

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    WOW - I rented the DVD - 4 fast miles - and just finished. It IS A WORKOUT! I feel energized though. I'm going to soak in the tub and then get on with the day. I think it was Susan who suggested renting it first. Thanks Susan. I am considering buying it.
    Have a great day,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I really like Four Fast Miles, also Walk Away Your Hips and Thighs and The Big Burn.
    I like the 10 minute solutions workouts also, which I download to my TV from Netflix, so I can use them anytime.

    Back to work. Alice
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I really like Four Fast Miles, also Walk Away Your Hips and Thighs and The Big Burn.
    I like the 10 minute solutions workouts also, which I download to my TV from Netflix, so I can use them anytime.

    Back to work. Alice
    That is something I don't know how to do ??? Download to the tv from the internet? I'm behind the times with the new technology:ohwell:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all. Well today didn't quite go as planned:grumble:
    :glasses: Breakfast 190 calories
    :glasses: Lunch 275 calories (I had the salad I planned for dinner)
    :noway: Dinner 511 calories (Turkey burger on Kaiser roll, 1/4 cup potato salad, deviled egg:devil: )
    :glasses: snack 253 calories ( I had to taste things as I was cooking):tongue:
    1/4 cup potato salad, deviled egg:devil: an apple (just to get the fruit mid-morning snack)
    Total 1,229 calories:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water
    rode my bike 5 miles, took grandson for 1 mile walk, gardened 1/2 hour and cleaned house 1/2 hour
    earned 941 exercise calories. Getting ready to go to my daughters to watch Matthew for a few hours. Think I will do Leslie Sansone 3 mile just for good measure.
    I don't think I did too bad......:heart::smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: to all, Rosemary
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Rosemary: Sounds like you're doing okay. The calorie intake and the calories burned are a good balance. :wink: In fact if you're eating your workout calories you're probably below the limit?!?
    You're doing great.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hi all and thank each one of you for your encouragement. I am getting so dependent on hearing from you. What a big help you are.:heart:

    I love my parents, but they put me on a scale from age 10 to the day I moved out. yelled, screamed, humiliated me in front of my friends. No I am not going to weigh. But I am going to pray that God can help me with the damaged bagage.

    I wasn't saying that I can't change at age 54. I just meant that my baggage still hurts enough to seen me in the fridge. I am going to use clothes and the mirror as my scale.

    My food was great today. I went for a long walk with family last night. First time in a while cause I've been so busy. Jacob will be in his class for the first time. I want to walk and work on my book. I pray this is God's will cause everytime I plan something, something gets in the way.

    i pray each one of you, and you Fabulosa a good food day. be blessed, kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I think I screwed up your name but what in a name when you are truly fabulous. Ha. I'm glad your on this site. I'm new and I already am very blessed with the loving gentle support. kc
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    I love my parents, but they put me on a scale from age 10 to the day I moved out. yelled, screamed, humiliated me in front of my friends. No I am not going to weigh. But I am going to pray that God can help me with the damaged bagage.
    :flowerforyou: kc, I know where you are coming from:wink: When I was a little girl my parents got divorced,:ohwell: my father remarried (to a 16 year old and he was 22) on the rebound. Because of circumstances beyond my mothers control my father wound up with custody of me. I was 4 when all of this happened. By the time I was eight my mother diappeared out of my life until I was 16. To make a long story short, the first time I saw my mother after 8 years, the first thing she said was how fat I was
    ( I weight about 135 lbs). Things were not going well at home and I really wanted my mother's love so I went to live with her. The first thing she did was register me in Weight Watchers. She prepared all my food, made sure I exercised and walked every day after dinner. On Saturdays I would transfer 2 buses to go to weigh in, and if I didn't lose what she thought I should she would make snide remarks. One Saturday a boy I had just met was waiting to take me on a picnic when I got home from the meeting and I had gained a pound that week. Of course as soon as I walked in the door she wanted to know "how much weight did you lose this week" I was mortified. That was 38 years and many failed diets ago and she still doesn't think I'm losing what I should. She says you must be cheating or you wqould be losing more. I'm 54 and she's almost 73. And it still hurts. :sad: I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs, Rosemary
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Well first week of Sept is over and I did swim two times! :smile:
  • l_mahloy
    Hi Everyone,

    Had a wonderful day we drove up to the North Ga.mountains with my top down and my pup in my lap hubby was driving.:glasses: We ate pretty bad but I am only a few calories over which really surprised me so I will walk on the treadmill to remedy that .:smile::smile:

    Alice I would love your hot sauce recipe if you give it out.

    Rosemary that seafood sounds spectacular.

    Vicki way to go working out and cooling off all at the same time.

    Hi KC I do not weigh every week it also drives me crazy when I don’t lose enough. I am my worst enemy so I only weigh every 3-4 weeks, I do however log my food, water and exercise then weight and measure every 3-4 weeks.:flowerforyou:

    Fabulocity never give up I have had so many trying times this year but I haven’t given up even when I haven’t been on the site. I know that I really want to lose weight and I plan to keep trying until I am the weight or dress size that I want !!!!!:bigsmile:

    SuzyQ gardening is fun and burns tons of calories so don’t worry about working out until you finish your gardening you are using muscles you wouldn’t be exercising anyway that is what I find I am sore in places I didn’t know exsisted.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    good nite hope you all had a great holiday!!

  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Did well today--stayed within my calories. Did not workout today but I will definitely workout tomorrow.
    Thanks for the encouragement, Lynn. I lost about 100 pounds before joining this site and have been very pleased that I am still able to fit into my clothes given the tremendous changes that I have experienced over the course of the year. I have learned that commitment to a healthy lifestyle is more than what is reflected on the scales---and I love the changes in my body, soul and spirit. I wish I could figure out how to have my pre mfp weight loss reflect on my home page. Any suggestions?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    I wish I could figure out how to have my pre mfp weight loss reflect on my home page. Any suggestions?

    I think if you go to "check in" on your home page and then click on "edit previous entries", you can change your starting weight.

    I changed my starting weight after I joined MFP (it was a four pound difference but at the time that was huge for me)

    I am so glad you joined us. :bigsmile: You are so right about the changes in soul and spirit.

    hugs :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    I started composing this at 7:30 and then Jake announced that he needed more steps and exercise calories and was going to take a walk so I put on my shoes and went with him. We walked about two miles through our neighborhood and got back after dark.

    The weather must be getting worse all over, there are a lot more of us finding time to be indoors and post on this thread. I’m sorry about the weather and delighted by all the wonderful comments and sharing.

    My bedtime oatmeal is in the microwave and I’ll be eating it while I write to you. I have store-bought unsweetened applesauce to put on it.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, it has been my experience that anything that breaks will do so just before a holiday weekend…..my worst was the clothes dryer just before Christmas
    no repairmen and no way to hang the laundry outside in the rain. Two years ago the A/C in our motorhome went bad just before Labor Day in Spokane in temps in the 90’s…..good luck to you.

    :flowerforyou: Kc, even with all my getting on the scale, the first big thrill on this weight loss journey was that my underwear started fitting better….the next big one was when the jeans I’d been wearing for years got too big. Your idea about relying on the mirror and your clothes as a gauge sounds right on.

    :flowerforyou: ChanteBien----your poodles are beautiful and your positive never give up attitude is great.

    :flowerforyou: Deborah, I hope you feel better soon. I love the quote about the eggs.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, that taco sounds great.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I’m so glad to hear about the progress in your yard. Our neighbor is redoing his yard and if you are working even half as hard as he is, you’ve burned a zillion calories.

    :flowerforyou: Esther, thanks for sharing the link about your husband’s book. I hope he sold a bunch of them.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, thanks for sharing your story about your weight as a child. It’s amazing how our parents can do stuff like that.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, your drive in the convertible with dog sound heavenly.

    I’m starting to fade. It must be bedtime. :laugh:

    Hugs to all :heart: :heart:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :smile: Good morning to all. its 8:45 am all the children are off to school and i am heading to ride the bike. i am so proud i rode for 30 mins. yesterday. oh its so nice to have a comp back i have been ready all the back post the past 24 hours its so nice to see so many new people.. welcome .. this is a wonderful site to be on.. i can honestly tell you if you felt you were thee only going through what we do you learn here we are not and the support is wonderful.
    kc the past for me is almost the same but here will give you lots of encurenment motivation and support something i didn't have and i know now thats why nothing work for me before.. i have never kept up with all the fabs and diets before.. i believe its how here we have all become friends and we have gotten to know each other. ok i just want to thank everyone again for coming on everyday and for all the sharing that everyone does... love debbie and family
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning Ladies

    Welcome new friends.

    Well I just hate that I sneak on to catch up with the thread and when I'm just about done my blurb POOF its gone! I know what I did because I wanted to go back to find someones name and I now know you can't do that:tongue:

    Anyway I LOST TWO POUNDS over the weekend. That's great news for me because I was away for the long weekend with my hub, MIL, both kids and my sons girlfriend!! So apparently coordinating activities, organizing two hotel rooms and refereeing my two little darlings is sufficient exercise to get my ticker moving in the right direction:laugh:

    Today i pledge to do some form of exercise for at least 20 of the 23 days remaining in September.

    I will report back what I have done rather than list what I will do. Drinking my water has become almost second nature. Thanks for all the good stories, however my heart goes out to those who were given such a poor start to your self esteem. I am grateful that I have a better handle on how to treat my sweet girl. The "F" word in my house is FAT and it is never used to describe another human being. Even the Golden Retreiver is said to be 'big-boned':wink:

    Have a great day

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I just posted this on the Golden Sneakers thread so it's a repeat of that post for those who are on both like me:wink:

    Sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. Hope everyone's Labor Day Weekend was as enjoyable as mine! :wink: Haven't had time to read the posts since Friday but will try to catch up today!
    Sat. Russ and I left early for Block Island (off the southern coast of RI). I did the treadmill before I left and took some supplies :laugh: so I wouldn't fall off the wagon! (Barbie, I was very careful not to bring too much, just measured snacks) I did real well! We walked the beach at Block Island (briskly) for 2.5 hours burning some calories and having the time of our life! The scenery was beautiful! We went out to eat and I balked at the menu, :noway: Everything seemed fried and every salad seem to be chuck full of extra nuts, cheese etc. But there was a special! Seared Salmon on top of greens. I asked for 1 roll and the dressing on the side.
    The next day we went to a cookout which I only had salad, because I ate before I went and yesterday I stayed home to do housework and laundry.
    I think I only went 40 cal over on Sunday because I couldn't exercise. The heel off my foot was sensitive and hurt a little from all the walking Sat.etc. so I didn't want to push it. Sometimes you just have to take a break:wink: Because I did that, I could exercise yesterday and today:happy:
    I BOUGHT SOME HUMMUS AND I LOVE IT! (garlic & chive):tongue: I also got some melba crackers and now need to get some cucumbers so I don't have to use up so many calories each time I have it.
    Today I'm back to work and it's very slow, so I try to catch up on everybody!!!
    Have a great day!!!
    :smooched: BirdieM
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    BirdieM: What is hummus? I've heard it and read it in menus but have no idea what food group it is :blushing:

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    BirdieM: What is hummus? I've heard it and read it in menus but have no idea what food group it is :blushing:

    Hope everyone is having a great day.


    Hummus is from the Middle East/Mediterranean part of the world. It is made primarily of chickpeas,and usually has some olive oil and other spices in it. If you look in the deli at your grocery store, you will see may varieties, including some with garlic, and roasted red pepper. It is wonderful as a dip for vegetables and crackers, and I use it in place of mayo on many sandwich combinations. If you are a Costoc shopper, there is a brand called "Meza" that they sell in a fairly large container. Once you decided you like it, that is the least expensive way to buy it. You can also make your own, but if you are like me, you can find other things to do with your time!!:laugh:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    Welcome new friends.

    Well I just hate that I sneak on to catch up with the thread and when I'm just about done my blurb POOF its gone! I know what I did because I wanted to go back to find someones name and I now know you can't do that:tongue:


    Have a great day



    Two solutions for you. First, you can compose your post in a word processing program window and copy and paste it into a posting window when you are finished. That will prevent disappearing posts.

    Another thing you can do, regardless of whether you do the above is, if you want to check info on the website and don't want to lose what you typed, open ANOTHER window in your browser, bring up MFP and search for whatever on THAT window, and you other one will still be there waiting for you to finish.


  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Well AC man finally came and changed out a part that took him about 5 minutes. He also cleaned it. 20 minutes and 170 dollars later it was working feels much better in here. I dropped girls off at school this morning and then went to the gym. Did my usual workout, came home waited for ac man. Then went to meet hubby for soup and salad lunch. He leaves for texas tomorrow on a job. Will probably be gone for 8-10 days. Planned to mow lawn later but it just rained so it will have to wait for tomorrow. I have heard of hummus but never tried it. Hope all of you are having a good day.
    Vicki M.