for anyone considering the Couch to 5K...



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well, I didn't do my jogging last night because my jogging partner had an achy knee so we'll do it tonight instead. I so wanted to jog last night anyway but I refrained from it so Amy and I and hopefully her hubby can do this together. I still kind of wished I had went anyway. :ohwell: I'll let you all know how it went.

    For the first time in my life I have said no to waiting for others. :) I started the program, and someone wanted me to start over so they could do it too, and I declined. I was as proud of myself for that as I was for running!!!

    It's honestly okay to say "Okay I'll see you in a couple of days then" If you're only going 3 days a week there are days for others to 'catch up'.

    In any case, it's good that you are doing this, just don't let anyone derail you!

    No, I'm definitely not going to let anyone derail me. I only delayed this one time because I know Amy is really serious about finishing this course too. After this, it's stay on track even if it's on my own. :smile:
  • I finished week 2 yesterday. This is becoming more fun every day. I am moving on to week 3 tomorrow. I remember reading somewhere that there is a Michael Jackson podcast for week 3 but I don't remember which thread it was on:sad: :sad: :sad: Does anyone know where I can find this podcast?

    I looked at next weeks running plan and I am not even nervous. I am so confident that I can do this if I put my mind to it.

    I weigh in tonight. Wish me luck girls!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good luck AlyssasMommy. You're going to do great on week three. :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hey momma how did your run go today? Did you end up getting out and going!!!

    I am so pumped for the third run of week 5

    I am so excited to see how people are making out on this program. I really like feeling like I am accomplishing something and when I hear that others are doing well and achieving goals it makes me want to workt hat much harder to get there too :)

    good luck to everyone this weekend!!!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Thanks to reading your comments on this thread - I got back out there and have completed w6d1 &2. Thanks for the inspiration, and motivation to get back out there!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I finished week 2 yesterday. This is becoming more fun every day. I am moving on to week 3 tomorrow. I remember reading somewhere that there is a Michael Jackson podcast for week 3 but I don't remember which thread it was on:sad: :sad: :sad: Does anyone know where I can find this podcast?

    I looked at next weeks running plan and I am not even nervous. I am so confident that I can do this if I put my mind to it.

    I weigh in tonight. Wish me luck girls!

    Hey Lauren - Suz has a week 4 Michael Jackson podcast - it's on - BUT - it's not the regular week 4 podcast - do a search once you get to her page... hope that helps. Have fun! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I finished week 2 yesterday. This is becoming more fun every day. I am moving on to week 3 tomorrow. I remember reading somewhere that there is a Michael Jackson podcast for week 3 but I don't remember which thread it was on:sad: :sad: :sad: Does anyone know where I can find this podcast?

    I looked at next weeks running plan and I am not even nervous. I am so confident that I can do this if I put my mind to it.

    I weigh in tonight. Wish me luck girls!

    Hey Lauren - Suz has a week 4 Michael Jackson podcast - it's on - BUT - it's not the regular week 4 podcast - do a search once you get to her page... hope that helps. Have fun! :)
  • Thanks Smiles! I didn't want to miss out on that.

    OK..... So I weighed in last night and NOTHING.:brokenheart: I hate scales I am thinking about giving them up all together but I love to see my ticker change. I have felt really good this week. I felt like my clothes were fitting different and I am looking leaner but after I got on the scale I am wondering if it was all in my head. I had one other week where I didn't lose and the following week I lost 4 pounds so I am not going to give up. I just wish I would have lost one stinking pound. Oh well. Time to try harder for next week.
  • JNC87
    JNC87 Posts: 16
    HI i just started C25K last week and im really loving it. what is the podcast thing eveyone is talkign about?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well I ended up not going out again last night. Couldn't find my daughter so got lazy and didn't go. Shame on me!! :frown: But this morning I got up and weighed myself and saw I've lost a pound! :happy: Maybe I'm finally off the plateau i've been on for so long. I'm so excited I've decided to go jogging! I'll let you know how it went when I get back. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Just got back from finishing w4d2. HOOOOEEEEEE!!! That last 5 minute jog's a killer! But I didn't stop. Time to go jump in the shower as soon as I rest up a ilttle bit. Sweatin' like crazy! :laugh: That was so exhilarating though. WOOOHOOOO!!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    HI i just started C25K last week and im really loving it. what is the podcast thing eveyone is talkign about?

    I don't do the podcasts, but there is an iPhone app that's great! It has every week and uses voice prompts so you never have to keep looking at the timer. And the best part is you can listen to your own music in the background, not generic background music. It was only $1.99. Well worth it!
  • JNC87
    JNC87 Posts: 16
    ohh ok thank u so much! i may do w1d3 tomorrow. ive been trying to fight a cold but still workout somedays but its so hard.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Great Job mommared - It was pouring here early this morning, so i haven't gone out yet - wondering if we'll get caught in the rain. Hmmmm. Trying to motivate myself to go. I"ll report back in! (Uh oh - here comes the rain AGAIN)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Week 4, day 3 done!!!! (Although, my day 1 of week 4 was with the messed up podcast, so this is technically day 2 of the right intervals). Considering doing an extra day of week 4 to prepare for week 5.

    Mentally, I'm feeling fantastic and proud for accomplishing this today - physically - a little lightheaded. :ohwell: I went later in the day than normal, and maybe I just need hydration? Not sure....

    Anyone have any mental preparation tips for those of us wondering if we can do it?
  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    Week 4, day 3 done!!!! (Although, my day 1 of week 4 was with the messed up podcast, so this is technically day 2 of the right intervals). Considering doing an extra day of week 4 to prepare for week 5.

    Mentally, I'm feeling fantastic and proud for accomplishing this today - physically - a little lightheaded. :ohwell: I went later in the day than normal, and maybe I just need hydration? Not sure....

    Anyone have any mental preparation tips for those of us wondering if we can do it?

    yay you!! that is so awesome...

    as far as mental preparation, I don't know but when you get some let us know! :laugh: actually I read a book called "The Spiritual Art of Running" which helped a lot... it's about using running as a meditation time, whatever that might mean for you. :wink:

    I am wrapping up week 7. Now that I'm on the longer runs I'm thinking about dropping the podcasts and just finding songs I like with the right lengths to keep up the 5 min walks and appropriate running time. We'll see how it goes!
  • thanks to you all for this thread! I'm on week 3 of the program and actually begining to enjoy running, something I never thought I woould ever say... If I hadn't read this thread I'm not sure I would ever of attempted this. So to all those who have or are doing this program a big thanks from me.

  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Just got back from finishing w4d2. HOOOOEEEEEE!!! That last 5 minute jog's a killer! But I didn't stop. Time to go jump in the shower as soon as I rest up a ilttle bit. Sweatin' like crazy! :laugh: That was so exhilarating though. WOOOHOOOO!!!

    How exciting !!! You are doing great!!

    I took a couple of days off for company, going to gt back on track this afternoon.
  • Congratulations!

    Although I've been athletic for many years, I've been both a smoker and a couch potato since my son was born. Like you, my first goal in getting back into shape is the 5k.

    I completely understand how you felt when you ran for 20 minutes, because I -just- had that moment, making my 5 k distance for the first time on the street. I didn't cry, or jump up and down, but I did give my self an incredible "Woo-Hoo!!!" and an impromptu victory dance!

    And now here's one for you!!


    Keep runnin' !
  • I finished week 3 day 1 on Saturday. I am actually starting to feel like a runner. Day 2 is tonight. Good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:
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