
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Speaking of laundry, do any of you also have the magic hamper?? That's the one that can fill itself up with dirty/not-so-dirty clothes every time you turn you back?? I'm trying to get my kids doing their own clothes - if nothing else, I'm hoping it will deter them from putting clean, FOLDED clothes back in the hamper. My daughter is famous for this - usually when she's 'cleaning' her room!

    How old is your laundry culprit? I had my daughters doing their own laundry when they were in high school, except when they were really busy and requested help. I think it was a good system, and taught them a lot. I have to admit that I am now spoiled in the area of laundry - my husband has done 95% of my laundry since the girls left home. So I don't usually mind that I do 99% of the cooking and kitchen cleaning.

    Had a good weigh in for my Monday morning - down 1.6 pounds for the week. Not bad considering I have been unable to exercise due to pain. I have now been diagnosed with sciatica, and if this physical therapy doesn't clear it up soon, I will be in danger of getting depressed. So far, I am trying to take it in stride.

    Well, I need to go get busy doing some more cooking for my music weekend. I have a batch of cookie dough in the refrig that needs baked (I am trying to save some calories for the sample that is inevitable),
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Evening all:flowerforyou: Very stressful day:grumble: I work in a nursing home and the state showed up for semiannual survey:noway: a month early:ohwell: With all the stress from last week and now this, I feel my IBS starting to flare up. And I guess eating Buffalo chicken pizza didn't help. I rode my bike 4 miles, walked 15 min at lunch and am going to do Leslie Sansone 2 mile before I go to bed to counter act the pizza. Tomorrow is a fruit and salad day for sure. Everyone have a blessed and safe night,:smooched: :smooched: :smooched: , Rosemary
    Oh and :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: that water
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Barb, if anyone would be a great mom for a dog in need, it would be you. Keep us posted.'

    I found out today that one of Sasha's litter mates will be living in our neighborhood. I was walking Sasha on the hill and a woman stopped her car and rolled down her window and there was a red poodle that looked like Sasha only bigger. I knew that our friends with the poodles were looking for homes for some of the dogs (they have sixteen) so it was exciting to think that we will get to interact with one that will be living nearby.

    I had a giant calorie, low nutrition lunch (not as bad as Rosemary's pizza :laugh: ) but bad enough that I've been scrambling for exercise calories and just realized that there will be only a small evening snack so I'd better drink a lot of water to keep my mouth entertained. :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Mary, congratulations on your weight loss. Best wishes on a satisfactory resolution to your sciatica. Stay connected with this thread and we'll help you ward off depression. Also there are women on this thread that have managed to lose weight and exercise even with some physical limitations. I'm sure they'll have some great ideas and encouragement.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, you continue to accomplish great things even with the challenge of teenagers. When my stepdaughter was a teenager and came to visit us she seemed to think she was at a hotel and would use several towels every time she took a shower and leave them all on the floor.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Let's all beat those challenges and continue to eat healthy, exercise, and drink that water :drinker: :drinker:

    hugs,:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good evening everyone. For those of you who are wondering about the side effects of diet soda here are a couple of links and there are many more you could find by googling it.
    I gave up diet pepsi several years ago. I get migraines from it and I was noticing that my joints were hurting. When I don't drink it I feel better. Sometimes I fall and get one but not more than once a month and I used to have at least one a day (or more). Just something for consideration. It took me a long time to figure out what was causing my migraines but I'm so glad I did! I do miss the fizzy burn:laugh: - isn't that crazy?

    The magic clothes hamper!! :laugh: I hadn't thought of it that way but yes, and it's only my hubby and me! I also can't figure out why the dryer still eats socks! My kids did their own laundry starting in the 6th grade (with help) and continued through high school and college (hopefully they still do their own now that they're out of the house :wink: ).

    I W/I on Thursday. Hoping for a good loss for the encouragement I need to keep on going. Won't measure for another 3 weeks but my pants are looser! :happy:

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    The magic clothes hamper!! :laugh: I hadn't thought of it that way but yes, and it's only my hubby and me! I also can't figure out why the dryer still eats socks! My kids did their own laundry starting in the 6th grade (with help) and continued through high school and college (hopefully they still do their own now that they're out of the house :wink: ).

    My theory has always been that whenever you put a pair of child's socks in the dryer, one goes to live with Jesus. I can hardly wait to see the pile in heaven!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi All,

    I have a hard time with diet sodas/sodas in general, but can't seem to just quit forever. So, I buy the little 8 oz cans instead when I break down and buy them. I maybe drink 8 small cans a month at most where as years ago I used to drink a large 12-16 oz can every day.

    To me the small cans is a good middle step to stopping all together.

    It was the caffiene that was causing my headaches. Between coffee and soda caffiene contributed to my hypertention.

    I made bad choices today, but ended up with 11 calories left. lol Tomorrow I will try to do better.

    Have a nice evening,


    PS: I think one of my sparks co-workers is switching over to MFP. The nutritionist at work is telling her tomorrow that she thinks MFP will work better for her based on her eating habits.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Evening all:flowerforyou:

    Well, I am one step closer to adding another doggie to my household--unless a neighbor of mine can be persuaded to take the 4th Yorkie that I told you about previously. Today my friend "repossessed" him from the new home he had been in for the last month, as it became clear to her it was not a good match. The people who had him agreed it was best, as he needed more attention than they could offer. Tonight he is a very happy boy, staying w/ his 2 buddies + his sister at my friend's house.

    A neighbor of mine lost her Yorkie a year ago due to old age, so I have her seriously considering taking him. He needs to be spoiled and she is in a position to do it. If that doesn't happen, I am going to introduce Pepper and Mai Li to him and see what happens. They get along well with other dogs, and he is very well socialized, so we shall see.

    I am going to have to get a bigger condo at this rate!!:laugh: :laugh: And I may regret downsizing from my SUV to a smaller hatchback!! Soon there won't be room for me in the car!!:noway: :laugh: I guess that is one way to save on gas--if the driver can't fit in the car, it doesn't go anywhere!!

    I haven't had much time for walking in the last couple of weeks, but did manage to get about 2 1/2 miles in w/ the doggies on Sunday.

    It is time for beddy bye..Mai Li has already voted with her feet and is in the bedroom snoring away. Pepper is looking at me with those sad brown eyes"C'mon mom, get outta the chair and come to bed" so I surrender.:yawn:

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Its good to have validation about the diet coke and my aches and pains. Its another reason to kick the habit. I've also read a bit about diet pop causing sugar cravings.

    My "laundry culprit' was 14 in June. I have her doing towels so far and will graduate her to jeans and stuff now. She thinks that saying "Fine then I'll just wreck it" will get her off the hook:laugh: Silly girl - that will just get her extra "practice time":wink: Remember you're mom telling you that you're not really doing the laundry - the machines are??? Maybe stems from the washboard and the creek days:laugh:
    Barbie - I know what you mean about the towels - What's up with that? I tell both my darlings that the bathroom is not their personal dressing room. Its jammies and wet towels all the way!! Oh it bugs me but what will I do without them.

    I feel like I'm coming down with something so I will be hydrating more and sleeping more (with any luck)

    Have a great day

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Barb, I would truely love to have that Yorkie. I love them and have a little boy who is 6. They are so easy to spoil. He goes everywhere with me except to work and he loves all the brushing and combing that I give him every night.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Great, but .....dry..........day here in the midwest. We really need rain badly, I worry about the fire hazard with all the drying fall vegetation.

    I am still at it, enjoying my water and my workouts although I missed my organized workout last night for a family event. I was well within my calories for the day and did have all my liquids.

    I applaud everyone who is doing so well on their weightloss.:drinker:

    Barb I am sure this little Yorkie would love to have your girls for companions.

    Becky sounds like your Yorky has a great life. They are wonderful little dogs, and have such great personalities. Mine bring humor to any situation, and are always available for a brisk walk or quiet cuddle.

    Time to move those sprinklers. Alice
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Dear Laurel,

    I live in California. My family member had amputation 3 months ago. She did great and went from hospital to a nursing home to finish her healing. Well, we've had in taken to the hospital constantly because first they wrapped the bandage too tight and it cause a huge bruise above and below the knee. anyways, through all this, her leg is needing more amputation.

    No one will say that she got bad care. The doctor on site can never be reached. It's mess. We aren't looking to sue. What I want to know is how does one find out if a home has a good rating and how do we find one that is good? Sorry to bother you about this but I am lost as to what to do.

    Please all of you, pray for Valeria. thank you. kc
  • theresefulford
    theresefulford Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Vicki
    What id you do to burn 1000 calories?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    The magic clothes hamper!! :laugh: I hadn't thought of it that way but yes, and it's only my hubby and me! I also can't figure out why the dryer still eats socks! My kids did their own laundry starting in the 6th grade (with help) and continued through high school and college (hopefully they still do their own now that they're out of the house :wink: ).

    My theory has always been that whenever you put a pair of child's socks in the dryer, one goes to live with Jesus. I can hardly wait to see the pile in heaven!

    I love it!!!:laugh: Got to remember that one!!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi All,

    I have a hard time with diet sodas/sodas in general, but can't seem to just quit forever. So, I buy the little 8 oz cans instead when I break down and buy them. I maybe drink 8 small cans a month at most where as years ago I used to drink a large 12-16 oz can every day.

    To me the small cans is a good middle step to stopping all together.

    It was the caffiene that was causing my headaches. Between coffee and soda caffiene contributed to my hypertention.

    I made bad choices today, but ended up with 11 calories left. lol Tomorrow I will try to do better.

    Have a nice evening,


    PS: I think one of my sparks co-workers is switching over to MFP. The nutritionist at work is telling her tomorrow that she thinks MFP will work better for her based on her eating habits.

    I use to drink at least 6 cans of Diet Coke a day!!! :noway: Then I started buying the large bottles to put in my refrigerator at home so I couldn't bring any to work! :laugh: Then I switched from coke to lemon lime and that's where I am now. It's all a matter of progress! I may start buying less bottles a week etc. Some can go "cold turkey" and that's good! But I'm more likely to cut down a little at a time. Whatever works for you is what you should do and it sounds like you're making progress:wink:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Dear Laurel,

    I live in California. My family member had amputation 3 months ago. She did great and went from hospital to a nursing home to finish her healing. Well, we've had in taken to the hospital constantly because first they wrapped the bandage too tight and it cause a huge bruise above and below the knee. anyways, through all this, her leg is needing more amputation.

    No one will say that she got bad care. The doctor on site can never be reached. It's mess. We aren't looking to sue. What I want to know is how does one find out if a home has a good rating and how do we find one that is good? Sorry to bother you about this but I am lost as to what to do.

    Please all of you, pray for Valeria. thank you. kc

    What if you go to this web site: http://www.canhr.org/NH_Data/ It's CANHR Calif.Advocates for Nursing Home Reform and there's a link to "How to choose a nursing home". There's a web site www.nursinghomeguide.org and says it has, and I quote... "depth information on all 1300+ nursing homes in California, including interactive searches, comparisons and details on violations, staffing and services. Get started by using Nursing Home Guide to learn about nursing homes in your community and find out about their histories of complaints, deficiencies and citations. Additionally, lists of nursing homes by county are available at CANHR’s main website"
    I don't know if this will help but I hope it will! Good luck!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    When I burn that many calores I do several things. I usually begin on ellipitical for about 30 min and then do my weights then follow that up with treadmill for at least 30 min. Depends on how hard I work. Most days I burn about 7-800 calories in an hour but if I really get my heart rate up and keep working I can do the 1000.
    Vicki M
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am watching Biggest Loser it always encourages me so much. We had rain here today in most of the city I was able to get my tennis lesson in which is always good cardio. I plan to do more before bed.:wink:

    Mary way to go on your weight loss this week.:flowerforyou: Have you ever considered a chiropractor? I also suffer at times with sciatica and my chiropractor has helped that. I lift weights play tennis and do boot camp you name an exercise activity and I have probably done it. Don't give up you can do it.:flowerforyou:

    Esther thanks for the links I will research since I am waking up every morning with major finger joint pain.

    KC so sorry about your friend Valeria will definitely keep her in my prayers.

    Have a great evening every one.

    Lynn:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Good evening all:smile: Well I don't know if I am going to reach my 25 miles on my bike this week:grumble: My son went out to the shed (where I keep my bike locked up so no one will steal it) to get a sleeping bag for a camping trip. When he opened the door and moved the sleeping bag....lo and behold .....:devil: a snake jumped, lunged, struck (or whatever you want to call it) out at him.:frown: I don't know where that snake slithered off to, but until I know that thing is not in that shed, my bike is staying right where it is.:noway: This must have been a day of snakes because this morning I was sitting at my desk when I heard our environmental services director squeal. When I asked her what was wrong she said "SNAKE" It was little and all I could think of was "I wonder where the momma is..." she swept it out the door.........................:smokin:
    I kept my feet tucked up all day because there are alot of little cubbies under my desk where a snake could crawl in and hide.:sad:

    :flowerforyou: Hello Kc, If you go into any nursing home you can look for a "Survey" book or binder. If you don't see it you can ask to see it. It will show all complaints and the results of the investigations conducted that year. As with anything you will have different opinions and depending on who you talk to that particular nursing home could be the best thing since white bread or some place they wouldn't take their dog to.
    I have been up since 4am and am fighting sleep. Good night to all:smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: ,Rosemary
    and oh yeah:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:drink that water:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    It has been a good day. I worked out this morning while girls were at pre school. Did great with food. I am a little hungry but that is okay. I am watching Biggest Loser. Wow. Two trips to the hospital and all that weight. I am so glad they are getting help and I just love the biggest loser. It really motivates me.
    However, I had a thought tonight for the first time since watching all of these seasons. I dont have to have the biggest loser and neither do any of you. We are doing this ourselves. We are doing this with each other. We are all biggest losers. Keep up the great work ladies. Maybe when we all reach our goals we will film our own video and show how we did it. Well let me finish watching. Talk to you ladies tomorrow.
    PS I love the fact the Bob and Jillian are training together. I hate the competition that always occurs.
    Vicki M
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    :heart: I love Biggest Loser! :heart:
    I'm recording it for tomorrow evening when I'm home alone & looking for trouble. :wink: (in the kitchen)
    It was a good day today. The weather cooled off enough for hubby & I to go walking tonight. I can hardly wait to get back in that habit, but next week will be 100 again.:sad:
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