53
    lynnanne53 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 2 that stick out in my memory. I was 10 & in a dressingroom trying on bathingsuits. While my mom went out to get a bigger size, I listened to all the other little girls interacting happily w/their moms. My mom came back in & LOUDLY said,"You're so fat, I can't find a GD thing to fit your fat *kitten*". I look back at pics from then & I wasn't fat-just chubby!
    A few years ago,(aft losing 75 lbs) my dr. thought I had a hernia & he sent me to a surgeon. The surgeon looked at the xrays and then poked me in the stomach twice-like you would poke the pillsbury doughboy. Then he said,"You're still too fat to tell!
    Sometimes I just can't believe how thoughtless & mean people can be. And of course, I always eat to make myself feel better-LOL
  • skatters
    skatters Posts: 48
    Things were getting frisky with my slim partner, we were both really into it. He looks at me naked, stops what he is doing and says thoughtfully "maybe we should start dieting and exercising."
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Anyway... since I started losing weight in January of this year, my ex mother in law said to me..... "well once you get all that weight off, you might be a nice looking young lady"

    ...... no I didnt punch her....... but there is still time ;-)

    Well you can always say you lost 100+ pounds of ugly fat when you got rid of her son... :devil:
  • I always LOVED being asked if I was pregnant, when I was due, etc.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    "when are you due?" :(
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    are you on drugs?
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    " sorry but i was just admiring ur belly bump" when i already had my baby!!!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    Boyfriends grandmother said I think koreans and Japenese are really pretty and skinny. I mean beautiful! after 3 minutes of her emphasizing how pretty and skinny they were) She says but your pretty. She probabley didnt mean anything but i guess being being fat im not korean. And im not a beautiful korean, i see....i cried in the car with my boyfriend there afterwards. when i told him. I felt so ugle and still do, that was yeasturday by the way

    wtf your beautiful!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    when i was 7 i was in gymnastics and my gym teacher kept laughing and saying stop sticking your stomach out like that on purpose, you look pregnant! but i wasn't sticking it out on purpose :( i quit after that.